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1 . for the better好转

2 . buy sth for money用多少钱买

3 . first

4 . in accordance with 依照,根据

5 . of one&#;s own accord 自愿地,主动地

6 . give expression to 表达, 表现

7 . apply to与有关;适用

8 . whether or 是还是,不管还是

9 . adapt 改编,改写

10 . fall on ones knees 跪下


1 . knock down 撞倒;击落;拆除

2 . 搏斗,打仗;战斗,斗志

3 . believe in 相信,依赖,信仰

4 . keep out of 躲开,置身之外

5 . look sb in the eye 正视, 打量

6 . be busy with sth于某事 be busy doing sth忙于做某事

7 . the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of peoples living standard

9 . at the back of 在后面

10 . benefit 受益,得到好处


1 . act on奉行,按照行动; act as扮演; act for代理

2 . 有限的,有限制的

3 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for ***,愿望

4 . keep up 继续;坚持,维持

5 . answer for 对负责

6 . to extent 在程度上

7 . that is 就是说,即

8 . on account of 由于,因为

9 . arise from 由引起

10 . finite


1 . such as 诸如,例如

2 . up to 胜任的,适于密谋是义不容辞的,是的职责;取决于的,须由决定的;一直到;一直到,多达

3 . in no case在任何情况下都不

4 . a heated discussion/ debate

5 . by accident 偶然地,意外 Without accident 安全地,

6 . come into existence 开始存在;

7 . arrive on到达; arrive at到达某地;得出,作出; arrive in到达某地;

8 . It is commonly believed/ recognized that

9 . be based on / upon基于

10 . come into fashion开始时新;


1 . 社会发展的必然结果

2 . abide by 履行,遵守

3 . 田野;运动场;领域,范围

4 . 数字;体形;图形;人物;估计,推测

5 . come into sight进入视野;

6 . come into blossom开花;

7 . on behalf of 以名义

8 . all right 好,行;令人满意的,不错的;良好的,安然无恙的

9 . adjust···· 调节;适应;

10 . last but one倒数第二

