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1 . 每一曲,

2 . 刀耕火种的时代。

3 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars

4 . 世界上会有两万人和你一见钟情,可你穷尽一生也无法遇到她们其中之一。一见钟情不是魔法,是命运!

5 . They who cannot do as they would,must do as they can

6 . the happiest thing in life is to try your best to follow your dreams

7 . 我们必须拿起一些垃圾,扔到垃圾桶它。

8 . 形而上的天宇。

9 . 真是这样的话,有些话,只有准确的时间准确的地点亲口说出来。现在时间错过了,再说也没用了。

10 . 都可成为经典。


1 . I hope everyone is safe and healthy I hope the virus will spread soon and return our normal life

2 . Facing the challenge with one heart, fighting the epidemic situation with one mind, looking forward to the spring, we march forward to the light, Wuhan refuels! Go China!

3 . 一对新人的笑容,

4 . 人生里最值得回忆的旅行就是和某个来你窗下喊你的神经病一起跳上加满油的车,挥舞着地图冲白夜幕的旅行啊。连目的地在哪个方向都没弄明白,只是想跑得越远越好。

5 . It was fate (这就是命运呀!

6 . 保护我们生存的环境是我们的责任和义务。

7 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible

8 . 如果人人都为保护环境作出贡献,世界将变得更加美丽。

9 . , the ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium complement; ideal is the flower, withered can open again

10 . You should stop smoking (你该戒烟了。


1 . Cherish every days life, because you never know which comes first, tomorrow or accident

2 . 落地无声。

3 . 独龙毯,

4 . 我想我懂得了为什么我会提前苏醒,为什么我会出现在这里,最重要的是,为什么,在看那个男人的时候,我的心里会觉得有一点点从前从来没有感知到的东西,我不懂那个东西是什么,但是我想要留住它。

5 . Wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic is eliminated, there are many beautiful places waiting for us to play!

6 . I dont know除此之外我别无选择。

7 . No way (根本不可能。否定语气,非常强烈,是不礼貌的说法。毫无办法。

8 . 魔王和女巫的宿命婚约,全无破绽!

9 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。

10 . 一辈子没有见到过光的蛾子,遇到火就会扑上去,烧死自己,烧死别人,烧毁这个世界,只为那光啊……


1 . 经商,

2 . Patients with fever symptoms, please go to the fever clinic of medical institutions in time

3 . No chance at all

4 . 笑声穿过云际,

5 . It was fate fate “逃脱不了的命运,注定的命运”。

6 . 凡我做到事,做错的都是我笨,做好的都是因为我走狗屎运,凡我在乎的人,要么是不理我,要么是把我当猴耍,这是他妈什么人生!

7 . 猫只会被自己最亲近的人摸脑袋。

8 . 你的梦想决定着你的未来。

9 . 一抹羞涩的笑,

10 . 让别人徘徊的脚步踩碎你明天美好的梦想,天下没有不散的宴席。也许这人间真的只有朦朦胧胧才是真。


1 . 门租世代流传。

2 . 勤奋是成功之母。

3 . 一个,

4 . 都竖起了耳朵,

5 . Once you wear a mask, you can wash your hands when you go home If you are healthy, you will often disinfect If your condition is eliminated, you should be honest and stay at home You should benefit yourself and others

6 . I hope to return to normal as soon as possible After this time, I know that peace and plainness are very happy Cherish the people who are still around you, cherish your family

7 . , no goal, always for the goal of the people to work hard

8 . Its hopeless

9 . 总想把那段故事找个树洞埋了,因为觉得很丢人,或者……那样喜欢一个人的感觉太柔软了,怕被别人知道,就给碰破了。

10 . I only have five dollars (我只有美元。


1 . Pay attention to their own health, do a good job in self-protection

2 . 在亲人的眼里,大义灭亲是个何等残酷的词啊,世间应该有那么一个人,你可以为他背叛一切,甚至于公理和正义。

3 . 一个今天胜似两个明天。

4 . We broke up Its history (我们分手了,一切都成为过去了。

5 . Ill never win Im throwing in the towel (我赢不了你,我认输了。

6 . 放弃了。/投降了。I give up

7 . 正,

8 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat

9 . 每个人的一辈子都在跟死亡比偷跑,它想抓住你,你想跑得更远看更美的世界,虽然你明知道还是会被它抓住,可只要还有一口气你就会玩命地跑。

10 . 懒人做工作,越懒越费力。


1 . 人不想做什么事情却勉强自己的时候,就像身体在前面跑而灵魂在后面追,可灵魂永远追不上身体。

2 . 我们都是小怪兽,可是如果正义的奥特曼来了,我就帮你***死他。可是我答应了,却没有做到。

3 . 叔叔你记错啦。上一个跟你说“叔叔喝酒”的女孩已经永远被埋在东京远郊的那口深井里啦。

4 . 以传统的方式,

5 . 沉思!

6 . 三姐妹中,兀尔德纺织生命线,贝露丹迪拉扯生命线,诗蔻迪剪生命线,这就是世间万物的命运,无可更改。诸神黄昏的末日,毒狼黑龙和巨人们逼近神殿,主神奥丁步出他的宫殿,走到井边下望,看见三女神都停止了工作,满面哀伤,织机上满是灰尘,所有的丝线俱都断裂。于是知道一切已经无可挽回,便持着他原本战无不胜的长矛,带着十万英灵,踏上了不归的决战之路。

7 . Now people pay more attention to how to pretend our environment With the development of science and technology,it becomes more important to pretend our environmentIn china,prentending environment is very nomal in our life for the Olympic&#;s coming or the people&#;s sense of environmental pretection

8 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

9 . 迟做总比不做好。

10 . 珍惜自然之源,共营生命绿色。

