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1 . I used to have many more Somewhere along the line,

2 . Paul was an enthusiast

3 . Plus, I have people that I am in contact with now,

4 . adj 大众的;大规模的

5 . adv 完全地;极其

6 . warm

7 . notice of dismissal

8 . pron 每个;各自

9 . We have much leeway to fetch up

10 . The sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life&#;s greatest treasures Wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life


1 . I mean, I have my hands full right now with family and work

2 . 我们刚刚失去了联系。

3 . v 任命,指派,委派

4 . Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

5 . 当你在家倒垃圾的时候,一定要把垃圾全都倒进垃圾箱。He gambled away all his money

6 . 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

7 . 我的意思是,现在的工作和家庭已经让我分身乏术。

8 . Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!

9 . 在夏日的骄阳下人人都在流汗。After these dry days everyone hopes for rain

10 . Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful i miss you ,and miss you so mach……


1 . 长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。

2 . 让每天活的有意义。These chairs cost each

3 . I’d like to contact some of my friends from high school

4 . Who needs more guilt? Not me!

5 . 经理的任免应履行法定的程序,并向社会公告。appoint是什么意思:

6 . 你能破解这个密码么?

7 . There is a warm trail

8 . we just lost contact with each other

9 . ***戮众多的人 stability of rock mass and soil mass surroundingunderground excavation

10 . 当你开始你的婚姻生活中携手共进,可能所有的东西你希望变成你所计划的方式。


1 . Happy wedding!

2 . So, I got to thinking about the people I am in touch with now and those I’d like to contact

3 . n 全部财产;所有一切

4 . 这是一个陈设豪华的房间。She is appointed director of the farm

5 . 他们出现在主席台上时,受到热烈的欢呼。Please add my warmest congratulations to the large chorus of friends acclaiming your graduation

6 . 全都吓坏了,便赶紧跑掉。 There were red and green electric lights strung and crisscrossed everywhere, and all turned on in the daytime

7 . He must be extra special, because he is marrying a lovely girl 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

8 . 另外,我现在也和一些人保持着联系,

9 . 地下洞室围岩(土稳定性A mass or collection of material that is distinct from other masses

10 . 我以前有更多。但事与愿违,


1 . 他们对人群中爆发的热烈喝采答礼。In these matters Olympias was an expert and an enthusiast

2 . 祝蜜月甜蜜。

3 . 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着 的祝福,寂寞 不在乎,你快乐 就满足,想你是 的幸福!

4 . "When a man is going sown hill, everyone will give him a push"

5 . Every order is coded separately

6 . v 为编码

7 . May the coming years, fill your lives with love and happiness 在未来的数年,将你的生命装满爱和快乐。

8 . 这歌唱家受到热烈喝彩。The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass

9 . 那是一场群众解放运动。line是什么意思:

10 . 他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。Sit by the radiator and get warm


1 . 组织蛋白的密码不是那麽容易破解的。

2 . Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart

3 . 群众路线一词,在年竞选中,可能已被滥用。可是那正是杰克逊先生成就的本质。mass是什么意思:

4 . 费用全由敝店支付。 (all in aweb

5 . 炉火很快就使得房间暖和起来。He was pleased with their warm welcome

6 . fetch a circuit

7 . Listening to my heart beating seeing how much i love you ,i dare to admit how much i love you when thinking of you, i hope you can receive the passionat words i left for you!

8 . 三光政策It is all on the house

9 . Love for ever!

10 . adv 每个;各自

