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1 . You see puffy, white clouds on nice days(介词是on不是in哦, just like today

2 . [拥抱我所有不安]

3 . , the most proud one is not being pursued by many people, but one who will never give up on you anyway

4 . , the first person to think of in the morning and the last person to think of at night is not the one who makes you happy, but the one who makes you miserable

5 . without you I think there is nothing left with me

6 . 乳鸭池塘水浅深,熟梅天气半晴阴。东园载酒西园醉,摘尽枇杷一树金。——戴敏《初夏游张园》

7 . When friendships decay,当友谊渐逝,

8 . 你看,那边也有云,但是那边的云就不像这边的云又大又白又胖了,那边的云稀薄一些。

9 . Clouds begin to fill the sky, like big pillows

10 . 第条 When I become more and more polite to you, we may become more and more strange


1 . 水满有时观下鹭,草深无处不鸣蛙。——《幽居初夏》

2 . O! who wouldinhabit 啊!谁愿独自停驻,

3 . 我依然要做音乐,萦绕在你的耳际

4 . , we are sleeping in class, class bounce, exam dead

5 . , only because of the time to think about the future is too good

6 . 丽景烛春余,清阴澄夏首。——王僧儒《侍宴》

7 . 第条 我不敢说和谁关系很好,我怕是我一个人自作多情。

8 . To pineon the stem; 让你在茎叶上憔悴;

9 . , I picked up a mouse pad today, want to match a computer, everyone said that there are still shortcomings?

10 . My adventure seems an encore for the other


1 . 第条 我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见你。

2 . 夜热依然午热同,开门小立月明中。竹深树宻虫鸣处,时有微凉只是风。——杨万里《夏夜追凉》

3 . , love you is my business, please do not take this kind of capital, wasting in front of me

4 . , I don&#;t need your fake smile, it will only hurt my eyes

5 . 山光忽西落,池月渐东上。散发乘夕凉,开轩卧闲敞。——荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。——欲取鸣琴弹,恨无知音赏。——感此怀故人,中宵劳梦想。——唐·孟浩然《夏日南亭怀辛大》

6 . by Alexz

7 . I am a big winner,always winner我是大赢家,永远的大赢家。

8 . 故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家。绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻。待到重阳日,还来就菊花。——孟浩然《过故人庄》

9 . Even if you&#;re hit by a mosaic, I recognize it

10 . Everyone is lonely As a result, we learned to be strong and learned to be independent


1 . 第条 If it is not true, please do not be too good to me, I am very silly, will take it seriously

2 . 要是我能做你的夏天

3 . 第条 Long-distance relationship really tired, he always make blind and disorderly conjectures

4 . [害怕你冰冷的眼]

5 . , they don&#;t care, be neither hot nor cold do not cherish

6 . We draw further apart, but the same 我们背道而驰,最后却殊途同归。

7 . This is the last rose of summer 这是夏日最后的玫瑰,

8 . Walking on the road, the wind coming like a heat wave attacks。

9 . , the song of a single cycle depicts our naivety

10 . nobody can know my sadness


1 . 第条 你从未揣摩我的心思,却责怪我善变难懂。

2 . Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round 你那么平凡的名字却影响我那么多的情绪。

3 . the wind flows beside my feet

4 . 第条 Follow the wind, let alone be free

5 . 第条 寂寞有一千种滋味,却只能有一种体会。

6 . 残云收夏暑,新雨带秋岚。——岑参《休亭送华瞬王少府还县》

7 . 江南孟夏天,慈竹笋如编。蜃气为楼阁,蛙声作管弦。——贾弇《孟夏》

8 . 第条 你终究会删了当初拼了命都想留下的东西。

9 . 第条 所谓坚强,只不过是比谁更能装得无所谓。

10 . 水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷薇一院香。——《山亭夏日》


1 . High ideal is changed to temporary chance,

2 . , maintain a confidence, maintain a dignity, rather arrogant to moldy, and do not die crazy crazy

3 . 我会跳离那墓场,为你绽放

4 . 第条 念旧是一场口齿不清的思念。

5 . 《夏日最后的玫瑰》

6 . Anemore——

7 . Please give me the most clearest signal

8 . White clouds become grey

9 . , the more people laugh at their ideals, the more valuable they are

10 . 丽景烛春余,清阴澄夏首。


1 . , love, never caters It is true love if it is not scattered and scolded

2 . 第条 你不是离不开手机,你是离不开手机那边的他。

3 . 第条 Until the end, all the warmth is called the past

4 . , let you go, is the pollution of the environment

5 . 第条 Forgive me for my courage, or from your world

6 . the leaves are falling when autumn comes

7 . 说着我爱你

8 . , I do not want to fight many people, as long as those who dare to go

9 . , eight quit, do not think you stand under the street lamp is the night Ming pig!

10 . , look up to the sky, originally, I also have some of your memories


1 . If I change shape, and you forget the time 若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

2 . Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers夏季时阳光普照,花蝴蝶舞蹈。

3 . 乌云把太阳遮住了

4 . , sixteen years old, rainy summer, you live in my heart, tell me what is missing

5 . 〔时间如流水〕

6 . 日轮当午凝不去,万国如在洪炉中。

7 . 明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。——辛弃疾《西江月·夜行黄沙道中》

8 . 《My Lost Summer》

9 . 第条 我的骄傲不允许我回头,即使以后会后悔。

10 . Wind rain into flowe


1 . Thy music still,when Whippoorwill

2 . 宝贝儿,你看云儿一片一片朝这边飘过来了呢。

3 . 云朵是由小水滴或小冰碴组成的,它们紧紧地凝聚在空气中

4 . And fond ones are flown,所爱之人飞离,

5 . 夜热依然午热同,开门小立月明中。竹深树密虫鸣处,时有微凉不是风。——杨万里《夏夜追凉》

6 . Then I will go away without disturbing you

7 . 哎呀,云都聚在一起了,像一个个大枕头

8 . , dachidabei see yourself, see friends change radically

9 . Still holding o

10 . 第条 I remember all your words, just don’t remember you don’t like me

