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1 . 他可是个乐天派,整天无忧无虑的。

2 . 圣诞快乐,并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候,一定会让你收到我的祝福。

3 . 你也许曾经许愿,让爱情甜甜蜜蜜;你也许曾经祈愿,让工作顺顺利利;今天,你必须在佛前虔诚的祝愿:祝愿母亲永远健康平安。母爱无涯,回报有恩。

4 . We go to dinner on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve we sing, carnival night we go to the disco dancing I want we are together!

5 . 愿你将我的爱深深体验,感受我无边的思念,祝你圣诞快乐,甜蜜每一天。

6 . Guarantee: dear mother, mother&#;s day comes amid, I assure you that after the money will give you buy the best cosmetics brand fashion, wish mom youth!

7 . 白雪飘飘,鹿铃霄霄,甜蜜的平安夜又来到,小手摆摆,舞姿曼曼,快乐的圣诞节日多美好。

8 . 妈妈,在今天的母亲节里,我想对您说:您是我母亲知己和朋友的完美结合。

9 . 我想把我的手放在你的手里,让你领我走进圣诞节的教堂,过我们俩人的圣诞节!

10 . 那个孩子的嘴特别硬。


1 . Mother looked at a little white hair, a daily gradually deep wrinkles, years endured sufferings feeding our mother, in this belongs to your holiday, please accept my wishes for your deepest festival happiness, forever young!

2 . 在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福!

3 . ●穿新鞋,走老路新旧

4 . Bright lights on the Christmas tree, pray you safe life; Christmas night melodious bell, wish you a happy life

5 . 来个小对话,运用一下吧:

6 . She blows afuseevery time she gets mad

7 . 想送您康乃馨,您总说太浪费;想请您吃大餐,您说外面没家里吃的香;想送您礼物,您总说家里什么都有。但有个礼物我一定要送:妈妈,我永远爱你!

8 . I don&#;t give a shit on your care the least about me

9 . Stay in your forehead wrinkles, leave white hair on your head, years in your shoulders stay, smile to stay in your mouth, firm in your chest left Mother happy mother&#;s day, my mother I love you in my heart to stay!

10 . 铃儿响,鹿儿跑,把我的心儿带给你,平安夜,狂欢夜,有你有我才精彩!


1 . ●新开的茅厕三日香

2 . 您常在给我温暖的眼神,您常说快乐健康是孩子的礼物。所以今天,我送上一个笑,温暖您的心。母亲节你永远的节日。

3 . Let us give mother a little love and care, it is afraid of the heat of a fan; winter in a sweater, let the mother always feel the concern of children

4 . Your peace is my desire, your heart is my happiness, and my gift to you is the blessing of my life! A happy holiday

5 . I don&#;t know where I am going, but I am on my way

6 . 如: I wouldn&#;t like to have anything to do with a law-down dirty shame like her

7 . 如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人。

8 . fuse的意思是“导火索”,blow有“爆炸”的意思,在口语中也有“发脾气,发怒”的意思。两者的结合使得该习语在“发怒”的基础上更加形象地表明了“发怒”的样子。

9 . 我要去有你的未来。

10 . On the Christmas tree falling snow, bring you rich next year; To sway, gift on the Christmas tree reflects your brilliant smiling face


1 . 看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条逐日渐深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切的祝愿:节日快乐,永远年轻!

2 . Teachers, you are a tall and straight trees, the guitar had been a mature fruit, in your years under the old engraved on the ring, you are next to the rise of a lush forest(老师,您是一棵挺拔的树,曾结过成熟的果实,岁月在您的身上镌刻下苍老的年轮,您的身旁却崛起一片森林郁郁葱葱。

3 . 我现在特别希望自己变老!是不是很奇怪,因为今晚你没有理由不爱一个老人!

4 . Lucas很能干。

5 . ●新官上任三把火

6 . 圣诞快乐!并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候一定会让你收到我的祝福!

7 . ●不要嘲笑鞋匠又黑又粗的拇指(托?富勒)

8 . 只有钟声响起,愿我的祝福化作飞翔的天使,飞向你的窗口,圣诞快乐!

9 . 他真的是个聚会狂。

10 . If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed


1 . Every thing is gonna be alright

2 . ⑦ How about if we go tomorrow instead?我们改成明天去怎么样?

3 . 我真是反应迟钝。

4 . 愿圣诞是你快乐的时节,愿新年是你幸福的日子。

5 . 没有杯子……咖啡是寂寞的……没有你……我是孤独的……

6 . Nothing serious It’s up to me。

7 . Warm greetings and best wishes for a merry Christmas and happy New Year

8 . Dick是个败家子,总给家里招惹麻烦。

9 . 如:Dick is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family

10 . Want to send you carnations, you say too much waste; would like to invite you to eat a big meal, you say outside the family did not eat incense; want to send you a gift You always say that the home has But I have to send a gift: Mom, I love you forever!


1 . The ends of the earth have made, only Shien infinite period Bless you, teachers!(天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。祝福您,老师!

2 . Miss, often at home; more time, often accompany her to chat; more idle, often do meal; multipoint attachment, often to accompany her; greetings, often information transfer; let the mothers in the world happy holidays permanent peace

3 . Just say it。

4 . :亲爱的妈妈,母亲节到来之际,我向您保证以后赚了钱一定给您买最好的化妆品最名牌的时装,愿妈妈青春永驻!

5 . In the holidays, there is no place like home

6 . Tips:

7 . 乔治面对侮辱再也沈不住气。

8 . 母爱,是叮嘱,是思念,无尽挂牵;母爱,柔如风,深似海,恩重如山;鲜花可以枯萎,沧海变为桑田,又到母亲节,祝愿亲爱的妈妈健康快乐!

9 . blow one’s cool:沉不住气,控制不住

10 . 妈妈,我曾是你身边的一只备受关怀的小鸟,今天它为你衔来了一束芬芳的鲜花。


1 . Return when the teacher is not tomorrow, not yesterday but is now - today "Happy holidays, my teacher!"(回报老师的时候不是昨天也不是明天而是正在此时--今天。"节日快乐,我的老师!"

2 . 平安夜我们去聚餐,圣诞夜我们去唱歌,狂欢夜我们去蹦迪。我要我们在一起!

3 . Don&#;t be so hard on yourself

4 . 愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。

5 . Jack didn&#;t make very good grades inschool, but his sister was a realegghead

6 . Count后面接on的一般说法是count on sb/sth,表示“依靠,依赖”。

7 . 我很喜欢邀请那个派对狂来参加我们的派对。他能使整个气氛热烈起来。

8 . Teachers, consumption is at your own efforts have done our growth Two years later, Who is your shoulders Fuqu the Fenbi Hui ?(老师,是您不惜耗干了自己的心血才有了我们的成长。年后的今天,是谁为您拂去双肩的粉笔灰?

9 . Now I particularly want to grow old! Tonight is very strange, because you have no reason to not love an old man!

10 . 我懂有你叫知足,而你却不懂有我叫珍惜。



