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1 . 你说到点子上了。

2 . 糟糕,我把钥匙锁在房子里了。Damn, I have locked the key in the house。

3 . ill try it 我试试看。

4 . thank you very much 多谢。

5 . he is on his way 他现在已经在路上了。

6 . 身为一个上班汪,起早贪黑,加班都不带眨眼。那你能不眨眼的用英语说出你每天的工作中发生的一些事情吗?

7 . 快点儿,要不我们就迟到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late。

8 . Jane:What?

9 . Tom always gets cold feet

10 . 我厌倦了。


1 . J: sounds perfect I think with all that you have in mind, you&#;ll become a successful businessman By then,perhaps, I&#;ll join in as a partner of your company

2 . buy it 买下来。

3 . If I have leftover food (food that I prepared previously and saved, then I heat it up using the microwave, stove, or oven To heat up food means to raise the temperature, to make it hot

4 . Have a go of it

5 . He got under the boss?s skin

6 . 没什么了不起!

7 . Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗?

8 . do you want something? 你想要些什么?

9 . I?m glad I kept my fingers crossed

10 . its impossible 那是不可能的。


1 . 我很高兴一直都这么幸运。

2 . Let us all now drink a toast to the future success of the company现在我们大家一起来干杯,祝公司未来鸿图大展。

3 . What&#;s the fuss?

4 . It is a great honor for me to speak to you all here tonight at this New Year party今晚在这新年聚会上我很荣幸能对大家讲讲话。

5 . 别逼我。

6 . its not difficult 不难。

7 . 他惹恼了老板。

8 . 我要是早半小时起床就好了。If only I had got up thirty minutes earlier。

9 . 记得带上你的包。Remember to take your bag。

10 . R: why not try it on?


1 . J: it can save you lots of time and effort to simply copy a successful business model

2 . dont tell me that 不要告诉我。

3 . One should love animals They are so tasty

5 . O: before he made the top three, I was so nervous I just fear that he might be knocked out

6 . K: that&#;s true, but you already have two balck coats and one black sweater

7 . 我们还是找一个折衷的办法。

8 . think about it 考虑一下。

9 . Don&#;t think ill of me

10 . It is my great pleasure to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!很荣幸能够在此祝福你们大家有个非常愉快的圣诞节!

