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1 . ( —Can you tell me ______? —By doing more speaking A how I will improve my English

2 . -hyphen=连字符(连接单词,如left-handed)

3 . 有许多人在淘宝之类的网站上卖电脑游戏装备。

4 . 我太佩服您了,您懂这么多啊。

5 . The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it= ___________________________________________________

6 . Can you tell me how I can make a kite?可以说成 Can you tell me how to make a kite?

7 . 听您的声音,肯定受过良好的高等教育吧。

8 . Ipersonallylikethefastpacedactionoffirstpersonshootergamesmorethanroleplayinggames

9 . Brilliantidea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!

10 . 我为什么总被队里的菜鸟骗呢?


1 . Karin:Youquitthejob?YouarekiddingJack:I&#;mnotgoingtokidyouI&#;mserious

2 . ( The young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher A what B whose C whom D which

3 . ГоспоинаМаЛинпоканет马林先生暂时不在。

4 . Yes, it is No, it isn&#;t

5 . 听您的声音,应该不到岁吧?

6 . Doyoureallymeanit?此话当真?

7 . Itstartedlikethis它的由来是这样的…

8 . 三状语从句:

9 . 您的职业真令我们羡慕。

10 . Mindyou!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。模范例句:Mindyou!He&#;saverynicefellowthoughbad-tempered


1 . ellipsis[??l?ps?s]=省略号

2 . -I like films which ____(be exciting and interesting

3 . He is a boy→They ar eboys

4 . Ididn&#;tknowIwasn&#;tsupposedto我不知道不能这样做

5 . Imadethisbigbox!

6 . 您太有魄力了。

7 . )Have you found the book ________I spent dollars?

8 . He was the first person _______passed the exam

9 . What&#;sthepurposeofyourvisit?

10 . Congratulations恭喜你,,祝贺你。


1 . Which is the way to the nearest shop?/ What’s wrong with you?/ What’s up?/ What’s the matter?

2 . ( She will hate him when she _more about him AknowsB know Cwill know Dis going to know

3 . Let&#;sgetstarted咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don&#;tjusttalkLet&#;sgetstarted

4 . ( ) –Can you tell me ______?–She is in the computer lab

5 . The gentlemen ___ are coming to my office tomorrow are my classmates many years ago

6 . 二宾语从句

7 . .I don&#;t know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old

8 . 真的非常佩服您,刘经理,如果我没有听错的话,您刚才还提到过您也非常注重招聘的效果,是吗?

9 . 您说什么?您快了,真不敢相信,那您也真会保养,声音听起来这么年轻。

10 . Алло!喂!


1 . Isthereareason?

2 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world

3 . 英语口语:生活中常用英语口语句

4 . WorldofWarcraftisa"massivelymultiplayeronlinerole-playinggame"thatletsyouplayastendifferentraces,nineplayableclasses,andhasthousandsofqueststocomplete

5 . Whydidyoudothat?

6 . A who B what C which D where

7 . I like the rooms ______windows face south This is the desk ______legs were broken

8 . ( ) You can’t image ___ when the pupils received these nice presents on Children’s Day

9 . Youseemespeciallyhappytoday

10 . Tom is ill at home, _____he can’t come here Aso Bif Cbecause Dand

