1 . only when you put all the unimportant things down, will you go all out to pursue your dream!
2 . 心灵不在它生活的地方,但在它所爱的地方。——英国谚语
3 . (二十三)说什么不在乎别人的看法,自己还不是很在乎,所以感觉难受,不爽,他那样说你。
4 . 我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。
5 . 往日,您在我的心田播下了知识的种子,今天,才有我在科研中结出的硕果――老师,这是您的丰收!
6 . Mrs Smith:I’m very touched and I can’t help bursting into tears at a wedding。
7 . Mr Smith:Really? I haven’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。
8 . 亲爱的老师,阳光普照,园丁心坎春意暖,雨露滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红,祝您寿诞快乐,春辉永绽。
9 . 最美的不是下雨天,是与你一起躲过的屋檐。
10 . we are in the flowering season, full of vigor and vitality is our pronoun, passion is our portrait, chasing dreams, we are ready to wait for the embodiment
1 . 一年中总有几个日子难忘,一生中总有几个人最值得珍惜,在这个最浪漫温情的日子,送去最真挚地问候,愿你想到我的每一天都快乐无比!生日快乐!
2 . You are like a third parentWe all love you and respect you您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。
3 . Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。
4 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat
5 . 把精魂给了我,把柔情给了我,把母亲般的一腔爱给了我,老师,您只知道给予而从不想收取,我怎能不向您表示由衷的敬意?
6 . (二十九)我从来不在乎别人对我的看法,但是我一定会在我在乎的人面前证明自己。
7 . Mrs Smith:He is terribly handsome。
8 . (十三)我从来不在乎别人的看法,唯一在乎的就是你的态度,以前,我说过,去一座城是因为有某个人在那座城里,以前是,现在仍然是
9 . time is really fast, but I will never stop chasing the pace of dreams, even if there is only a little hope, I do not give up, this is my perseverance
10 . 天啊,今天是哪一天,是大白天,二十几年前的某一天,你诞生在山水间,比我早了三百天,我只好叫你一声:姐,生日快乐请我吃饭。
1 . in the way of your dreams and hope, every one of us should enjoy more comfortable and pleasant, comfortable mood and atmosphere to everyone around us, so that we are able to actively, the heart of thanksgiving to enjoy our life
2 . 你永远都会是世界上最漂亮的,那个伴娘叫什么名字?
3 . 特别的爱,给特别的你,愿我的祝福像阳光那样缠绕着你,真诚的祝愿健康和快乐永远伴随你,老师生日快乐!
4 . 现在生日不送礼,写句祝福送给你,如果你嫌礼不够,再把我也往上凑。祝你生日快乐!
5 . 爱如果为利己而爱,这个爱就不是真爱,而是一种欲。——爱德门
6 . dont let any reason stop you from pursuing your dream
7 . everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are
8 . 爱情之中高尚的成分不亚于温柔的成分,使人向上的力量不亚于使人萎靡的力量,有时还能激发别的美德。——伏尔泰
9 . , no matter how vague dream, always lurking in our hearts, so that our state of mind will never be quiet, until these dreams become a reality
10 . 我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。——白朗宁
1 . I know what you want 我知道你想要什么。I want a package deal including airfare and hotel我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 。
2 . (十四)我特别羡慕那些活的特别真实的人不在乎别人的看法自己过的好就好
3 . You are like a third parent We all love you and respect you 您就像我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。
4 . (二十五)不在乎别人的看法,不在乎别人的眼光,珍惜这四年的时光就好,即使我们的想法不同。
6 . dear Miss Yao, as the gratuation is driving near,I feel more grateful for youIn the past three year,you teach me a lotYour encouragement really help me make progress敬爱的姚老师,随着毕业的临近,我觉得更应该感谢您。过去的三年里,您教会了我很多东西。是在您的激励下,换来了我的进步。
7 . 他非常英俊。
8 . (十九)活着,要是不在乎别人感受,不考虑别人看法,尾巴应该可以一直摇着的。
9 . , the ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium complement; ideal is the flower, withered can open again
10 . (十五)不在乎别人的看法也管不着别人的嘴巴
1 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, destined to be lonely
2 . The man who can make hard things easy is the educator能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。
3 . 一个平凡的日子因你而不平凡,一个普通的时刻因你而不普通,今天的世界因你更精彩,今夜的星空因你更灿烂。恭祝生辰快乐!
4 . your future depends on your dreams
5 . You are not only a good teacher but our close friend Thank you for helping us make something of our lives您不仅是一位好老师,也是我们亲密的朋友,谢谢您帮助我们奋发有为。
6 . 爱是生命的火焰,没有它,一切变成黑夜。——罗兰
7 . (二十)突然想想自己快步入中年了,不知道以后还能不能像现在无拘无束不在乎别人对自己的`看法。去想去的地方,做想做的事。希望能一直逗下去
8 . 友谊与爱情一样,只有生活在能够与之自然相处,无需做作和谎言的朋友中间,你才会感到愉快。——莫洛亚
9 . 为着品德而去眷恋一个情人,总是一件很美的事。——柏拉图
10 . 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。
1 . 他们在演奏婚礼进行曲了。
2 . Thanks for taking me the movie 谢谢你带我去看电影。no thanks 不用谢
3 . 爱,可以创造奇迹乔迈被摧毁的爱,一旦重新修建好,就比原来更宏伟,更美,更顽强。——莎士比亚
4 . The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great
5 . We all like having you as our teacher You have our respect and gratefulness我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您感激您。
6 . each gave up the dream of youth, have for the pursuit of dreams and shed the last drop of sweat
7 . 爱情就是一场戏,演好了一辈子,演不好就是一阵子。
8 . 爱情的欢乐虽然是甜美无比,但只有在光荣与美德存在的地方才能生存。——古尔内尔
9 . 几十年的经验使我懂得,多想到别人,少想到自己,便可以少犯错误。——巴金
10 . Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。