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1 . cutsboff把电话挂断

2 . Don&#;&#;tmentionit别客气,不算什么

3 . awhileback不久以前

4 . Therearesomebusesnearthehill(变单数

5 . A:IvejustseentheX-raysandyourteethlookjustfine

6 . 一项新的研究发现,全世界患糖尿病的人数自年以来增加了超过一倍,现已达到接近亿人,远远超出之前的预期。发表在《柳叶刀》杂志上的这份研究的作者称,世界各地几乎任何地方的糖尿病患病率都在增加,这将给医疗保健预算带来严重的后果。James Read报道。

7 . coolingmyheelswaitingforher翘首以待

8 . conceiveof想象,设想

9 . beonthewagon喝酒

10 . catchupwith迎头赶上


1 . Beagoodsport!不要婆婆***!

2 . allyouhavetodo你只要

3 . crywolf狼来了;发出假警报

4 . 一到周末,我不是去踢球,就是去打乒乓球。

5 . brainstorm心血来潮

6 . allthesame虽然如此;并无分别

7 . donetime老资格(贬义

8 . This study is the largest ever conducted into the global diabetes epidemic Blood samples were taken from nearly three million people over a period of three years Advanced statistical methods were then used to estimate the global prevalence of the disease The new figure of nearly million is million more than the last estimate in The researchers say diabetes has ceased to be a disease of rich countries and will soon become the largest single burden on healthcare systems around the world The main causes for the increase: an aging population and rising obesity rates

9 . 陈述句乱词组句

10 . 试题:Amother’sBhatsCbikeDshirt


1 . believeitornot信不信由你

2 . comeabout发生

3 . 画的全家人兰兰这张画都喜欢

4 . toonesheartscontent尽情地,痛痛快快

5 . callback再打电话

6 . Downthehatch!干杯!

7 . allturnout如愿以偿

8 . blowup表现失常;吹风

9 . atone&#;&#;swits&#;&#;end志穷计尽

10 . abigbearhug抱得很紧


1 . breakdown故障;毁坏

2 . atlooseends无职业;不安定

3 . crossthebridgewhenonecomestoit既来之则安之

4 . burnone&#;&#;sfingers碰钉子

5 . dropdead去你的

6 . comeandgetit试试拿走它吧

7 . boneupon努力研读

8 . coastisclear没有危险了

9 . atfirstblush乍看

10 . badegg(lot坏蛋

