1、Charlies Angels 《霹雳娇娃》— Get some action.
2、Showtime 《作秀时刻》— Lights. Camera. Aggravation.
3、Lonely hearts(芳心谋杀案): true love can be murder 儿童版《建国大业》——《寻找成龙》
4、The Lost World 《迷失的世界》— Something has survived.
5、Brokeback mountain(断背山): love is a force of nature Cars(汽车总动员): objects in mirror are closer than they appear
6、Legends of the fall(秋日传奇): after the fall of innocence, the legend begins
7、Keeping the faith(一如既往): if you have to believe in something, you might as well believe in love
8、再接再厉 比(卧卧底)更爆话题!——《同门》
9、Cinderella man(铁拳男人): when the country was on its knees, he brought America to its feet
10、The Mask 《变相怪杰》— From zero to hero. (造句大全 www.Zjv.net)
11、We Were Soldiers 《越战忠魂》— Fathers. Brothers. Husbands × Sons.
12、Flags of our fathers(父辈的旗帜): a single shot can end a war
13、Hannibal 《汉尼巴尔》— Break the silence.
14、Leon(这个杀手不太冷): he moves without sound, kills without emotion, disappears without trace
15、Jarhead(锅盖头): welcome to the suck
16、District 9(第九区): you are not welcome here
17、The Ninth Gate《第九鬼门关》— Leave the unknown alone. 风声过后世间再无传奇——《风声》
18、Being john malcovich(傀儡人生): ever wanted to be someone else?
19、Tomb Raider 2 《古墓丽影》2— The lady returns.
20、Spy 《金牌间谍》— Attitude meets Espionage.
21、The Time Machine 《时光机器》— Where would you go?
22、Spirit 《小马王》— Leader. Hero. Legend.
23、Despredo(杀人三部曲): he came back to settle the score with someone, anyone, everyone
24、Lost in Translation 《迷失东京》— Everyone wants to be found.
25、Knowing(先知): what happens when the numbers run out?
26、Entrapment 《偷天陷阱》— The trap is set.
27、Closer(偷心): if you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking
28、The Four Feathers 《四根羽毛》— Freedom. Country. Honor. Passion.
29、Gladiator 《角斗士》— A hero will rise.
30、Final Fantasy 《最终幻想》— Truth in every dream.
31、Ice Age 《冰河世纪》— Ice Age is coming.
32、Two Weeks Notice 《双周情人》— Over. Done. Finished.
33、World Traveler 《四海为家》— Ever wander!
34、Corpse bride(僵尸新娘): there’s been a great misunderstanding Crash(撞车): live your life at the point of impact
35、Terminator 3 《终结者》3 — Rise of the machines.
36、Jeepers Creepers 《惊心食人族》— Whats eating you?
37、Moulin Rouge 《红磨坊》— Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love.
38、Reign of Fire 《火龙帝国》— Fight fire with fire.
39、Scary Movie 《惊声尖叫》— More merciless. More shameless.
40、Jumper(心灵传输者): anywhere is possible
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