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1 . My view is that … 我的观点是…

2 . We may quote a common example of…Just think of…

3 . remember to do 记得要去做某事

4 . They were amazed at the amazing facts 他们对那些令人惊异的事实感到惊奇。

5 . 我爱我家,爱我的爸爸妈妈,我要努力,给他们希望和幸福。

6 . please (使高兴,使满意)

7 . Peoples views on vary from person to person Some hold that However, others believe that

8 . agree with同意

9 . ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

10 . It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of … 该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予特殊重视的时候了。


1 . love to do sth 爱做某事

2 . 图画类写作模板

3 . 无可否认,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。

4 . on the whole 总体来说;整个看来

5 . 只要一提起艺术和文化项目,一些政府领导就会兴奋不已,他们滔滔不绝地说着美丽的公园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。他们认为在经济发展中,没有什么比这些艺术项目更重要了。

6 . An investigation shows that many emigrants think that working at city provide them with not only a higher salary but also the opportunity of learning new skills

7 . (表示不同意,可用:Yes, I do mind/Please don’t / Better

8 . I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in Beijing Youth Thursday

9 . absent from不在,缺席

10 . mind doing sth 介意做某事


1 . Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous

2 . make a list of five ways to do sth 列出干某事的五种方式的清单

3 . enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 feel sb doing sth 感觉某人正在做某事

4 . Obviously, … If we want to do something … , it is essential that … 显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是…

5 . decide to do sth 决定做某事

6 . 如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。

7 . 毫无疑问,我们的教育制度令人不满意。

8 . 虽然我们的国家很富有,但是我们的生活质量却令人很不满意。

9 . 例句:It is necessary to shake hands when you first meet someone

10 . 然而,很少有证据表明大公司愿意把巨额的资金投到一个连水电这些基础设施都不完善的地方去。


1 . 形容词/副词+enough to do sth 足以做某事

2 . I will conclude by saying… 最后我要说…

3 . The first thing we notice is that 图表最大特点

4 . 强调 still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially, obviously, clearly

5 . whats far more important is that… 更重要的是…

6 . I just don’t get excited over the idea of … 我对…主张并不感到激动。

7 . Some people think that … 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

8 . thrill(使激动/ 紧张)

9 . find + it + 形容词 +to do sth 发现做某事……

10 . Attitudes towards (drugs vary from person to person人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异

