1 . 唱 sing
2 . 我没有难过,只是心很痛。
3 . 短头发 short hair
4 . 哪一个 which
5 . purity 纯洁性
6 . 东 east
7 . Mind you! 请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。 模范例句:Mind you! Hes a very nice fellow though bad-tempered
8 . 窗户 window
9 . campaign 运动
10 . 玩具 toy
1 . ·MB:主机板MotherBoard
2 . data processing 数据处理
3 . Live a noble and honest life。Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again。
4 . Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur
5 . 夏天 summer
6 . 数字查找树 digital search tree
7 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母T开头)
8 . 纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。
9 . 空白(空格)串 blank string
10 . disorientation 迷失方向感
1 . 西 west
2 . 历代文学作品中的英雄本色虽各有千秋,但其昭世功力却是恒古不变的。
3 . 以行为主的顺序分配 row major order
4 . equality 平等
5 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer
6 . inequality 不平等
7 . 故事书 story-book
8 . Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary
9 . Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone
10 . CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器,又叫中央处理器或微处理器,即电脑的心脏。
1 . 人生就像是一道多项抉择题,困扰你的往往是众多的取舍项,而不是标题自身!
2 . 多重链表 multilinked list
3 . 科学家不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。
4 . 拓扑有序 topological order
5 . signal 信号
6 . vanity 虚荣心
7 . Not until was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid
8 . manufacturer 制造商
9 . idol 偶像
10 . guardian 监护人
1 . exhibition 展览
2 . intrusiveness 干涉
3 . The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil
4 . 客货车 van
5 . 裙子 skirt
6 . 排序 sort
7 . zeal 热情
8 . Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion
9 . 购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动。
10 . adversity 逆境
1 . consumption 消费
2 . It is alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry,but you should not let others see your weakness。
3 . punishment 惩罚
4 . ·ATX:指目前电源供应器的规格,也指主机板标准大小尺寸
5 . Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours
6 . It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, that is the main focus of social psychology
7 . gallery 美术馆
8 . 一些 some
9 . 科学 science
10 . Attachment,ATA-表示传输速率为MB/sec
1 . vexation 烦恼
2 . Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals
3 . 告诉;说 tell
4 . 你有幸与众不同,那么请永远不要改变。
5 . 生命虽短,爱却绵长。
6 . 优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。
7 . ·Case:机箱
8 . digit 数字,数位,位
9 . input 输入
10 . 我们都生于忧患,却无法死于安乐。