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1 . 那位选手几乎没有得到什么机会展示自己的天赋。

2 . A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all theyear through Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year

3 . 早,儿子今天点多就醒了,起床给他做了坚果豆浆和香蕉饼,然后新的一天就开始了。

4 . I wish you a happy birthday I wish you a happy birthday

5 . 亲爱的,早上好!自从有了你,我好像在漫漫的黑暗中见到了光明,在无涯的沙漠中得到了清泉,在山石中发现了一枝鲜花。

6 . Provide the room of exhibition to artists

7 . The heart that once truly loves never forgets

8 . 她正倚靠在一个展示巴黎照片的陈列柜上。

9 . 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

10 . skyscraper 摩天大楼


1 . 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

2 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

3 . When I met you I knew I would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love

4 . 一年中总有几个日子难忘,一生中总有几个人最值得珍惜,在这个最浪漫温情的日子,送去最真挚地问候,愿你想到我的每一天都快乐无比!生日快乐!

5 . 太阳冉冉升起,清风柔柔吹起。花儿伸伸懒腰,喜鹊唧唧鸣唱。当你睁开眼睛时,世界的美好送给你。清扬的闹铃响起时,美好的祝福献给你。

6 . , sincere blessing you, wish you happy forever, happy birthday, wish you happy no problem, every year this day bless you, hope you are healthy and beautiful, lucky will always follow you, happy birthday!

7 . 我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!

8 . 展示区 Exhibition Area

9 . 初恋是永生难忘的。

10 . , let a sparks of light for you to wait and meet another journey of life, let my wishes and regards to bake delicious temptation you bright smile forever, friend, I wish you a happy birthday, health and peace


1 . No words are necessary between two loving hearts

2 . May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do

3 . look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

4 . Love without end hath no end

5 . 圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。

6 . church 教堂

7 . She was leaning against a display case of prints of Paris

8 . A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of lifeMay you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。

9 . Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

10 . 新的一天开始了,虽然秋雨绵绵,也阻挡不了大家前进的路,愿大家在新的一天,平安,快来,并前行着。


1 . 一年四季,这里展示的是不同的美和别样的迷人与魅力。

2 . cover up 掩盖;包庇

3 . There will be an Egyptian mummy show in that country

4 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

5 . Don&#;t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend

6 . 在我心灵的百花园里,采集金色的鲜花,我把最鲜艳的一朵给你,作为我对你的问候。

7 . Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success

8 . go up 上升;涨价;修建;增长

9 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

10 . 什么时候改变都不晚,晚的是你一直不敢开始,犹豫不决最终一事无成。新的一天,一起加油吧。


1 . Love is not a matter of counting the days It&#;s making the days count

2 . We won&#;t forget you this holiday season

3 . Life is the flower for which love is the honey

4 . Love warms more than a thousand fires

5 . Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things传统佳节之际,献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!

6 . Christmas comes but once a year But when it comes it brings good cheer

7 . 不一定要等到有时间,才能够去付出服务。

8 . This discovery opens up new vistas of research for biologists

9 . house 房子

10 . We have a lasting love A love that really counts


1 . Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

2 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight

3 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day

4 . In love folly is always sweet

5 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

6 . 岁月里,冷暖流转;方寸间,变化万千;人生路,曲折蜿蜒;朋友情,一世相伴。放得下的是忙碌,放不下的是思念,愿你,快乐平安,幸福连绵。

7 . 这是第三天了,每天没了节约一点点时间,都是同样的模式,小跑做车,下车又小跑换车,最后小跑到工作地方!就这样了新的一天又开始。

8 . I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

9 . 不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间。

10 . 甘露为你擦亮晶莹的明眸,阳光为你烘烤温暖的味道,问候为你带来快乐的奇妙,清新的早晨,希望我的一条短信,给你一天简单而充实的幸福,早上好。


1 . Usually, the presentation is made on the other side of the pond

2 . Love me little and love me long

3 . Let the rain of spring, the showers of summer, the freshness of autumn, and the passion of winter surround you I wish you a happy birthday and warmest wishes for your birthday

4 . You don&#;t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

5 . Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year万事如意,合家平安。

6 . Where there is love, there are always wishes

7 . 星星没有你的眼眸亮,引领希望的晨曦,装饰美丽的梦境;高山没有你的身影高耸,撑起平安的蓝天,生长四季的葱茏。亲爱的,爱你是我最大的荣幸。

8 . excavation 挖土,掘土

9 . 和你共渡余生,比任何一件事都重要!

10 . 在展示板上展示你们的作品。


1 . 早晨,晶莹的露珠送来丝丝甘甜;早晨,明媚的朝阳送来阵阵温暖;早晨,清爽的微风送来缕缕笑颜;早晨,朋友的短信送来温馨祝愿。朋友。

2 . The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman&#;s heart

3 . Don&#;t wait to have a lot, to share a bit

4 . 新的一天又要开始了,可是天不太好,军训怎么办……

5 . 晨露,凝聚深深的情意;清风,舞动快乐的心曲;花儿,绽放久违的笑意;河流,是你幸福的汇聚;阳光,将心灵的阴影掠去。祝你永远快乐如意。

6 . Chritsmas time is for thinking of others

7 . I want to wish you longevity and health!祝财运亨通!

8 . 不要等到失败后,才记得别人的忠告。

9 . Passionate love is a quenchless thirst

10 . 祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

