1 . 长发如墨散落在白衣上,只稍微用一条白带把前面的头发束在脑后,全身散发着跟他的剑一样冰冷的气质!如利刀雕刻而成的立体五官散发着冰冷的气息,薄薄的嘴唇好看的抿着,深邃得看不到底的眼睛则正射着刀锋,戒备地盯着。
2 . Ive had a great life because Ive got you ae a real friend
3 . 来而不往非礼也。
4 . Her hands were shaking She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that
5 . Every coin has two sides任何事物都是有二面性的。
6 . Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen
7 . bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因伤感而流泪。
8 . Willing to assume responsibilities
9 . 目光接触到最后一个人时,我忍不住浑身一震。一袭青衣,一张面无表情的俊脸,猛然砸入我眼中。标杆般笔挺的修长身材,小麦色的健康肤色,刀削的眉,高挺的鼻梁,薄薄却紧抿的唇,以及一双漆黑的眼珠时而闪过墨绿,他身上有一种大隐隐于市的凉薄气息。
10 . Better an open enemy than a false friend
1 . Friendship ---- one soul in two bodies
2 . conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection
3 . Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight
4 . Work well with a multicultural work force
5 . 患难见真交。
6 . 你是那位可以听到我心里深处的朋友!
7 . Be elegant and with nice personality
8 . Without a friend the world is a wilderness
9 . 工作很有条理, 办事效率高。
10 . Friends must part
1 . 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。
2 . Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public
3 . 能够和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。
4 . 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。
5 . 身躯凛凛,相貌堂堂。一双眼光射寒星,两弯眉浑如刷漆。胸脯横阔,有万夫难敌之威风。语话轩昂,吐千丈凌云之志气。心雄胆大,似撼天狮子下云端。骨健筋强,如摇地貔貅临座上。如同天上降魔主,真是人间太岁神。
6 . 勤奋,踏实,有责任心,对自己的工作尽职尽责。
7 . 那个修长的身影背对着我,一动不动的站在荷塘边上。他的袍服雪白,一尘不染。连日光都不好意思留下斑驳的树影。他的头发墨黑,衬托出他发髻下珍珠白色脖颈的诗意光泽。他的背脊挺直,好像在这白杨树一样挺秀的身材中,蕴含着巨大坚韧的力量。因为我从来没有见过比他更加优雅入画的男子。一种光亮至美的气息从他的面庞感染到了我。他没有笑,但他的清澈的眼睛却在忠诚的微笑着。他的皮肤像昆仑山里洁白的雪莲花,他的眸子是天山之巅神圣的池水。
8 . 放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。
9 . Mature, dynamic and honest
10 . A bosom friend afar brings distant land near
1 . We are good friend forever
2 . 一拢红衣,玄纹云袖,席地而坐,一男子低垂着眼脸,沉浸在自己营造的世界里,修长而优美的手指若行云流水般舞弄着琴弦,长长的睫毛在那心型脸上,形成了诱惑的弧度,人随音而动,偶尔抬起的头,让人呼吸一紧,好一张翩若惊鸿的脸!只是那双眼中忽闪而逝的某中东西,让人抓不住,却想窥视,不知不觉间人已经被吸引,与音与人,一同沉醉。
3 . Friendship cannot stand always on one side
4 . To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities
5 . tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来
6 . 不要让成功冲昏了头脑,也不要把失败记在心里。
7 . Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her
8 . 饥难周友。
9 . 用「美男子」来形容他一点也不为过。身高近七尺,偏瘦,穿着一袭绣绿纹的紫长袍,外罩一件亮绸面的乳白色对襟袄背子。袍脚上翻,塞进腰间的白玉腰带中,脚上穿着白鹿皮靴,方便骑马。乌黑的头发在头顶梳着整齐的发髻,套在一个精致的白玉发冠之中,从玉冠两边垂下淡绿色丝质冠带,在下额系着一个流花结。
10 . No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying。
1 . When we meet difficults,we can lean on each otherThen we will be okay!
2 . Be highly organized and efficient
3 . The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好学习能力优事业心强和身体棒。
4 . Friends may meet, but mountains never greet
5 . Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。
6 . A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both
7 . 广交友,无深交。
8 . have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水
9 . 无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。
10 . 思想成熟上进心强, 并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。
1 . If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。
2 . 有耐心,对压力和挫折有承受力。
3 . 我们永远都是好朋友
4 . Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart。
5 . This term we have nine subjects: Chinese,Enghish,Politics,Histo-ry,Geography,Maths,physics,Chemistry a-n-d Biology这学期我们有九门学科:英语政治历史地理数学化学和生物。
6 . fluent in oral english , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; speaking authentic mandarin-chinese
7 . A faithful friend is hard to find
8 . Thy friend has a friend and thy friends friend has a friend so be discreet
9 . 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。
10 . The Chinese lessons are very impo-rtant。语文课对于我们来说相当重要。
1 . Able to work under high pressure and time limitation能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。
2 . There was a lump in my throat and I didn’t speak because I knew I would cry
3 . Good people management and communication skills Team player有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。
4 . Familiar paths and old friends are the best
5 . 头上戴着束发嵌宝紫金冠,齐眉勒着二龙抢珠金抹额,穿一件二色金百蝶穿花大红箭袖,束着五彩丝攒花结长穗宫绦,外罩石青起花八团倭锻排穗褂,登着青缎粉底小朝靴。面若中秋之月,色如春晓之花,鬓若刀裁,眉如墨画,面如桃瓣,目若秋波。虽怒时而若笑,即视而有情。那身穿水墨色衣头戴一片毡巾的,生得风流韵致,自然是个才子。
6 . A friend is not so soon gotten as lost
7 . 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
8 . 益友难得。
9 . A FRIEND is a gift if of our heart treasures Thank you forbeing the treasure in my heart
10 . Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。