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1 . 成功来自于克服困难的斗争。

2 . I have to stay at home on school nights 在上学的日子里,我晚上必须呆在家。

3 . 成功的秘密在于始终如一地忠于目标。

4 . I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one 我真的`想要一只狗,但我的父母不允许我养。

5 . 不以规矩,无以成方园。

6 . That’s a great idea!好主意!

7 . The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today

8 . I love singers who write their own music我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。

9 . Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

10 . 士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为已任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?摘孔子《论语》


1 . You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there 你如果去那里,需要带些暖和的衣服。

2 . Yes, I/we do No, I /we don&#;t

3 . No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood钟塔附近不再有神秘的事了。

4 . What color is …? It&#;s red/white

5 . Most people speak English as a second language 英语对于大多数人来说是第二语言。

6 . Sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork有时这些爱好会妨碍学习。

7 . Is he /she your brother/sister?

8 . Behind every successful man there&#;s a lot u unsuccessful years (Bob Brown

9 . He who would do great things should not attempt them all along 一个好汉三个帮。

10 . You&#;re uinique, nothing can replace you


1 . I like hamburgers 我喜欢吃汉堡包。

2 . Whatdoyoudointheafternoon?你下午做什么?

3 . It never will rain rosesWhen we want to have more roses we must plant trees

4 . 发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至。

5 . to blow a fuse 保险丝烧断了。

6 . 有生命必有希望。

7 . 知足是人生在世最大的幸事。

8 . Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little记流行歌曲的词也起作用。

9 . 如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

10 . She puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care centre at her local elementary school 她在当地的一所小学的课后辅导中心工作,使这个爱好得到较好的利用


1 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live(Thomas Carlyle

2 . You must always hide medicine from children你必须把药藏到小孩子们看不到的地方。

3 . 汗水是成功的润滑剂。

4 . I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 我以前害怕黑暗 我开着卧室的灯睡觉

5 . 与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。

6 . 每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。

7 . A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate(Thomas Addison

8 . 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱 P B

9 . We prefer music that has great lyrics我们更喜欢歌词很棒的曲子。

10 . Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?你能给我一些有关度假地的 建议吗?


1 . It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot 那会使你紧张的 玉梅似乎变化很大

2 . 岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。

3 . 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。

4 . He also put up some sign asking for old bikes 他还贴了一些需求旧自行车的广告。

5 . 光阴似箭,日月如梭。——《增广贤文》

6 . If you have great talents, industry will improve them;if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency

7 . 你举世无双,无人可以替代。

8 . We can’t put off making a plan Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now 我们不能推迟制 订计划,清洁日离现在只有两周了。

9 . 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。(罗斯金

10 . 诚无悔,恕无怨,和无仇,忍无辱。


1 . Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance(Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic

2 . I’ve heard so much about you。久仰大名。

3 .  

4 . 肤浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。

5 . Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have

6 . It’snice真好

7 . 满招损,谦受益。——《尚书·大禹谟》

8 . 臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休。——文天祥

9 . 居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。——《左传》

10 . I want to join the art club我想参加艺术俱乐部


1 . May I have your name, please?请问尊姓大名?

2 . Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?

3 . 知者乐水,仁者乐山。知者动,仁者静,知者乐,仁者寿。摘孔子《论语》

4 . How do you spell map? M-A-P

5 . There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power (Balzac

6 . Whatdoyoudointheevening?你晚上做什么?

7 . 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。——《孟子·公孙丑》

8 . We have a lot of rules at my house So do we 我们家有很多家规。我们家也有。

9 . 天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。(俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫

10 . Tell me and I’ll forget Show me, and I may not remember Let me try, and I’ll understand 有亲身体验才能明白其中的道理。


1 . You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group 你喜欢和一个或两个人交谈,而不是一群人。

2 . Goodboy好男孩。

3 . Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be

4 . I’m allowed to go shopping with my friends 允许我和朋友一起去购物。

5 . 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。

6 . 言之无文,行而不远。——《左传》

7 . She had trouble making complete sentences 她很难造出完整的句子。

8 . 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

9 . May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗?

10 . We’d like to be away for three weeks 我们大约要去三个星期

