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1 . 伴着阳光,每天叫醒爱赖床的你。

2 . 你可以没完没了地说下去,但我是不会相信你的。

3 . 【S】Sing a song for you

4 . 【U】Understand you

5 . He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong

6 . carbonate

7 . 汽水中就有碳酸。我们对碳酸的这种形式很熟悉。Carbonated drinks are acidic, and slightly safer

8 . 据说,如果有人能动用英文个字母,一个都不重复,写成一个不包含任何专有名词的句子,《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》将会把他的大名收录在内。

9 . It is in the nature of lightningrods它具有避雷针的性质。

10 . It was a physical problem that had to be solved要解决的问题是个实际问题。


1 . 【G】Give you what you need

2 . I&#;m glad that he is not so black as he is painted。

3 . He is the kind of person who calls white black。

4 . Is there necessity in nature?自然界是否存在必然性?

5 . n

6 . Where there is a dispute, there will have a settler of a dispute哪里有纷争,哪里就会有调停者。

7 . 如果有以后,我想给你一切你需要的。

8 . 水是碳酸软饮料中含量最高的成分,占总体积的%以上。Carbonated Nonalcoholic Beverages

9 . 尽管他身体已经衰老,但是思想还是很活跃。

10 . vt 使变成碳酸盐,使充满二氧化碳


1 . 【术语】酸的;酸性的

2 . 我很高兴他不是像你说的那么坏。

3 . 希望世界因你而美丽!

4 . 亨利被打得遍体鳞伤,全身没一块好肉。

5 . The doctor was at peace博士生活得很安宁。

6 . natural consequence

7 . 【C】Calls you just to say Hi

8 . 【X】XL love

9 . Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified。

10 . 【B】Be with you


1 . 每个脂肪酸由一端带有一个羧基的碳酸链组成。carbonic是什么意思:

2 . 这种微酸的味道是因为含有乳酸造成的。Acids in the stomach destroy the virus

3 . 中古生代以前的许多碳酸盐类矿物是白云石而不是方解石。Carbonation is the combination of carbonate or bicarbonate ions with minerals

4 . 十三I‘m sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon我要送你你最喜爱的红玫瑰,让你欣赏。

5 . 酸的;酸味的

6 . 如果你还想用更少的字母写这种句子,恐怕就非得动用专有字词不可了。像下述的句子就只用了个字母: Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim (疾风使勇敢的吉姆不知所措。

7 . (将五打酒瓶装在我的箱子里。

8 . to solve disputes by peaceful means

9 . 【V】Value myself on you

10 . 【Z】Zeal for you


1 . 预见后果是非常难的。It was not easy to foresee the consequences

2 . 这种机会真是千载难逢。

3 . Have you ever seen I am picking up the missing for you in the night spring breezing in the yard full of moonlight

4 . natural language自然语言(指人类语言集团的本族语,与世界语或计算机语言等人造语言相对 consequence是什么意思:

5 . 七We are so in love, but love to separate我们那么爱,却爱到了分开。

6 . (女神轻快的华尔滋舞步激怒了巴德。

7 . Hate a person than to love a person to pay more love

8 . Commoditization is a natural outcome of competition and technological advance

9 . 【N】Never make you cry

10 . 不管你做什么,我都支持你。


1 . 这个句子只使用了个字母,却将英文个字母完全包括了,所以是练习打字最好的材料之一。另外还有一个句子,也只用了个字母,只是普遍性远不如第一句。这个句子是: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs

2 . We will soon be out of the red。

3 . 十一Promise, sometimes, is what a cheater said to a fool承诺,有时候,就是一个骗子说给一个傻瓜听的。

4 . I just solved the mystery 我刚刚把那个谜底解开了。

5 . 很想在以后的日子每晚温柔的对你说晚安。

6 . 让你知道只有我懂你。

7 . 我会永远呵护你,永远不让你哭。

8 . Do you see any green in my eye?

9 . 【M】Make more surprise in your life

10 . 金属化碳丝 Coke consists mainly of carbon

