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1 . 保护我们生存的环境是我们的责任和义务。

2 . 尊敬他人就是尊敬自己,与人方便就是与己方便。

3 . Fat chance

4 . Theres nothing I can do about it没戏。

5 . It was meant to be

6 . 我们要自觉自愿地维护国家和民族的利益。

7 . , a career pursuit of people, you can dream higher Although the beginning is a dream, but as long as do not give up easily, dreams can come true

8 . 废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,***死大量的鱼。

9 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently

10 . the pursuit of dreams sometimes more powerful than the dream in hand


1 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give virus opportunity

2 . Would you lend me ¥,? (你能借给我日元吗?

3 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

4 . 病从口入,请讲卫生。

5 . 像斯诺这样自觉自愿落落大方地投身于本职工作的新闻记者是不多的。

6 . I cant help it当带有can时,help表示“避开”“抑制”“控制”,所以I cant help it表示“不得不这样做”“无法回避”。

7 . Wit once bought is worth twice taught

8 . 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

9 . 勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。

10 . , if people framed themselves in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern


1 . It beats me

2 . 爱国行为是自觉自愿的具有利他性的具体的社会行为。

3 . Thats the way it goes

4 . 精雕细刻出精品,千锤百炼铁成金。

5 . 我们不应该往地上扔垃圾。

6 . 做人诚为本,做事实为基。

7 . 良好的卫生习惯是身体健康的保障。

8 . Wash hands frequently to get more ventilation, and strive to be a pioneer in epidemic prevention

9 . One today is worth two tomorrows

10 . The game is canceled because of the rain (因为下雨所以比赛取消了。


1 . 我们应该种更多的花和树。

2 . It is everyones responsibility to fight against the epidemic

3 . 它”是我们的责任来保护我们的环境。

4 . 树百年报国志,做世纪栋梁才。

5 . Its history 表示“已经没有了”“是过去的事了”。

6 . 水是生命之源,请节约用水。

7 . 但有些人不关心它。

8 . 耐心是一种美德,意味着许多的等待。

9 . Wait for the spring, the epidemic is over, see the spring flowers bloom!

10 . It&#;s everyone&#;s duty to love and protect the environment


1 . The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less

2 . Early detection, early report, early isolation and early treatment are responsible for themselves and others

3 . 必须采取某种措施来制止污染。

4 . 少壮轻年月,迟暮惜光辉。

5 . 而这一成本当然不能长期由极少数个人自觉自愿地承担。

6 . time is really fast, but I will never stop chasing the pace of dreams, even if there is only a little hope, I do not give up, this is my perseverance

7 . 我需要一些新人坚强而且要自觉自愿。

8 . Pay tribute to the medical staff working in the front line, pay tribute to the staff from all walks of life who have paid for this disaster May the epidemic situation disappear as soon as possible China will be better in Come on, Wuhan

9 . Trees are very helpful and important for us

10 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。


1 . You should stop smoking (你该戒烟了。

2 . Friendship is love without his wings 友谊是没有羽翼的爱。

3 . May the virus be overcome as soon as possible, China refuels! We will win!

4 . As we know , water is very important to man

5 . 我们知道,水是非常重要的人。

6 . 那块金币从主妇的口袋里自觉自愿地跑了出来。

7 . Something must be done to stop the pollution

8 . 爱护公共设施,尽你我应有责任。

9 . We should plant more flowers and trees

10 . we are in the flowering season, full of vigor and vitality is our pronoun, passion is our portrait, chasing dreams, we are ready to wait for the embodiment


1 . Love is the touchstone of virtue爱情是美德的试金石。

2 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat

3 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars

4 . Please reduce to crowded places

5 . Industry is fortune&#;s right hand,and frugality her left

6 . Pay attention to their own health, do a good job in self-protection

7 . It is hoped that the virus will be eliminated as soon as possible and more lives will be saved; it is hoped that there will be no environment for the spiritual virus to exist Its really important to breathe freely!

8 . I hope the epidemic situation will pass quickly Spring is a good start!

9 . chasing dreams and trapped in the depths of the depths of the lost mind, as the mirror clear water reflects the distorted smile

10 . Better than nothing 句子开头的Its被省略。

