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一、我虽渴,但不是什么水都喝。   Although I am thirsty, I don't drink everything.   二、没走过我的路,请不要对我指指点点。   Haven't walked my way, please don't give me pointers.   三、请不要说我变了,我不是变了,而是懂得了别人怎么对我,我就怎么对别人。   Please don't say that I have changed. I have not changed, but that if I understand what others do to me, I will do to others.   四、我只是个戏子,在别人的故事里流着自己的眼泪。   I'm just an actor, and I shed my tears in other people's stories.   五、时间教会我万事藏于心,不表于情,社会教会我太过善良,只会一辈子抬不起头。   Time has taught me everything to be hidden in my heart, not showing affection, society has taught me to be too kind, and I will only be unable to lift my head for a lifetime.   六、别总因为迁就别人而委屈自己,这个世界上没有几个人值得你弯腰。   Don't always wrong yourself for accommodating others, there are few people in this world worthy of you bending over.   七、人没钱不如鬼,汤没盐不如水,慢慢会发现一颗好心,永远比不上一张好嘴。   People without money are worse than ghosts, and soup without salt is worse than water. Slowly you will find a kind heart, which is never as good as a good mouth.   八、成熟就是自己吞下苦难,眼泪,委屈,转眼还能给别人一个笑脸。   Maturity means swallowing misery, tears, grievances, and giving others a smile in the blink of an eye.



