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1 . [美]在危险状态中,在穷困[失败]的边缘Attractive people in need are more likely to receive help from strangers

2 . v 订阅;捐款;认购;申请;签署

3 . 在他看来,时间在睡眠中总是过得很快,静悄悄地就溜走了。

4 . 用酒精水平仪把架子弄平。But there is plenty of scope at that level

5 . adj 水平的,同高度的;笔直的;平静的

6 . 关掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。out是什么意思:

7 . 拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 Out of the Blue

8 . 有吸引力的人在穷困时,获得陌生人帮助的机率也比较大。 down是什么意思:

9 . 然而在此水平上还是有足够的余地。The worker levelled their looks at the foreman

10 . n 睡眠,睡觉


1 . 我十分赞同那个观点。They subscribed materials voluntarily

2 . sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛 stress on 对的强调

3 . The ogre jumped up from his sleep, seized his great holly club, and sprang out of doors after Jack

4 . 它从贮钢包的底部连续流出。It&#;s tap continuously from the base of the receiving ladle

5 . 长柄勺,除瓷或白坯瓷外的陶瓷制的 Ladle in a few ultra - left phrases to hoodwink the audience

6 . 这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶着珍珠。girdle是什么意思:

7 . 最可怕的孤寂就是完全没有忠诚的友谊。From hunger, cold, isolation, destitution

8 . prep 在…下,沿着

9 . 这种策略特别适合于小众市场。occasion是什么意思:

10 . adj 什么样的;多么的


1 . 会议室在三楼,抱歉,是四楼。level是什么意思:

2 . sympathy with 对的赞同 taste for 对的爱好,喜爱

3 . int 什么;多么

4 . 他是低年级的老师。To lower in quality or character;debase

5 . 向饥寒孤独遗弃贫困收买。

6 . 这些是叉子还是勺子?BASTE , arroser To spoon melted butter, fat, or liquid over foods

7 . indigence

8 . 认购人理解其认购股份证书中将包含有如下说明。The lending nations subscribe toward its capital stock in proportion to their economic importance

9 . 睡眠治疗法 Finally she drifted into sleep

10 . 有时,她借用阿佛洛狄特的腰带来勾起他的情欲,从而削弱他的意志。


1 . 适合时宜的小赠品抵得上一件隆重的礼物。what是什么意思:

2 . To surround or encircle with or as if with a belt or girdle

3 . 我们每人认购五百股。 scrip subscription

4 . 我的厨房里有好几个勺子。Using spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals

5 . n 水平线,水平面;高度;层;水平;级别

6 . adj(女服领口)汤匙式的

7 . 独家首登之新闻 aluminium grain scoop

8 . 阈限生理或生理反映的下限This minimum limit is often a function of sentencing guidelines

9 . jade pendants on a girdle

10 . 用勺子淋上调味酱,面上是炒好的猪肉末和花生碎,趁热即食。On the do&#;s list, says Clark, if you find yourself being hit with a spoon, remain calm and try to ignore it


1 . 合于时宜的忠告His remark was well/badly timed,ie made at a suitable/an unsuitable moment

2 . remedy for 补救,解决 reply to sb/sth 对的回答

3 . Well, it&#;s a big occasion

4 . floor level; lower limit

5 . 太阳下山了。Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber

6 . be out for the count

7 . She was a subscriber

8 . 邀请***认购新发行的股票The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings

9 . 对外方有没有下限?The threshold of a physiological or psychological response

10 . 他累得睡着了。The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully

