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1 . He that respects not is not respected 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

2 . Memory will fade, but my heart will go on 记忆总会褪色,而我心依旧。

3 . 珍惜才能拥有,感恩才能天长地久。

4 . Along the way, how much we use good feed people who has no gratitude, but as a fool

5 . l want someone whoes afrid of losing me

6 . If my future has you in it, I am not afraid of the rest如果我的未来有你在,那其他的什么我都不怕了。

7 . A girl does not need a guy to be happy女孩们,即使没有男朋友,一样可以很快乐!

8 . I can feel you near me 我能感觉你就在我身边。

9 . 用感激的心去赢得微笑,用幸福的微笑去面对人生。

10 . Tough times do not last, but tough people do痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。


1 . If we fell in love again I swear love you right

2 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

3 . 会感恩的人,才懂得珍惜;会珍惜的人,才能够快乐。

4 . Be the best version of you 做最好版本的你。

5 . All heroes from a young, I go to the fart (自古英雄出少年我出个去屁

6 . Love will tear us apart 是爱将我们分开

7 . 明师之恩诚为过于天地,重于父母多矣。

8 . Sometimes it takes a really big fall to know where you stand 有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,才能知道你的位置

9 . I do not want to be strong 我不想坚强

10 . 当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害。When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt。


1 . He as smile is the world as most gentle strength (-他的笑是这世界上最温柔的力量。)

2 . 生命从灵魂意义上来说,是由无数个感动构成的。

3 . If we have a grateful heart, will not lack of gratitude Before going to bed for a day today thanks!

4 . I will always love to be the one you love 我总想做你所爱的人

5 . If you obey all the rules you miss all the FUN 如果全部按牌理出牌,就不好玩了。

6 . who love you more than me 谁能比我更爱你

7 . Company is the most long love confession 陪伴是最长情的告白

8 . I love not love you one minute only seconds我爱的不多 一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

9 . Love you So I believe in you 因为爱你 所以我相信你

10 . A man falls in love with a person。一个人爱上一个人


1 . things never change , we change(世界并没有变,改变的是我们)

2 . Draft does not forget to dig Wells, predecessors trees descendants cool

3 . I am on your side, never leave[我在你身旁,未曾离开]

4 . The rain falls because the sky can not bear the weight of it雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的`重量

5 . The place where you once were is now just a big,gaping hole。 你曾在我心上,现在空了一个大洞。

6 . I had a dream , i was a king I woke up , still king

7 . The status quo 安于现状。

8 . A person can succeed at anything for which there is enthusiasm——只要拥有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。

9 . poor but honest 虽贫穷,要诚实

10 . Nevermind,I will find someone like you没关系,我会找到某个像你的他。


1 . If I do not know gratitude, you can exercise the power of the very limited, because let you connect with power, it is gratitude

2 . My weakness is that I care too much 我的弱点就是太在乎了。

3 . Smile It irritates those who wish to destroy you——保持微笑,这会令那些痛恨你的人感到恼怒。

4 . When your heart is getting exhausted to a certain extent,you are too weak to anger心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了

5 . 百年轮回千年等,他世不做陌路人。物事人非性已改,依旧不泯养鱼恩。

6 . That kind of love is only one (那种爱情叫唯一)

7 . I have a love of people 我有一个很爱很爱的人

8 . 踏遍心田的每一角,踩透心灵的每一寸,满是对您的敬意。

9 . Your mother call you go home to drink soup

10 . I love you for long time 我喜欢你很久了。


1 . Do you have a little distressed me? 你有没有一点心疼过我?

2 . In may, June, finalizing, each rush thing (五月,曲终人散,六月,各奔东西。)

3 . I wish you loved me 但愿你爱过我

4 . In life, couples meet because of fate To go through life together is happiness走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。

5 . Feelings can be controlled,but tears never lie情绪可以控制,但眼泪不会撒谎。

6 . Dear I love you for a lifetime 亲爱的我爱你一辈子

7 . Thanksgiving others each give, because he could not do so

8 . We loved each other and were ignorant我们曾经相爱却浑然不知

9 . 好好珍惜你现在所拥有的一切吧。因为你现在拥有的,正是以前梦寐以求的

10 . ℡ Naturally just leave the excuses(顺其自然只是离开的借口)

