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1 . 我相当有个性。

2 . 禁止所有IP访问某一个端口

3 . 有个性英语怎么说

4 . #rpm—qa#查看所有安装的软件包

5 . 我的`心爱得不多,一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

6 . TheysayIamafriendly,sensitive,caringanddeterminedperson

7 . 只要我们体会出来,每天都可以发现新知识领域伴随而生,可能是在家里,也可能是在我们事业中。我们正处在人类所努力钻研每个领域中进步起点。

8 . Im just a sunflower, waiting for belong to me only sunshine 我只是一朵向日葵,等待属于我的唯一的阳光。

9 . 网络管理常用命令

10 . I can not give you the whole world ,but I can give you myself我不能给你全世界,但是我的世界全部给你……


1 . Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control。

2 . Ask yourself, what difference am I making in the lives of others?Would you be happy and satisfied with what you have achieved? Areyou following your passion? You must find what you love and whatgives you fulfillment

3 . iptables—IINPUT—pTCP–dport—jDROP

4 . Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain 生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

5 . 程序软件

6 . (“元音+元音”型连读如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。

7 . You are too busy to think about any-thing

8 . 一个今天胜似两个明天。

9 . Be yourself That’s when you’re beautiful 做你自己,那才是你的美丽时刻。

10 . The night you, wish you by my side想你的夜,多希望你能在我身边。


1 . 风起的日子笑看落花,雪舞的时节举杯向月。这样的心情,这样的浪漫,我愿与你共享,直到地老天荒!

2 . #netstat—s#查看网络统计信息

3 . If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave 总在乎其他人怎么看你,那你会一直是他人的奴隶。

4 . A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人

5 . 一连续

6 . To give you a lot of freedom, may I let you have more waiting reason 给了你很多自由,可能我的守候让你更有离开的理由。

7 . 我喜欢有个性的女孩。

8 . If in the heart will feel sad, then please smile to let go 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑

9 . the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones 舌无骨却能折断骨。

10 . Nobody cheers at the time we have to learn to give yourself cheering,clapping in time nobody we have to learn to give yourself applause。


1 . No one even lives lost nor will I lose。 会不会有人, 就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉

2 . I want the future to be better than the past I don’t want itcontaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history isfilled We should all be concerned about the future because that iswhere we will spend the reminder of our lives

3 . (当短语或从句之间按意群进行停顿时,意群与意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音与元音出现,也不可连读。Is~ita~hatoracat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)

4 . 屏蔽整个IP段

5 . #du—sh<目录名>#查看指定目录的大小

6 . (“辅音+元音”型连读

7 . It is the road you take that decides your destiny but not yourdestiny that decides the road you take

8 . 租船订舱相关英语词汇:

9 . If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish somethingbecause you’re not smart enough, then take the time to learn whatyou need to know, and then your self-perception will change

10 . They say they’d like to do this or that, but then they offer allthe excuses in the world for why they can’t do whatever it is Nomatter what the excuses are, the only thing that is usuallylimiting them is their own self-perception


1 . A bad padlock invites a picklock开门揖盗。

2 . 租船订舱相关英语句型:

3 . Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

4 . iptables—DINPUT—s。。。/—jDROP

5 . independent独立的

6 . Think of had to meet, like very dizzy, when the mind change, such as 想起当初相见,似天旋地转,当意念改变,如过往云烟。

7 . 我希望未来会比过去更好。我不希望未来会被那些充斥在历史中错误所污染。我们应关心未来,因为往后余生都要在未来中度过。

8 . #uname—a#查看内核/操作系统/CPU信息

9 . You underestimate yourself

10 . 可笑的是,我们在朋友面前假装心理专家,但却连自己的问题都解决不了。


1 . It is never too late to fall in love爱永远不会嫌晚。

2 . #w#查看活动用户

3 . Iamquiteapersonality

4 . 我不知道这段文字是谁写,我一直很喜欢并用它们来提醒自己,那就是未来操之在我。

5 . A burden of one?s choice is not felt自己选的担子不嫌重。

6 . chartereringandbookingservice租船订舱

7 . 往昔已一去不复返而且是静止。任凭我们怎么努力都不能改变过去。英语短文未来就在我们眼前而且是动态。我们所作所为都会影响未来。

8 . $echo>filename

9 . Never give up,Never lose the opportunity to succeed。

10 . 害怕失败。


1 . Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

2 . 你心中那支蜡烛是否因环境或者缺少激情,没有方向感而黯淡无光?它是否藏匿于压力担忧和怨恨抽屉里?做出选择吧,以自己注定方式去发光。

3 . Are not our souls like those candles, patiently waiting forsomeone to come and let us be ourselves? We are all waiting for ourown moments to shine; we each have a special light, unmatched byany other

4 . Not give each other a happy man, is life does not need good-bye 给不了彼此幸福的人,是终身不需要再见的人。

5 . 我们每个人都是农夫。我们若种下好种子,就会有丰收。倘若种子长得不良且长满杂草,我们就会徒劳无获。如果我们什么也不种,就根本不会有什么收获。

6 . Time is not cruelty Just for it we are too fragile时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。

7 . Like the wind dunk as pain memories were blown,but love is in imperceptible in the cold。

8 . 如果前一个词是以-r或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。

9 . If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish somethingbecause you never finish anything you start, then go and finishsomething and change your self- perception

10 . 用户相关常用命令

