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1 . Perhaps someone thinks it&#;s difficult to study well (也许有些人认为这很难学)

2 . 她用艰难却幸福快乐的一生,诠释了生命的意义。她的一生是人类的奇迹,她的自传,使我汗颜,也使我警醒,也让我收获。收获一种信仰,收获了知识的重要,也收获了一种残疾人用知识去战胜生命的勇气。

3 . His arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend

4 . Ihavebeeninthebusinessforthelasttenyears,andworkedasthesuperintendentinthepersonneldepartment

5 . He is none the happier for his wealth A good tale is none the worse for being twice told

6 . systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge As a good learning style and a clear learning targets, had received "outstanding member", "Miyoshi students" and other honors, has teachers and students of the affirmative, the study set a good example

7 . Light does not travel at the same speed through all materials; it goes slower through some than through others

8 . 想一矢中的,首先必须认清自我,一定要弄清以下三个问题。 你现在是干什么的?你将来要干什么?你过去是干什么的?

9 . Willing to assume responsibilities。

10 . 面试中应试者的自我介绍,可以让考官观察到简历等书面材料以外的内容,如你对自己的描述与概括能力,你对自己的综合评价以及你的精神风貌等。自信为人等是其中的重要的潜台词,应试者务必注意。


1 . His strength is superior to (=greater than mine My knowledge is inferior to (=less than his

2 . The more I think of it, the happier I am

3 . 生命需要你用一生的时间,去体会,去渴望自由,去拥有战胜一切的力量和勇气。那些阴暗,那些邪恶,那些腐败,像一根刺,曾经让我心好痛好痛;那些烦恼,那些困惑,那些压抑的苦恼,更是把我的心,扎的彻底麻木,几乎吞噬了我的灵魂。我无怨无悔,我要战胜我的生命。

4 . ()情绪也是一个需要控制的重要方面。情绪,做为个人的重要素养,如果在自我介绍中起伏波动,就会产生负面影响。例如在介绍自己的基本情况时面无表

5 . My room is a little (bit smaller than hers Eighteen is much less than eighty

6 . being active, creative and innonative is a plus。

7 . [注] 极比句中表示范围的词语,除了用差比句附注第三列出的词以外,还有以下几种。

8 . practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school&#;s literature and calligraphy Association , Eiching the after-school life, in all its aspects have been improved accordingly

9 . 用条件句表示范围: "If there is one thing I do not like, it is a crying child…"

10 . with a pleasant mature attitude。


1 . To introduce myself(介绍我自己)

2 . 用这样的方法,以现在为出发点,以将来为目标,以过去为证实,最重要的是加深了你的自我分析和理解。其实,在面试的时候不一定有机会或者有必要照搬你的大作,但这三个问题的内在联系点一定会体现在自我表述的整体感觉中,使你的形象栩栩如生。

3 . 肯学习进取。

4 . It is worth next to nothing How could Napoleon compare with Lenin?

5 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

6 . It’smygreathonortointroducemyselftoyouhere

7 . Organized 组织力高

8 . 用其他词语表达:Three early mornings will make a day Only he in our class can cope with you in knowledge of English

9 . Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training

10 . I never saw a prettier sight No other book has had a greater influence on my life


1 . 一段短短的自我介绍,其实是为了揭开更深入的面谈而设计的。一两分钟的自我介绍,犹如商品广告,在有限的时间内,针对客户的需要,将自己最美好的一面,毫无保留地表现出来,不但要令对方留下深刻的印像,还要即时引发起购买欲。

2 . 在校期间,本人一直勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,通过系统地学习掌握较为扎实的基础知识。由于有良好的学习作风和明确的学习目标,曾获得"优秀团员""三好学生"等荣誉,得到了老师及同学们的肯定,树立了良好的学习榜样。

3 . Is your father senior to mine? My father is junior to yours

4 . 积极主动独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

5 . In the school , my favourite subject is maths (在学校,我最喜欢数学)

6 . My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/

7 . The Long March is great, but the New Long March will be greater, and more arduous

8 . 若您有兴与我畅谈大千宇宙世界,请不要摇头害臊,虽然放马来吧!

9 . In point of strength, he is second to none (second to none独一无二

10 . be highly organized and effecient。


1 . 用that引出的从句表示范围: That is the most important discovery (that ever made by man

2 . 本人男性,就是非女性。XX岁,身高XX米——穿着鞋的,暂时未婚。重点本科——没考上,一般本科——差几分,所以只能混个大专了。不过,表现还是很辉煌的——小学就当过班长,现为白领——就是穿着白衬衣,在一家跨国大公司上班——肯德基里擦桌子的,不过虽然是擦桌子的,但是待遇很优厚——如果不迟到或早退的话就能拿到足足元耶,我有房子——就是每月得缴租金,有车——环保的非机动车,存折和信用卡厚厚一摞——就是里面没啥钱。我现在想找一个身材窈窕貌美倾城温柔可爱知情达理才华横溢能力非凡之富家女子为妻,类似比尔盖茨的小女呀,巴非特的孙女呀之类的可以考虑。

3 . 回答当然是“YES,如你不满意,可补充:”当我有这个评测能力时,或“有这样一个空缺时吧。

4 . 对答要自然

5 . [注] 从反面表达最高比较级的方式很多,甚至可以不用比较级的词语,如:

6 . [注] 注意本句型可省略被比对象, 如: Better be with the dead Better let the furnace cool a bit

7 . 有极强的领导艺术。

8 . 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

9 . Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness

10 . Iamtwentyyearsofage,andamanxioustosettledowntoofficework

