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1 . ---这个用英语怎么说?---是个橘子/是把尺子。

2 . 练习:--He was _______tired ______he fell asleep as soon as he lay down -- Oh, we can go out and let him have a good restAtoo;to Bso; that Cenough; to Dsuch; that

3 . .Do you know where _________ now?A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

4 . --Could you ask him if he __to my birthday party next Sunday? –I will, if I __ him this afternoon

5 . Igotoschool/Igotothepark我去上学。/我去公园。

6 . .I can&#;t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean

7 . 那些是我的朋友们。Thosearemyfriends

8 . 。Shespendsatleasthalfanhourinthegymeveryday。每天她至少花半小时在体育馆。

9 . .I don&#;t know if he____ tomorrow If he _____,I&#;ll tell you.

10 . )You won’t pass the final exam ___________(除非you work hard


1 . B when was Albert Einstein born C what they will do with the computers D how often they go to movies

2 . Yes, they are No, they aren&#;t

3 . B 与谓语动词的搭配习惯

4 . She was busy, ____she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night A and B so C or D but

5 . Unit也很高兴见到你(们。Nicetomeetyou,too!

6 . He ran as fast as possible__he could reach school on time Ain order to B so as to C such that D so that

7 . HowmanyEnglishbooksdoyouhave?Ihave你有多少英语书?我有六本。

8 . I will never forget the year ____________ my son went to college

9 . A What Lily was B What was Lily C Where Lily was D Where was Lily

10 . 中考宾语从句真题演练


1 . B what the spaceship looks like C how the spaceship looks ike D how does the spaceshipook like

2 . 让我们去踢足球。Let’splaysoccer

3 . 这里有我的全家福。Hereismyfamilyphoto

4 . Unit这是你的铅笔吗?----是的`。

5 . 如:It’s going to rain I thought ---I thought it was going to rain

6 . Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A who B what C that D whom

7 . ( He wanted to know____the English party

8 . ( In my family, my sister is the only person __ loves chocolate A which B who C whom D she

9 . 关系副词的用法

10 . .Do you know what time ___?A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave Dthe train leaves


1 . A与先行词的搭配关系

2 . What&#;s your/ his /her phone number?

3 . Is this/ that/it your/ his/ her pencil?

4 . Don’t cross the street __ the traffic lights are green A after B until C while D since

5 . -Children who often ____(eat junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy

6 . ( The building that ___new is our school A is B are C was D were

7 . He’s so strong that he can carry the box=___________________________________________________

8 . We will have no water to drink___we don’t protect the earth Auntil Bbefore Cthough Dif

9 . 她的棒球(复数在床底下吗?不是。

10 . We won’t start the meeting ___our teacher arrives Athough Buntil Cwhile Dor


1 . It&#;s …

2 . What’syourname?MynameisJenny/I’mJenny

3 . 这是你爷爷奶奶吗?是的。/不是。

4 . 他在电视上观看他们。HewatchesthemonTV

5 . The woman to ___________ you talked is my sister This is the hospital ____________ I was born in

6 . Unit我的背包在哪里?---在桌子底下。

7 . Goodboy好男孩。

8 . ( –Do you know___the girl in red is? –I’m not sure Maybe a teacher A when B how C where D what

9 . 复合句综合检测

10 . A whom B who C those D which


1 . ( -- Could you tell me ____?-- She is a student in Eton School

2 . Let’sgoandhavealook让我们去看看吧!

3 . Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is A after B unless C while D since

4 . ( Is this museum_ they visited last month? A that B where C which D the one

5 . Unit你有篮球吗?是的。/不是。

6 . What&#;s your/his/ her first/ last/ family name?

7 . MyfriendisstrongHehasshorthairHelikessports我的朋友很强壮,他有着短头发,他爱运动。 IlikemusicShelikespainting我喜欢音乐,她喜欢绘画。

8 . 听起来不错。Thatsoundsgood

9 . Wherearehiskeys?Theyareonthechair

10 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world

