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1 . Pay tribute to all the staff who are fighting in the epidemic situation! May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring May all the good things come and all the unhappiness disappear Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

2 . We should always remember the most beautiful moment and pay tribute to the angel in white who fought in the front line I hope you can overcome the virus as soon as possible and come back safely! Go China! Come on, Wuhan!

3 . 我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。

4 . Dont give up yet (别灰心!

5 . 28点亮网购世界,优化生活品质。

6 . I have no clue (毫无线索。

7 . 10博采众长,乐购天下。

8 . 你给我一滴眼泪,我就看见了你心中全部的`海洋。

9 . a goal is a dream with a deadline

10 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, gorgeous fall, always better than unnecessary wandering


1 . I dont have a clue

2 . 24网罗天下精品,购尽物宝天华。

3 . 32购购E时代,时尚新生活。

4 . I dont have any idea

5 . 23网络购物新时代,快捷生活新境界。

6 . , the ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium complement; ideal is the flower, withered can open again

7 . 独揽月下萤火,照亮一纸寂寞,苔上雪告诉我,你没归来过。

8 . 15便捷网购,无所不有。

9 . 30网络天下商品,乐购精彩无间。

10 . We broke up Its history (我们分手了,一切都成为过去了。


1 . , the beginning of the new year, a viral pneumonia has put the people of the whole country into a dilemma Looking at so many peoples lives in my heart Behind every independent individual is a warm family I cant imagine how heavy a blow it is to their families May the virus come to an end as soon as possible, and good people will live a safe life

2 . 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

3 . 文章合为时而着,歌诗合为事而作。

4 . , is an ideal source of strength, wisdom, the cradle of charge standard, Zhanji sword

5 . Please reduce to crowded places

6 . 强中自有强中手,莫向人前满自夸。

7 . If you’d be loved, be worthy to be loved

8 . 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

9 . 31网络连通世界,网购联系你我。

10 . 雾散,梦醒,我终于看见真实,那是千帆过尽的沉寂。


1 . 恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage!

2 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。

3 . How did you meet? (你们怎么认识的?

4 . 让别人徘徊的脚步踩碎你明天美好的梦想,天下没有不散的宴席。也许这人间真的只有朦朦胧胧才是真。

5 . 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

6 . Thousands of prevention, the first mask Health first, dont eat game

7 . 别等到错过后才去后悔,别等到失去后才想挽回。

8 . Cherish every days life, because you never know which comes first, tomorrow or accident

9 . 爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧

10 . If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me


1 . 我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。

2 . Its my destiny都已经过去了。

3 . 42生活一步到位,网购精彩无限。

4 . , the more noble a mans ideal, the purer his life

5 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

6 . Mr Smith:Really? I haven’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。

7 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

8 . 我不明白为什么他被选来做伴郎。既然他更有魅力,为什么玛丽不和他结婚。

9 . 真的吗?我都没见你在我们婚礼上流泪,却在杰夫和玛丽的婚礼上看到了。

10 . can not touch, unreal also true, the mirage in dream Can not see, between heaven and earth, the pursuit of dreams to the end

