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1 . 在您六十大寿之际,请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康长寿生活愉快!

2 . Universe, Planets, Countries, Islands, Seas, and I had the privilege to meet you

3 . 今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天会很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,却见不到后天的太阳。

4 . friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? i walk out together with it, "to see so many concubine jiangshan, zheyaoshan countless heroes do" 朋友,在全国人民欢庆祖国生日之际,你想到哪里去度过这难得假期呢?跟我一起出去走走吧,“看江山如此多娇,令无数英雄尽折腰。”

5 . i want to hold your hand on valentine’s day happy valentine’s day, sweetie

6 . 如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。

7 . lost, very missed in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,常常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!

8 . Wake up in the morning, you give me the warmest kiss, I give you a breakfast, afternoon you pick me off work, we go home together

9 . In honour of your moving out of the twenties, we are giving you a marvelous birthday party

10 . Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past


1 . may this valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance happy valentine’s day honey!

2 . adv 好

3 . 你是我生命的全部。请说你愿意。情人节快乐,我亲爱的。

4 . 比星星温暖的是灯光,比灯光温暖的是祝福;比海洋宽阔的是天空,比天空宽阔的是祝福。如果短信是星空,那么我的祝福就是漫天繁星。祝你生日快乐!

5 . May each hour be happy one on this special day May the day ahead be more than happy, too, as all your dreams and plans work out just right for you

6 . 特别的日子,特别的祝福,送给生日的你:希望长大一岁的你更成熟,更顺利,更成功,要钞票多成堆,要情情溢四方,要福福满东海,祝你生日快乐!

7 . I am glad that you are my dad

8 . 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。

9 . 不要单纯做个好人,还要做个能派上用场的人。Have a good mind

10 . 祝贺你抵达了生命的又一个里程碑,愿你每天都象过生日一样充满喜悦。祝你生日无比快乐


1 . 情人节的英文是什么:valentine&#;s day;saint valentine&#;s day;

2 . where my growth

3 . n 夜晚;黑夜;黑暗

4 . 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。

5 . The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going

6 . By the morning, everything will be clean, and even the most troubling stains will be gone

7 . girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。

8 . 喜欢在春光明媚的早晨,享受那娇艳欲滴的一抹新绿;喜欢在阳光灿 烂的午后,感受那一片绚烂所淋浴着的温暖。

9 . States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents

10 . 祝你们朝朝暮暮,缠缠绵绵到永久。


1 . 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。

2 . 时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有一切美丽,来年生日更美好,一年更胜一年。生日快乐!

3 . 吉星高照!

4 . be genuine and conceal notingi write every wiod i wand to say on this small cardi wish my honey a happy valentine’s day

5 . 为庆祝你跨越二十岁,我们准备了一个盛大的生日宴会。

6 . 祝你生日快乐!愿生日带给你的欢乐中蕴涵着一切美好!

7 . 愿特别的爱送给特别的你,特别的日子里,给你一句特别的祝福,生日快乐,天天快乐!

8 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

9 . 年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

10 . Affectionate birthday greetings Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life


1 . 小小的生日祝福。略表我的心愿。愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永远学而不厌。

2 . 日子悠然,父爱默然,缘份天然,孝心自然,有时漠然,内心了然,有时淡然,今朝必然,节日灿然,祝福诚然,尽孝欣然,愿父怡然!

3 . mountain, the river changed its appearance This is a beautiful motherland is

4 . 在父亲节来临之际,祝愿敬爱的父亲身体健康,节日快乐,万事如意!

5 . 生意兴隆: wish your business success

6 . 点燃生日的烛光,点燃幸福的希望;品尝生日的蛋糕,品尝快乐的味道;接受生日的祝福,接受祝愿的美好,愿快乐永久将你围绕,幸福的滋味你最知道。祝生日快乐!

7 . 例句:没人能够抗拒情人节的巧克力脆皮草莓!

8 . I hope you know how proud I am of you, father Happy Father&#;s Day! Happiness always!

9 . just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!!

10 . Seems to wake up in the morning after a dazzling and hazy warm light, the eyes of everything in the same place to play back, slow and sad

