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1 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:

2 . It seems that +从句

3 . Tom is not so tall as his brother (Tom is less tall than his brother

4 . (正 We saw many houses smaller than usual on both sides of the river

5 . 用其他词语表达:Three early mornings will make a day Only he in our class can cope with you in knowledge of English

6 . The story will be continued in our next month&#;s issue

7 . E 当宾语是不定式时,很少转用于被动句。不宜说:To go is wanted by me或It is wanted by me to go

8 . Our country is growing ever richer and stronger

9 . I would (just as soon stay at home as go for a walk

10 . Make your country proud 使你的国家因你而自豪。


1 . (正) The face of his father looks older than that of his uncle His father&#;s face looks older than his uncle&#;s

2 . [注] H W Fowler 说过,双重被动式,从文体学观点来看是应该尽量避免,因为从表面看来容易为类似的假象所混淆。如:(错 The house was begun to be built 不是房子开始而是房子的建造开始。下列动词不适宜于本句型:attempt, decide, promise, seek, begin, hope, intend, propose, purpose, threaten等。

3 . I’m glad to see you again 很高兴再次见到你。

4 . [注] 从反面表达最高比较级的方式很多,甚至可以不用比较级的词语,如:

5 . He is so weak that he can&#;t work on

6 . "…be equal to+被比对象"如:A dingle day is equal to twenty years In strength, he is equal to me

7 . Are you good with old people?你与老人们相处得融洽吗?

8 . Dear as are father and mother, the motherland is still dearer

9 . The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

10 . Do one thing at a time →Let one thing be done at a time Give him something to eat →Let something to eat be given (to him /→Let him be given something to eat


1 . Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

2 . 名词/形容词/do (不定式,省to),作宾语补足语。

3 . There is nothing I like so much as playing football Nothing is so easy as this

4 . [主语+谓语+above/ next to+被比对象] [主语+can&#;t compare with+被比对象]

5 . make的`用法:

6 . [注] 注意本句型可省略的成分较多, 常见于谚语俗语中 如: The sooner, the better

7 . [注] 当比较级作表语而又不处于句首时, 可以不用the 相关联。 如:When we encounter more difficulties, we should be more spirited; when we are more at danger, we should be more courageous

8 . I’m looking forward to seeing you 我期望见到你。

9 . Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it

10 . My room is a little (bit smaller than hers Eighteen is much less than eighty


1 . He is more attentive in class now than he was last term

2 . The date is expected to be announced soon

3 . Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world

4 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

5 . [注] 这种形容词组合还可以作定语,置于名词之后。如:It feeds on worms and other fish smaller than itself

6 . They would rather die as free men than live as slaves

7 . In point of strength, he is second to none (second to none独一无二

8 . The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room

9 . [注] most前,如果没有the,则不是表示比较,而表示 "很", "非常", 如: The present world situation is most favorable for the people The meeting proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere

10 . The Rosembergs were denied a fair and open trial Mr Smith was given a prize

