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1 . The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him

2 . ThisisarareopportunityDon’tblowit

3 . 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

4 . 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。

5 . 只有天空没人抢得走,只要我能拾起天,它都一直陪着我!

6 . 四A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step

7 . Addfueltothefire

8 . 进步是今天的活动,明天的保证。

9 . 结语:以上是由小编为大家整理的英语好文章摘抄大全,希望可以帮助到大家!

10 . 能有谁能像他一样,嘘寒问暖,一日三餐的关心俄。


1 . Like you, don&#;t need a reason; don&#;t like you, what can become a reason

2 . I’msohappyforyouImeanit

3 . Pleasure and pain are the wealth of life, to escape its negative, as some of the face of courage, in fact, be able to recall a blessing - 快乐和痛苦都是人生的财富,与其消极的逃避,不如勇敢一些面对,其实能够回忆也是一种幸福。

4 . Blame is just a cowardly performance; efforts, is the attitude of life

5 . Because life is a kind of freehand brushwork, optional on the good

6 . As you walk in the sky, see the flowers everywhere

7 . 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

9 . ——J Barrymore(巴里穆尔)

10 . Health is certainly more valuable than money,


1 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite?

2 . .we integrate, you communicate

3 . .come to where the flavor is marlboro country

4 . There is no progress in life, only people who are not aggressive!

5 . Ideal is the beacon Without ideal,

6 . No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after the start

7 . .no business too small, no problem too big

8 . 有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。

9 . .poetry in motion, dancing close to me

10 . We all live in the past We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone


1 . B:ThinknothingofitForgiveandforget

2 . experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry

3 . 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

4 . If youre brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO 只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。

5 . Manypeopledon’tkeepintouchwiththeirclassmatesaftergraduation

6 . Be alike flower Spread beauty and happiness wherever you stay; irrespective of your surroundings 像花儿一样,无论身在何处,不管周遭环境如何,都依然潇洒的绽放自己的美丽,活出自己的精彩。

7 . As long as the backbone does not bend, there is no carry up the mountain!

8 . Morgan‘sAchilles’heelisthatheisnotbrave

9 . 逆境造就天才。

10 . The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。


1 . Can someone like him, being, three meals a day care for russia

2 . When we move others stumbling block to the next frame, perhaps it is paving the way for their

3 . YouaresogorgeousonthestageImeanit

4 . You can have a high fever and keep working, but you solve the problem and you make trouble!

5 . In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different。——Coco Chanel 要做到不可替代,就要与众不同。——香奈儿

6 . Achilles’heel

7 . Use your smile to change the world Dont let the world change your smile用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。

8 . Change is the law of life And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future

9 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”

10 . ——Thomas Edison(美国发明家爱迪生)


1 . Life is too short to not experience the madness of love 生命太短,不能不疯狂地去爱一把。

2 . 孤单,是你心里面没有人。寂寞,是你心里有人却不在身边。

3 . Volunteershavetoworkaroundtheclockinordertosavelives

4 . 表露思想和展露身体之间存在极大的不同。

5 . ——Franklin Roosevelt(美国总统罗斯福)

6 . Ifyoudon’thaveenoughmoneyonyou,wecangoDutch

7 . 疑问句型

8 . 生活是不断经历学习和享受的旅程。

9 . Standsomeoneup(爽约,放某人鸽子

10 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire

