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1 . What does your class timetable look like? 你的课程表是什么样的`? How about fo-rming a study group? 我们组成个学习小组怎么样? Have you finished registering? 你的注册办好了吗?

2 . Then tried to get the Vacations

3 . 成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。

4 . What was the date of the reservation?

5 . Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?

6 . I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise 我应该节食/涨工资。

7 . I work for the government 我在政府机关做事。

8 . 这么多家务要做 So much housework to do

9 . 有些人成功,是因为他们命中注定要成功;但绝大部分人成功,是因为他们下定决心要成功! ——Graeme Clegg(格雷姆克莱格

10 . Would you like breakfast in our hotel?


1 . 我得赶紧走了 I have to rush

2 . 我那天告诉我的妻子,我要把办公室发给我的年终奖金用来和她一起去夏威夷旅行,以庆祝我们结婚二十周年。自从那天起,我太太一直很高兴。说实话,我自己也非常想去。

3 . Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesnt make you love themany less Sometimes you love them more。

4 . I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk 我想睡/散步。

5 . 他可是个乐天派,整天无忧无虑的。

6 . Tom’s birthday is this week 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

7 . 您要不要在饭店吃早餐?

8 . Who made the reservation,please?

9 . How should I structure my essay? 我该怎么组织我的呢?

10 . 他对保险业务一窍不通。


1 . 该起床了 It&#;s time to get up

2 . 我要去睡觉了 I&#;m going to bed

3 . From which country?

4 . 是以谁的名义订的房间?

5 . I heard that you’re getting married Congratulations听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

6 . The man youve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer

7 . When did you make the reservation?

8 . 指的是“找麻烦,或者让人感到厌烦”。人们往往会劝别人不要去找麻烦,比如下面是两个人在办公室里谈论一个很偷懒的同事:

9 . 您是否记得预订员的姓名?

10 . In whose name is the reservation made?


1 . Would you like a room with a front view or a rear view?

2 . He doesnt know beans about insurance business at all

3 . We should study it mo-re carefully than befo-re我们要比以前更加认真地学习。

4 . Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

5 . 您是要窗户临街的房间,还是要背街的房间?

6 . The Chinese lessons are very impo-rtant。语文课对于我们来说相当重要。

7 . How long do you plan to stay?

8 . Let’s have a beer or something 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

9 . He really has no guts

10 . I’m sorry,we have no record of a reservation in your name


1 . 有时,恋人措手不及的分离,却不会令爱磨灭,有时,反而爱得更深。

2 . 请问您的名字怎么拼写?

3 . Do you want a single room or a double room?

4 . We have one weekly meeting on Monday afternoon周一我们有一节班会。

5 . My friends mean a lot to me 我的朋友对我来说非常重要。 Money means nothing to her 她视金钱为粪土。 which tuto-rs did you get this semester? 你这学期的导师有哪几个?

6 . Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?

7 . Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

8 . 做个好梦 Sweet dreams

9 . Good mo-rning(afternoon, evening,class(everyone,students 同学们,早晨好。 We also have some other interesting subjects: Music, Fine Arts, Physical Education,etc我们还有一些其它的有趣的课程:音乐美术体育等等。

10 . Hes a brain


1 . For how many nights?

2 . For how long?

3 . Nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start now and make a newending

4 . My wife has been on cloud nine since I told her the other day I would spend my year-endbonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary Andto tell you the truth, Im really looking forward to it myself

5 . 您希望是美国收费方式还是欧式收费方式?

6 . 请问您预订房间的日期?

7 . 你刚才提到的那个作家只不过是个有名无实的人。

8 . 你是什么时候订的房?

9 . 我还捆着呢 I&#;m still sleepy

10 . I can’t do this 我不能这么做。


1 . The head teacher of our class is MrZhang我们的班主任是张老师。

2 . 对不起,我们这里没有您预订的记录。

3 . Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?

4 . He had racked his brain

5 . I have a lot of problems 我有很多问题。

6 . I hope our dreams come true 我希望我们的梦想成真。

7 . When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

8 . Would you like Full American Plan or Continental Plan?

9 . 请问是谁预订的房间?

10 . How many books can I check out at one time? 我一次能借出多少书?


1 . 您准备住多长时间?

2 . Yes, she is When do you want to get married With Ben?

3 . Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。 This is our first Chinese class of this term 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。

4 . Thank you

5 . People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forgethow you made them feel

6 . Am I allowed to stay out past ? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

7 . Not decided yet We&#;re too busy

8 . Let me explain why I was late 让我解释迟到的理由。

9 . This term we have nine subjects: Chinese,Enghish,Politics,Histo-ry,Geography,Maths,physics,Chemistry a-n-d Biology这学期我们有九门学科:英语政治历史地理数学化学和生物。

10 . 您将要住多久?


2 . 该睡觉了 It&#;s time to go to bed

3 . Shes a natural crier

4 . On cloud nine

5 . Excuse me, do you know where I can register? 对不起,能告诉我应该在哪儿注册吗?

6 . I cant&#;t believe you are married Congratulations and I wish you a happy life

7 . Do you remember the name of the reservation clerk?

8 . I’m looking forward to seeing you 我期望见到你。

9 . 她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。

10 . A flash in the pan

