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1 . It’s time for…

2 . 用勺子淋上调味酱,面上是炒好的猪肉末和花生碎,趁热即食。On the do&#;s list, says Clark, if you find yourself being hit with a spoon, remain calm and try to ignore it

3 . 传递信息 Passing on a message

4 . n 场合,盛典;时机

5 . 一 定语从句的功用和结构

6 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

7 . 那债券推销运动一开始就很顺利,有两个有钱人各认购了美元。Each of us subscribed for shares

8 . 线路很差。请再说一遍。

9 . C He was hurt in a traffic accident?

10 . Where did Jack work?


1 . Ijusttwistedmyankle,Nobigdeal,don’tworry

2 . all既能修饰可数名词(名词须用复数),又能修饰不可数名词。

3 . M: Just watch TV at home

4 . ---__________

5 . (年扬州市中考试题

6 . A Yes, it’s very bad

7 . M: But I don’t like the colour

8 . He’sverygenerousHe’sabletoforgiveandforget

9 . 听句子,选答语

10 . --哦,那里离我这里走路才几分钟。现在过来找我吧。


1 . 【实例解析】

2 . A What’s the date

3 . Happy birthday to you

4 . what is appropriate to the occasion

5 . 答案:A。该题考查的是主谓一致。Neither…nor是一组连词,可连接连个并列主语,其谓语动词应同靠近的主语I保持一致, 因此应选A。

6 . ① 在一般疑问句的否定结构中,把副词not放在一般疑问句的主语之后。但如果用not的简略形式-n&#;t,则须将-n&#;t与一般疑问句句首的be, have,助动词或情态动词写在一起。在实际运用中,一般都采用简略式。

7 . C My head hurts and I feel really hot

8 . n 勺;铲子;凹处;独家新闻

9 . A the manager believe Jack

10 . The girl whose father is a teacher studies very hard


1 . A are a number of deer B are a number of deers

2 . Will/would you please…?

3 . 他说的话正合[不合]时宜A little given seasonably excuses a great gift

4 . Oh, what shall I/we do?

5 . aThis is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Comrade…

6 . Whattimedoyouexpecthimback?

7 . He arrived in Beijing on the day when I left

8 . Hekeepsintouchwithhisfriendsfromchildhood

9 . ( be able to可以用于各种时态,而can 为情态动词,多用于现在时,其过去式为could。

10 . 我十分赞同那个观点。They subscribed materials voluntarily


1 . A His family is just like mine B They all like sports and games

2 . ---_________

3 . Operator,wewerecutoffCouldyoureconnectme,please?

4 . A whose B whom C which D who

5 . A No, of course not B Yes, please

6 . 听短文,选答案

7 . 断,如:推理出对话发生的时间地点对话人物关系和身份等。

8 . The news only reached me yesterday我于昨天才接到这个消息。

9 . 你预计他什么时候回来?

10 . A is B was C are D were


1 . A:MrSmith,please


3 . (年南通市中考试题

4 . b焦虑 Anxiety

5 . ()一般疑问句的否定结构

6 . 意愿 Intentions

7 . I’ve read the newspaper that(which carries the important news

8 . bTake this medicine three times a day

9 . Idon’tknowhowIdiditIjustfollowedmynose

10 . Forgiveandforget(不计前嫌,冰释前嫌,不记仇


1 . The police _____ (be trying to catch the thief

2 . F I can’t I will play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon

3 . Are you a TV lover? Can you think of your life without TV?

4 . 您订的书请汇款一千五百元过来,邮资包括在内。

5 . 明白了吗?

6 . 我们每人认购五百股。 scrip subscription

7 . A I am afraid so B I hope not

8 . ---________________

9 . A:MayIhelpyou?

10 . 好的,我回头再打电话过来。


1 . There are two apples and one egg in it

2 . (年江西省中考试题

3 . The moon is a world ______ there is no life

4 . v 引起,惹起

5 . O:Justaminute,MissLi

6 . W: Yes, I was the third one Then five other people spoke after me

7 . A I can help myself?

8 . B:Don’tbotherI’llcallbacklater

9 . B:Thepleasure’smine

10 . 请稍等片刻。


1 . Please wait (here/a moment

2 . B It’s sunny

3 . I’m sorry I know only a little English

4 . Here is the book (which the teacher mentioned yesterday

5 . 能听懂并正确的辨别所听到的句子;

6 . The whole country is suffering the war 整个国家正遭遇战争。

7 . 关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语用。例如:

8 . B:MayIleaveamessage?

9 . ( no one只能用来指人,且不能与of连用。

10 . 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定从句修饰的词叫做先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词和关系副词。例如:

