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1 . inspire a generation

2 . class one class one

3 . Luckily,ifthedoormatorstovefailedtowarnofcomingdisaster,asuccessfullawsuitmightcompensateyouforyourtroublesOrsothethinkinghasgonesincetheearlys,whenjuriesbeganholdingmorecompaniesliablefortheircustomers&#;misfortunes

4 . , waving passion, flying dreams, united struggle, tree my strong wind

5 . Class and : Sprinkle the vitality of youth, fly hopes and dreams!

6 . , friendship first, mutual help and mutual help create good achievements

7 . Class and : unity, fraternity, diligence, learning and passion

8 . Sail Your Dream

9 . Do what i can do



1 . , the youth is fearless, and the dream is carried out

2 . You can do anything

3 . , passion burning hope, success to win!

4 . Class and class : friendship first, competition second!

5 . , not for the interpretation of applause, not deliberately conquered

7 . , pay tribute to the athletes attending the school sports meeting

8 . 亲子爱子教子家和家兴家美!

9 . 我运动我健康我快乐我成长

10 . , stubbornly hard work, beyond the limit


1 . [真题例句] An argument made by supporters of smoking was that_____[年阅读]

2 . informational [infmeinl] a报告的,情报的

3 . Class , class : Class , class , three!

4 . , strong physical fitness, determined to become material

5 . Stand out , Now !

6 . Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward~正义必胜的信念激励着我们前进。

7 . 相信我,我能行,我最棒。

8 . , shock every person&#;s mind End。 You win。

9 . , physical fitness, determined to become useful, class classes, unusual

10 . We are the best! 我们是最好的`!


1 . 强强强强,我是最强,超越刘翔,不准投降。

2 . 我运动我健康我快乐运动伴随你和我!

3 . step on a long journey~踏上征程

4 . on today&#;s sport day

5 . 展现自我,争创新高,奥运精神,永驻我心show themselves, striving to be high, the Olympic spirit, always in my heart

6 . , singing the youth melody, to express the pleasure of movement!

7 . 九(几班可以自己填写班无敌,所向披靡,风云变幻,惟我九班class nine invincible, carry the world before one, amidst the winds of change, but my class nine

8 . 我运动我健康我快乐,健康宝贝就是我!

9 . , no regrets, unlimited passion

10 . catch up with me if you can


1 . , in order to reach the end of the glory of the moment!

2 . , human needs sports, world yearning and peace!

3 . , in order to change to change, in order to change

4 . OneTwothreegogogo

5 . i believe you can do it !come on !!! its nice to be important,but its more important to be nice join it and enjoy it! start ahead nothing is impossible engineered

6 . 我运动我健康我快乐我是最棒的

7 . , the competition is second

8 . Higher,faster, stronger

9 . pursue the best , inspire a class

10 . Class and class : surpass yourself and show the demeanor!



2 . For every body of today and tomorrow

3 . 让梦想起航。

4 . , make concerted efforts to run the city sports meeting and stride forward to build a new Changsha

5 . 【译文】幸运的是,假如门垫或炉灶没有警示你可能会发生的危害,你或许可以对自己所遇到的麻烦索赔并获补偿。或者说人们是这么想的,因为自年代初以来,陪审团越发认为公司应对其顾客所遭受的不幸负责。

6 . 我运动我健康我快乐我阳光

7 . 顽强拼搏,勇夺第一,挑战自我,突破极限 the tenacious struggle, won the first, challenge themselves, to break through the limit

8 . never scared of anyone

9 . and are not the same

10 . OneTwothreegogogo


1 . , strong body, determined to become material

2 . Grow up with health and happiness

3 . 我的地盘我做主

4 . See my eye! we can fly! Let me smile!can we fight!

5 . 大手拉小手我们都来做运动!

6 . We are the champion! 我们是冠军!

7 . My world, I rule

8 . [例句精译] 随着工业化给国家带来的特有乐观精神,我们已经接受人人都适合受教育的观念。

9 . 手拉手 ,我们一起来做运动

10 . Class , class : it&#;s hard to make it, and it&#;s far!


1 . , the brave struggle first, unite one heart, create good achievements together

2 . 健康快乐成长

3 . 挑战自我,突破极限,奋发拼搏,勇于开拓he challenge themselves, to break through the limit, hard work, the courage to open up

4 . 运动无限,实力尽献,田径场上,自由自在The movement of infinite strength, contribute, track and field, take one&#;s ease

5 . its not the winning, its the taking apart our bark is not worse than our bite!

6 . The winner is you !

7 . We are proud of you!

8 . 人小志气大比赛顶呱呱,你行我行争取战胜他!

9 . 【析句】句子本身并不复杂,两个句子表达了人们的想法。在第一个句子中,ifthedoormatorstovefailedtowarnofcomingdisaster是指门垫或炉灶没有警示语。在第二个句子中,orsothethinkinghasgone是一个倒装结构,正常的语序应该是orthethinkinghasgoneso(或者说人们是这么想的)。

10 . 别看我年纪小,志气比天高;爸妈齐支援,看我争第一。


1 . Challenge your own Fly your dream To be No!

2 . My world, I rule我的地盘我做主

3 . 插上梦想的翅膀

4 . I came I saw I conquered!我所至 我所见 我征服

5 . step on a long journey~踏上征程

6 . 九(几班可以自己填写班一出,谁与争锋,横扫赛场,为我称雄nine class A, die another day, across the field, for I rule the roost

7 . we will,we will,rock you

8 . 挥动激情,放飞梦想,青春无悔,激情无限The wave of passion, flying dream, youth, passion Unlimited

9 . go all out to do everything

10 . 全力以赴

