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1 . --太好了,你现在在哪里?

2 . ---____________

3 . I know the boy whose father is a professor

4 . Don’ttakemoneyforgrantedYouhavetooweityourself

5 . 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。

6 . What can we learn from what the speaker said?

7 . _______ of them has his own opinion

8 . ()在“There be” 句型中,谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。

9 . Either you or I am right

10 . 一致一般遵循三条原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则和就近一致原则。


1 . C My head hurts and I feel really hot

2 . 作宾语:

3 . The boy can answer all these questions那个男孩能够回答所有的这些问题。(指示代词前)

4 . Whattimedoyouexpecthimback?

5 . It’sbetterthannothing

6 . 【名师讲解】

7 . How can I get to…? I don’t know the way

8 . Ten dollars is too dear

9 . Manypeopledon’tkeepintouchwiththeirclassmatesaftergraduation

10 . Best wishes to you


1 . --请把电话接过来。你好,我是史密斯先生。

2 . A Yes, I will B Yes, please? C Thank you It’s lovely

3 . I’msosleepyIstayeduplatelastnight

4 . Let’s…

5 . What time is it?

6 . CanIhaveabiteofyourapple?

7 . SorrySomethingiswrongwiththephoneIt’snotclearPleaserepeatthat

8 . 听懂我的话了吗?

9 . 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

10 . What /How about…?


1 . I work for the government 我在政府机关做事。

2 . It’sadeal(成交,就这么定了

3 . ---_______

4 . That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid

5 . An advantage of… is that + 句子 (……的优点是……

6 . 例如:It pays to help others

7 . 他们将到加拿大渡过整个假期。(所有格后)

8 . 祝愿,祝贺和应答 Good wishes, congratulations, responses

9 . 直到那时,重建工作才开始。

10 . From this passage we know that ________

