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1 . Victory is always sweet, especially when you use your own efforts to earn it

2 . I love to be the one you always think of,

3 . your mind? 这时你就可以不客气地说:I don&#;t want it, and that&#;s that 通常他就会知道你是真的烦了。

4 . Youth means limitless possilities 年轻就有无限的可能

5 . The one you share the joys and hardships with,

6 . give me five~给你一点正能量!

7 . In love folly is always sweet

8 . 生命的遭遇与苦难是自我怀疑与否定的开始,也是自我瓦解的开始。当生命无法把原因归咎于外面,它的自我才会开始瓦解。(摘自张方宇格言日记)

9 . Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow今日事今日毕!

10 . [你每晚每晚第一个说晚安的是我五分钟以后你还未下原来你们有个约定就是睡觉之前的木马晚安抱抱]


1 . 我讨厌这样的自己,必须得装成若无其事的样子,为了使我们能一团和气。

2 . It’s not easy to change friendship into love But it&#;s harder to turn love into friendship

3 . Believe that god is fair相信上帝是公平的

4 . There is but one secret to sucess:never give up!成功只有一个秘诀:永不放弃!

5 . 。

6 . If you choose to build a wall around your heart, make it low enough for love to climb over

7 . Keep good men company and you shall be of the number近朱者赤,近墨者黑

8 . 晚安希望大家有个愉快的周末

9 . love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

10 . Other men live to eat, while I eat to live别人为食而生存,然后我为生存而食


1 . 夏末的雨停后,空气里没有传来春末雨的清新感。

3 . No one can stop my feet!没人可以阻挡我前进的路

4 . I wanna date with you,but I just think about it a little bit

5 . 再等不到你温柔的说晚安。

6 . There is no hiding from lover’s eyes

7 . Knowledge is power知识就是力量

8 . Failure is the mother of success 失败乃成功之母

9 . I’ll always love to be the one you love

10 . A heart that loves is always young


1 . Hello, September ! Please be good to me 你好,九月,请对我好一点。

2 . 你知道思念 一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

3 . Learn and live活着,为了学习

4 . Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget

5 . 如果家是心之所属,那么你在哪儿,家就在哪儿。

6 . The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you’ll never have him/her

7 . 有些爱 不能坚持 即使不舍 也只能够潇洒放弃。

8 . 我希望每天的晚安依然在耳边余音绕梁,

9 . Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲

10 . Energy and persistence conquer all things能量加毅力可以征服一切


1 . Happiness is from courage 幸福来自于勇气。

2 . Learning is a gift Even when pain is your teacher

3 . 见不到你人,只能对着你的照片说晚安。

4 . My eyes are the stars over your window,

5 . Just do it 此时应该向前冲

6 . 爱是经久忍耐,亲切友爱;爱是不妒忌;爱是不自夸,不趾高气扬,不举止失当,不自私自利,不轻易动怒,不心存恶念;不以行邪恶为乐,而以求正道为乐,凡事宽容,凡事相信,凡事希望,凡事忍耐。爱永不衰退。

7 . That&#;s that 通常是接在否定句后的,意思是:就这样了,不必再多说了。这样的语气是很强烈的,通常听的人可能会不太高兴。如果心上人不停地劝说你和他一起去看足球比赛,但是你真的很不喜欢, 也许一开始你只是很客气地说 I am not interested 如果对方还是一直说个没完:What do you want me to do to change

8 . Love without end hath no end

9 . A man is not old as long as he is seeking something A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams

10 . I love you, not just words 我爱你,不是说说而已


1 . 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

2 . 物质成精就变成了思想,思想应该算是最细微的物质。但思想还是工具,不具有生命力。

3 . I don&#;t want to go and that&#;s that

4 . 也许上帝让你在遇见那个合适的人之前遇见很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激。

5 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指

6 . 我爱你我爱你却已经过期了,因为我再也不说 晚安

7 . 信念是“永恒的万应灵药”,它赋予突发奇想以生命力量和行动

8 . 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

9 . Some people would never be together but there’s a feeling hiding in their heart forever

10 . One today is worth two tomorrows(一个今天胜似两个明天。)

