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1 . 他叫什么名字?---他名叫汤姆。

2 . C Of course D It’s a pleasure

3 . He can always be reached on the phone可随时打电话跟他联系。

4 . 。sureofoneself

5 . A lot of people are dancing outside

6 . Of all the boys here, he sings best在这里所有的男孩之中,他唱的最好。(定冠词前)

7 . 例:一阵阵狂风被大槐树挡住了。

8 . ( 先行词既包括人又包括物时。例如:

9 . 一 选择填空

10 . That was the room in which we had lived for ten years = That was the room


1 . Mr Black and Mrs Black have a son called Tom

2 . ---Hello May I speak to Tom Smith?

3 . ---Oh, what a nice picture! You draw very well?

4 . English,thecourserealAmericanlife。

5 . 老山羊凭借着智慧战胜了狮子和豺狗。

6 . fill/ full

7 . Jim finished all his homework in twenty minutes

8 . The delegation will arrive in China at : pm代表团将于下午:到达北京。

9 . 意义一致的原则

10 . Many thanks


1 . B The same to you

2 . Please wait for your turn

3 . A Neither; nor B Not only; but also C Both; and D A and B

4 . Not only his parents but also his brother ________ to the Summer Palace They haven’t been back

5 . A Boring B Colourful C Amazing?

6 . A I think so B Thanks a lot C I hope so

7 . ---I haven’t seen Jack for three days Is he ill?

8 . 答语要符合西方人的文化风俗和习惯。


10 . n秋天


1 . The family _____(be spending the weekend together

2 . 遗憾和同情 Regrets and sympathy

3 . Look! There _______ playing with the tourists on Yinhe Square

4 . C Thank you for telling me

5 . Unit这是你的铅笔吗?----是的`。

6 . aswellastoomuch

7 . 气没有could委婉

8 . M: Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital?

9 . Can I ask for leave tomorrow afternoon?

10 . C I don’t think so D I’m glad you enjoyed it


1 . 听力材料:

2 . My new pair of socks is on the bed

3 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

4 . Please don’t forget to bring your homework tomorrow

5 . Mr Lee (whom you want to see has come

6 . (年益阳市中考试题

7 . 。Doyouskatemuch?=Doyouoftenskate?你常滑雪吗?

8 . bGoodbye! (Bye-bye! Bye!

9 . C Because of watching TV too long?

10 . His teacher and friend is a beautiful girl


1 . 祝愿,祝贺和应答 Good wishes, congratulations, responses

2 . 大山黑苍苍没边没沿,刀削斧砍般的崖头顶天立地。

3 . 生活就像骑单车,为了保持平衡你必须一直往前。有时候,我们愿意原谅一个人,并不是我们真的愿意原谅他,而是我们不想失去他。不想失去他,惟有假装原谅他。

4 . E It doesn’t hurt very much

5 . ( all强调由一个个部分组成的“全部”。

6 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是引导定语从句的关系代词的选择。因为先行词是人,而关系代词又在定语从句中作主语,所以只有who合适。

7 . ---____________

8 . 【满分演练】

9 . We often get to school on foot我们经常步行到学校。

10 . (I A C A B


1 . 。sticktogether

2 . 购物 Shopping

3 . Would you like to…?

4 . ---I haven’t decided ______ this Sunday ______ next Sunday is OK

5 . 他们有一台电脑。Theyhaveacomputer

6 . A that B which C why D when

7 . 。请热烈欢迎BeckyWang,她过去常常参加类似的活动。

8 . Wish you good luck in this exam!

9 . A Your sister B The man’s sister C Alice’s sister?

10 . A I’ve got a headache


1 . 听短文,选答案

2 . ( whole强调一个完整如一,互不分割的整体。

3 . Let’s go to the concert, shall we??

4 . 用筛选法选择正确对话。

5 . ( Can除了表示“能够,有能力做某事”以外,还有如下用法,而be able to 则没有。表示请求,但语

6 . (年北京市中考试题

7 . How’s the weather in…?

8 . It is said that per cent of the doctors are women

9 . 那些像小扇子一样的叶子组成了一把大绿伞,把阳光遮得严严实实,送给人们一片阴凉。

10 . A are B is C have D were

