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1、清凉舒爽,全家共享。——六神沐浴露   Cool and comfortable, the whole family to share.   2、让你旺一下。——旺旺广告   Make you flourish.   3、博大精深,西门子。——西门子   Broad and profound, SIEMENS.   4、浓情蜜意,尽在其中。——灵芝蜜   Sweetie, all in one.   5、灵活,让篮球场不再是一个平面。——李宁牌   Flexible, let basketball is no longer a plane.   6、人头马一开,好事自然来。——香港人头马   Remy Martin open, good nature.   7、洁婷再大的动作也不要紧。——洁婷   It doesn't matter how big it is to clean ting.   8、因智慧而不同。——多普达   Different because of wisdom.   9、鹤舞白沙我心飞翔。——白沙烟   My heart is flying crane dance pak.   10、事业我一定争取,对你我从未放弃!——爱立信   I will fight for the cause, I never give up on you!   11、南方周末一纸风行。——南方周末   Southern weekend.   12、明星风采,纯纯关怀。——美加净   The stars, pure care.   13、天天都是春天。——昆明   It's spring every day.   14、颠峰感受后的无尽回味。——香烟   Endless aftertaste after the peak feeling.   15、经典精铸,隽永典藏。——明基   Classic investment casting, Naga Norihide.   16、下雨天,巧克力和音乐更配哦!——德芙巧克力   On rainy days, chocolate and music match more!   17、隔壁千家醉,开坛十里香。——濉溪口子酒   The next 1000 drunk, ten in the altar of incense.   18、中国网通由我天地宽。——中国网通   Netcom from my world wide.   19、学琴的孩子不会变坏。——三叶钢琴   The children will not go bad.   20、有空间,就有可能。——别克汽车   Where there is space, there is possibility.   21、因为网络,地球如村!——第四媒体   Because of the network, the earth is like a village!   22、千万里,我一定要回到我的家。——孔府家酒   For thousands of miles, I must go back to my home.   23、瑞士最佳风味,只给最爱的人。——金帝巧克力   Swiss best flavor, only to the favorite people. Kinde   24、情系中国结,联通四海心。——联通   The China node, Unicom universal heart.   25、朗讯的创造力科技的原动力。——朗讯   Lucent's creativity, the power of technology.   26、补钙新观念,吸收是关键。——龙牧壮骨冲剂   Absorption of calcium is the key to new concept of calcium supplement.   27、孔府家酒,叫人想家。——孔府家酒   Confucian house wine, very homesick.   28、灵感点亮生活!——西门子   Inspiration lights up life!   29、享受快乐科技。——明基   Enjoy happy technology.   30、一品黄山天高云淡。——一品黄山   A sky in Mount Huangshan.   31、润迅通讯:一呼天下应。——润迅通讯   Communication: a call to the world.   32、奥妮洗发水:黑头发,中国货。——奥妮洗发水   Onie shampoo: black hair, Chinese goods.   33、滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。——雀巢咖啡   Shannon drops.   34、要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。——大宝   If you want a good skin, use Dabao sooner or later.   35、臭名远扬,香飘万里。——臭豆腐   One's reputation was a byword., Xiangpiao miles.   36、喝贝克,听自己的。——贝克啤酒   Drink Beck, listen to yourself.   37、别吻我,我怕修。——润化油   Don't kiss me. I'm afraid to fix it.   38、放低偏见,你会有精彩发现!——柯尼卡   Put down your prejudice and you'll have a wonderful discovery!   39、更多选择,更多乐趣。——泰奇八宝粥   More choices, more fun.   40、一种可以世袭的古典浪漫。——房产   A classical romance that can be inherited.   41、让一亿人先聪明起来。——巨人脑黄金   Let one hundred million people be smart first.   42、只要心相通,相隔千里也握手。——联通   As long as the heart is interlinked, there are thousands of miles to shake hands.   43、偷得浮生半闲,享受雀巢好时光。——雀巢食品   Have a good time to enjoy half free, Nestle.   44、有口皆碑!——英国nn食品   Enjoy great popularity among the people!   45、世界上最有人缘的人。——麦奶油食品公司广告   The most popular people in the world.   46、科技让你更轻松。——商务通   Technology makes you more relaxed.   47、一呼四应!——音响公司广告   One calling and four responding!   48、大自然奉送的绝妙佳品。——密思茶叶公司   Nature as wonderful to share.   49、海尔,中国造。——海尔   Haier, made in china.   50、没有摩擦的感觉象在飞。——某润滑油   The feeling of no friction is like flying.   51、拥有健康,当然亮泽。——潘婷洗发水   With health, of course, glossy.   52、传奇品质,百年张裕。——张裕   Legendary quality, a century of changyu.   53、促进健康为全家。——舒肤佳   Promote health for the whole family.   54、生活中离不开这口子。——口子酒   Life is inseparable from this hole.   55、为了每一个吻更完美。——绿叶牌口香糖   For every kiss to be perfect.



