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1 . 那些 those

2 . (we的宾格)我们 us

3 . 还可以从结构和功能这两个角度对短语进行分类,因此就有短语的结构类型和功能类别。

4 . 商店 shop

5 . 相互般配的珍珠,串成一条项链,就能卖到比单独售出好得多的价钱。

6 . Often very annoying weeds, goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests

7 . 主语是谓语陈述的对象,指明说的是“什么人”或“什么事物”;

8 . 例:酔っ払っとんだ失態を演しまった。

9 . 聪明的;巧妙的 smart

10 . 不分青红皂白,混为一谈


1 . 相同的 same

2 . (常复)裤子 trousers

3 . 惊叹不已

4 . 从结构上划分短语指的是:根据短语内部两个词的语法结构关系划分短语,可以分为种结构类型。

5 . 确实,他们在探险中遇到了极具威胁性的困难和危险,而他们的装备会让一个现代登山者想一想都会浑身颤栗。不过他们并不是刻意去追求刺激的。

6 . The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter

7 . 尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。

8 . 什么时候 when

9 . 尝试;试一下 try

10 . 给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情。


1 . 种子 seed

2 . 暗中耻笑,背地里嘲笑

3 . 向右转 turn right

4 . 摆饭桌;摆餐具 set the table

5 . 计算机储存和由于电子微处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能。

6 . 客货车 van

7 . 人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。

8 . 疼的 sore

9 . 卫生间 washroom

10 . 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。


1 . 人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组成,住些骨头石油坚韧而相对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起。

2 . 主题公园 theme park

3 . 水 water

4 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

5 . 展示 show

6 . When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines

7 . 围巾 scarf

8 . 写报告 write a report

9 . His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new university of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences

10 . 科学 science

