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1 . A song of spring is like the sea, thousands of door lights the night as bright as day

2 . If you don’t enter a tiger’s den, you can’t get his cubs 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

3 . 健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家 爱默生。 R W)

4 . Among the blinds the one-eyed man is king 盲人国里,独眼称王。(意同:山中无老虎,猴子称大王)

5 . An evil lesson is soon learned 恶习易染

6 . 书本不常翻,犹如一块砖。(多读)

7 . A rolling stone gathers no moss 滚石不生苔

8 . Yuyu dust-free ares blue, silver flame spring

9 . Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears(Benjamin Franklin, American president)

10 . 吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短。


1 . Nopains,nogains

2 . After a storm comes a calm 雨过天晴(意指:否极泰来)

3 . One swallow does not make a summer 一燕不成夏。

4 . 喊人不蚀本,舌头打个滚。

5 . 喜鹊搭窝高,当年雨水涝。

6 . 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。

7 . All lay loads on a willing horse 好马重负

8 . 人非圣贤,孰能无过?

9 . Courtesy costs nothing 彬彬有礼,惠而不费

10 . A gloved cat catches no mice 戴手套的猫,老鼠抓不到。


1 . Better to wear out than rust out 与其锈坏,不如用坏

2 . Nightingales will not sing in a cage

3 . The best hearts are a I ways the bravest无私者无惧。

4 . Least said, soonest mended

5 . 多行不义必自毙。

6 . 江山易改,本性难移。

7 . Diligence is the mother of good luck 勤力佳运之母

8 . Early bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

9 . Constant dropping wears away a stone 滴水穿石

10 . A little pot is soon hot 壶小易热,量小易怒


1 . The first wealth is health( Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker )

2 . 龙配龙,凤配凤。

3 . 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。

4 . Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise(Benjamin Franklin, American president )

5 . 追赶时刻的人,生活就会宠爱他;放下时刻的人,生活就会冷落他。

6 . It is a poor mouse that has only one hole 狡兔三窟。

7 . A cracked bell can never sound well 破钟敲不响。

8 . 岁寒知松柏,患难见交情。

9 . 不怕慢,就怕站。

10 . 好话一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。


1 . A good wife is a good prize 贤妻赛宝石

2 . Comfort is better than pride 舒适胜于虚荣

3 . Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery 宁可空而有志,不可富而失节

4 . A man is known by his friends 视其友,知其人

5 . The common horse is worst shod 公用之马,掌子最差。

6 . A living dog is better than a dead lion 死狮不如活狗

7 . 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。

8 . Beauty and folly are often companions 美貌和愚蠢常结伴

9 . 好记性不如烂笔头。(多记)

10 . 报纸是世界之镜。


1 . 夜莺困笼不唱歌。

2 . Books and friends should be few but good 买书如交友,必须少而精

3 . Barking dogs seldom bite 吠犬不咬人

4 . Be just before you are generous 先还债,后慷慨

5 . 浪费时刻,等于缩短性命。

6 . Cheats never prosper 靠欺骗,难发财

7 . 勤劳是个宝,生命离不了。

8 . A thing you don&#;t want is dear at any price 不需要的东西最贵

9 . One swallow does not make a spring 孤燕不报春。

10 . A good husband makes a good wife 夫善则妻贤


1 . A tale never loses in the telling 故事越传越长

2 . 好学深思,心知其义。(多思)

3 . 一勤生百巧,一懒生百病。

4 . 三人行,必有我师。(多问)

5 . Pardon is the most glorious revenge宽恕是最伟大的报复。

6 . 勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。

7 . Children and fools tell the truth 孩子和傻子,口中无诈语

8 . 学问学问,边学边问。(多问)

9 . 今朝有事今朝做,莫将忙事待明天。

10 . 上梁不正下梁歪。


1 . A friend is easier lost than found 失友容易,交友难。

2 . The New Year Festival, Na Yuqing, Changchun

3 . Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed 无奢望者有福,因其永不失望。

4 . Dying is as natural as living 有生必有死

5 . 学文化,从字母开始;讲礼貌,从小事做起。

6 . Age is honorable and youth is noble年长者值得尊敬,年轻人高尚。

7 . He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf 甘心做绵羊,必然喂豺狼。

8 . 办酒容易请客难。

9 . 四序开新律,三阳应庆生

10 . When the fox preaches, then take care of your geese 每当狐狸说教,当心鹅群被盗。

