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1 . 所有随风而逝的都属于昨天的,所有历经风雨留下来的才是面向未来的。

2 . The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you! ~Coco Chanel

3 . Take away love, and our earth is a tomb没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

4 . I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

5 . 年轻人的可敬之处在于勇气和远大前程。(王小波

6 . I have mercy because I have loved I am lenient because I have learned

7 . 经常有人问在朋友和恋人之间叫你选择,你会选择哪一个?其实这个问题是多余的。真正懂你的朋友或恋人,他们会体谅你的行为,如果不体谅你,因此失去也不必太在意。朋友或恋人是要互相帮助的,而不是硬性迁就。

8 . 尘埃落定之后,回忆别来挑拨。

9 . RuoLi green, green SuoYi XieFengXiYu, not return。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。

10 . If god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you


1 . After the dust settles, don&#;t provoke memories

2 . 庆祝你所取得的成就,但在每次成功过后,要把标准再拉高一点。 —米娅·哈姆

3 . Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget。有些痛 说不出来 只能忍着 直到能够慢慢淡忘。

4 . 踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近点吗?

5 . Love is the greatest refreshment in life爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

6 . Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

7 . Love is a fire which burns unseen。爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

8 . There is no remedy for love but to love more。治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

9 . Rochester:I love you I love you!

10 . Miss, not wrong, but too


1 . 在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过。

2 . 时光总有一天会将你我拆散,可是即便如此,在那个时刻之前,也让我们在一起吧!

3 . 听着别人的诉说想起自己的难过

4 . 我不敢折断我的翅膀,却也飞不到任何地方

5 . Rochester:Foolish? I need you What&#;s Blanch to me? I know what I am to her Money to manure her father&#;s land with Marry me, Jane Say you marry me

6 . 不站起来,才不会倒下,更何况,我们要浪迹天涯。跌倒是一次纪念,纪念是一朵温馨的花。

7 . Soon there’ll be flowers and prayers that are sad。很快这里的鲜花和祈祷文将是悲伤的。

8 . Become an individual is also very beautiful, because it is free Stay in the valley is also beautiful, because it is a kind of rest

9 . I care about you deeply。我非常关心你。

10 . 如果生活不够慷慨,我们也不必回报吝啬,何必要细细的盘算,付出和得到的必须一般多。如果能够大方,何必显得猥琐,如果能够潇洒,何必选择寂寞,获得是一种满足,给予是一种快乐。


1 . 没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山。

2 . East or west, home is the best。东奔西跑,还是家里好。

3 . 因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。

4 . A day is very short, happy smile, not happy to smile again

5 . 不要轻易去爱,更不要轻易去恨,让青春多留下潇洒的印痕。你是快乐的,因为你很单纯,你是迷人的,因为你有一颗宽容的心。让友情成为草原上的牧歌,让敌意有如过眼烟云,伸出彼此的手,握紧令人羡慕的韶华与纯真。

6 . Why did you say that to me? To punish me a little longer? Jane, I&#;ve been though! For the first time I have found what I can truly love Don&#;t take if away from me

7 . Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be。接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。

8 . 没有什么会永远,也没有什么会很久,找个借口,谁都可以先走。

9 . 生活之中,适当地改变自己的个性不是为了赶“时髦”,而是为了自我的完善,恰恰在这一点上,有一些人常常本末倒置。

10 . A drink of water in lethe, drank a sip of water on Sichuan, forget everything, and remember everything


1 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

2 . How much can we wait for in life?You don&#;t retrieve me and I can&#;t wait for you

3 . No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won&#;t make you cry没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

4 . 人生没有对错,成功永远属于奋斗者。

5 . 成为个体也很优美,因为它是自由。呆在山谷里也同样优美,因为这是一种休息。

6 . 一个人没有个性,便失去了自己。生活中一味的模仿之所以不可为,原因之一就在于它抹***了个性。

7 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

8 . The only present love demands is love。爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

9 . Elegance is the only beauty that never fades

10 . “潮流’’总是不断地改变,你的“文章”难道也要不断地重写?


1 . In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you。哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。

2 . Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation。从来就是别离时,才知爱有多深。。

3 . Spring born, spring forest Chusheng, ten in the spring, as you

4 . Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

5 . Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes

6 . There is no remedy for love but to love more治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

7 . A true friend is the one who is proud of you when you succeed and doesn’t leave you when you fail

8 . 同一份爱,让我笑,也让我哭。

9 . 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。

10 . There is something inside ,that they can&#;t get to , that they can&#;t touch That&#;s yours

