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1 . 水的量是适宜的饮料是越来越少了。

2 . 知识就是力量。

3 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat

4 . 还记得那一天的摄影留念吗?我的瞬间意识连同闪光灯一起亮了:你的倩影留在底片上,同时也深深地烙在我的心灵里。

5 . only when you put all the unimportant things down, will you go all out to pursue your dream!

6 . 我们相逢在陌生时,我们分手在熟悉后。明天,我们要到生活的星图上找寻自己的新位置,让我们用自己闪烁的星光相互问讯表情达意。

7 . It’s difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun

8 . The recent epidemic makes my mood very depressed Its a luxury to go out I hope the epidemic will pass quickly and the day of spring will come!

9 . Strong protection, do not panic, believe in science, do not spread rumors, we work together, epidemic situation can be prevented

10 . 今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚。


1 . , accident and tomorrow do not know which comes first No crisis is the biggest crisis, to meet the status quo is the biggest trap

2 . , reading ten thousand books is better than walking thousands of miles, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading countless people, reading countless people, as teachers guide Classics division is easy to get, person division is hard to find

3 . 我们曾是并肩战斗的两棵小树,我们曾经是二重唱中的两个声部,我们曾经是一张课桌上的学友。今天,我们挥手告别的时候,请接受我深情的祝福。

4 . Now people pay more attention to how to pretend our environment With the development of science and technology,it becomes more important to pretend our environmentIn china,prentending environment is very nomal in our life for the Olympic&#;s coming or the people&#;s sense of environmental pretection

5 . How did you meet? (你们怎么认识的?

6 . The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less

7 . 感谢欣赏本文,更多名言警句请关注:关于爱的`优美语句 关于爱的精辟句子

8 . Take advantage of this period of time, dont run around, read books at home and keep fit When the epidemic is over, let the whole world welcome you from the inside to the outside, and you also welcome the new life with the best posture!

9 . Different , I hope that the epidemic will disappear early and embrace the warm spring flowers!

10 . I havent a clue我认输了。


1 . 离别总是有些伤感有些凄美,不过不必伤心,离别是为了下一次的重逢;我会在地球的某一角落默默为你加油,永远记得我们的约定,总有一天我们会实现!

2 . 懒人做工作,越懒越费力。

3 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。

4 . Do you know who stole it? (你知道是谁偷的吗?

5 . a goal is a dream with a deadline

6 . , no goal, always for the goal of the people to work hard

7 . Distance makes the hearts grow fonder

8 . Something must be done to stop the pollution

9 . 垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处扔垃圾

10 . Marriage is like life in this --that it is field of battle ,and not a bed of roses婚姻生活乃战场而玫瑰花朵。


1 . Wash your hands frequently! Dont go out! Wish the motherland prosperity! the country is prosperous and the people are at peace! Defeat the virus as soon as possible! May we all go out of the house to breathe fresh air!

2 . Go out less, gather less, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently

3 . It is hoped that the virus will be eliminated as soon as possible and more lives will be saved; it is hoped that there will be no environment for the spiritual virus to exist Its really important to breathe freely!

4 . 勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。

5 . The rubbish will pullute the enviroment It is bed for our healthSo please don&#;t throw about the rubbish

6 .  

7 . 朝霞般美好的理想,在向我们召唤,我的同窗,分手在即,不必问何日相会,我们――一滴一滴的水,全将活跃在祖国的大海!

8 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

9 . I have no other choice but to do so (除此之外我别无选择。

10 . I thought you loved him (我想你很爱他。


1 . 与你同行,回想起我们曾拥有过的共同理想;与你分手,憧憬着我们重逢时的狂欢。最恨的是你,因为你是我学习上竞争的敌人;最爱的也是你,因为你是我成长中的友人。今日一别,茫茫天涯,叫我到何处去寻找我最爱的挚友。

2 . First love is only a little foolishneand a lot of curiosity初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。

3 . Facing the challenge with one heart, fighting the epidemic situation with one mind, looking forward to the spring, we march forward to the light, Wuhan refuels! Go China!

4 . The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great

5 . 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

6 . , how far can life go, see who walks with; how great achievements, see who pointing

7 . the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end maybe this world is really only hazy is true

8 . in the way of your dreams and hope, every one of us should enjoy more comfortable and pleasant, comfortable mood and atmosphere to everyone around us, so that we are able to actively, the heart of thanksgiving to enjoy our life

9 . we are in the flowering season, full of vigor and vitality is our pronoun, passion is our portrait, chasing dreams, we are ready to wait for the embodiment

10 . Tomorrow comes never


1 . 废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,***死大量的鱼。

2 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

3 . 工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。

4 . 是否还记得校园里那条彩色卵石铺成的小路?两旁有缤纷的鲜花花镶边,还有翠绿的柳丝飘拂。多少个早晨,多少个傍晚,我俩在这路上漫步。它和友情一起,留在我的记忆里,也烙在你的印象中。

5 . 至都来不及好好地话别,马上就要各奔前程。与你相识,我感到无比幸运,而能与你相知,我倍感生命的充实,以前嬉笑相伴的日子我将深藏,以后不可测的日子,愿你多保重。

6 . 四个希冀的春天,我们播种了四次;四个金黄的秋天,我们收获了四遍;我们曾经受了四个火夏的磨砺和四个严冬的考验,请别忘记这有滋有味有声有色的时光。

7 . I cant help it当带有can时,help表示“避开”“抑制”“控制”,所以I cant help it表示“不得不这样做”“无法回避”。

8 . It beats me (不知道。

9 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, gorgeous fall, always better than unnecessary wandering

10 . the pursuit of dreams sometimes more powerful than the dream in hand

