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1 . Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself

2 . 。Doyouskatemuch?=Doyouoftenskate?你常滑雪吗?

3 . 能听懂并正确的辨别所听到的句子;

4 . D Yes, I’m happy, too?

5 . It doesn’t matter

6 . C He carried water for the family

7 . 要正确判断出对话的情景。

8 . What can I do for you?

9 . The poet and writer has come

10 . C Are you at home, Bruce


1 . ( 定语从句由介词+关系代词引导,先行词是物时。例如:

2 . 一 定语从句的功用和结构

3 . Somebody is using the phone

4 . I’ve got a cough

5 . 三 各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法

6 . E It doesn’t hurt very much

7 . 三 翻译下列句子

8 . C I don’t expect D I am afraid not

9 . 【满分演练】

10 . John: You don’t look well What’s the matter?


1 . My family is big one

2 . M: Just watch TV at home

3 . 断,如:推理出对话发生的时间地点对话人物关系和身份等。

4 . III 听短文,选答案

5 . 一是“我”有个常常鼓励我的慈祥的母亲,她常常肯定“我”,给“我”力量,母亲的爱是“我”创作的灵感和源泉;二是“我”还有一个严厉的父亲,他的警告和教育,使我不走向歧途,“我”写了很多作品,出版发行了一部部作品的力量来自于父母两方面,所以我是多么的幸运。

6 . The boy who is wearing the black jacket is very clever

7 . 意愿 Intentions

8 . 这句话突出了父亲挖的时间长过程艰难,表现出父亲执著的信念和为救儿子所克服的巨大困难

9 . aI think it’s time for to leave now

10 . ---What are Johnson’s family like?


1 . A I’d love to But I’m afraid I can’t

2 . ( be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。

3 . It was dark when they arrived at the railway station当他们到达火车站的时候,天已经黑了。

4 . This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived

5 . Three –fourths of the surface of the earth is sea

6 . 中考对定语从句的考查主要集中在以下几个方面:

7 . 答语要符合西方人的文化风俗和习惯。

8 . ---_________

9 . This salad is made of apples and strawberries这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。

10 . aWhat’s the weather like today?


1 . ( found是另外一个词,与find并没有关系,意思是"成立建设",常用作及物动词。

2 . 看来中外皆然, 女孩子总是分为二种, 漂亮美艳型和活泼可爱型 至于那种遵守交通规则型 (obeying the traffic rules 则不在本文讨论范围之内 漂亮的女生叫 hottie, 相对的, 可爱的女生就叫 cutie 或是你单讲, she is so cute! 也是不错的用法

3 . --Wish you a happy New Year!

4 . aCan/Could you…for me?

5 . 【名师点睛】

6 . ---Would you like to go out for a walk with us?

7 . be made of/ be made from/ be made in/ be made into

8 . ------Yes I’m afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons

9 . Well, maybe you should Oh, I have no idea Could we talk about something else?

10 . She sent for some flowers她派了人去买花。


1 . 不但是我,他对这件事也有责任。

2 . 陈述句:能告诉别人一件事的句子,句末用句号。如:我游览了长城。疑问句:向别人提出问题的句子,句末用问号。如:日子为什么一去不复返呢?祈使句:向别人得出要求的句子,句末一般用句号,有时也用感叹号。如:油库重地,请勿吸烟!

3 . 他把老人的手紧紧地握住了。(把字句

4 . A taxi carried them to the station 出租车送他们到了车站

5 . The meeting was put off, which was exactly what we wanted

6 . (分析变被字句时,主语与宾语调换位置后加被字,变把字句时,如果是被字句,将主语与宾语的位置调换加把字,如果是陈述句则将把字放在宾语前,谓语放在句子末尾。

7 . 问路和应答 Asking the way and responses

8 . When did she arrive here last time? 她上次是什么时候到这儿的?(副词前省略介词)

9 . Nobody but two boys was late for class

10 . ---I’ve passed the exam?


1 . Most of the drinking water ______ (be from the Black River

2 . A I am afraid so B I hope not

3 . () 一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。例如:

4 . You should…

5 . ---Thank you for your delicious dinner

6 . C Jack was an honest man

7 . What’s the date today?

8 . What /How about…?

9 . They heard of the film long time ago他们很久以前就听说过这部电影。

10 . That’s a good idea


1 . 他们将到加拿大渡过整个假期。(所有格后)

2 . A It’s Friday B It’s April rd? C It’s fine today

3 . He filled the box with chalk他把粉笔装满了盒子。

4 . Yes, I am

5 . What happened this month?

6 . What do you mean by…?

7 . 把直接叙述改变为间接叙述,要注意三点:一是改变标点;二是改变人称代词;三是看句子的内容。有些句子中个别的和少量的文字须作改动,但不改变句子意思。

8 . ()在“There be” 句型中,谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。

9 . I often hear from him 我经常收到他的来信。

10 . aI like/love… (very much


1 . A Weather B Business C Season

2 . aWhat can I do for you?

3 . ---Oh! It’s Mr Baker, our maths teacher

4 . I’m so happy that you could be here at Christmas time

5 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。

6 . C What day is it today

7 . B Who are you

8 . A he B that C whom D which

9 . That’s wonderful/great

10 . Nobody _______ (know the answer to the question

