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1 . - I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject

2 . - Hello!

3 . Learn to learn, is a very happy person -- Mi Nande

4 . 学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。——爱因斯坦

5 . - It&#;&#;s Wednesday

6 . Wisdom lies in learning, in the accumulation of genius The so-called genius, in fact, is to rely on learning -- Hua Luogeng

7 . 钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。——奥斯特洛夫斯基

8 . 六打电话 (Making telephone calls)

9 . - Sorry! It&#;&#;s not a very good line Could you speak more loudly?

10 . 青年人首先要树雄心,立大志;其次要度衡量力,决心为国家人民作一个有用的人才;为此就要选择一个奋斗的目标来努力学习和实践。——吴玉章


1 . 德可以分为两种:一种是智慧的德,另一种是行为的德,前者是从学习中得来的,后者是从实践中得来的。——亚里士多德

2 . The same to you 你也一样。

3 . - Thank you for your advice

4 . The good seaman is known in bad weather

5 . - Excuse me Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?

6 . 蒙骗得了一人,但蒙骗不了所有的人。

7 . 我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。

8 . Childrens mind is sensitive, it is to accept everything good and open If teachers induce children to learn from the good examples and encourage them to imitate all good behaviors, then all the shortcomings of the child will not suffer the pain and trauma to gradually disappear -- Sue Home Linsky

9 . In the river of truth seeking, only to learn, continue to learn, hard to learn, learn creatively to the mountain across the mountains -- Hua Luogeng

10 . 平时没有跑发卫千米,占时就难以进行一百米的冲刺。


1 . If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee

2 . 力成文学:努力学习,勤奋工作,让青春更加光彩。——王光美

3 . 经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量。——高尔基

4 . The future truly outstanding enterprises, will be able to try to make all sectors of personnel dedicated, and have the ability to continue to learn the organization -- Peter Senge

5 . Dont get a friend by presenting a gift You have to contribute your Zhiqing love and learn how to win the heart of a person in the right way - Socrates

6 . That’s not a problem 那没问题。

7 . - No, this is Sam

8 . If the compasses feet moving, forever also cannot draw a circle

9 . 问心无愧,永无畏惧。

10 . This soup tastes great 这个汤非常美味。


1 . Reading and learning, with the help of other peoples ideas and knowledge, set up their own ideas and knowledge -- Pushkin

2 . We have a lot in common 我们有很多相同之处。

3 . How few there are who have courage enough to own their faultsor resolution enough to mend them!

4 . Mrs Smith:Judy Why are you so interested in her?

5 . 学习和研究好比爬梯子,要一步一步地往上爬,企图一脚跨上四五步,平地登天,那就必须会摔跤了。——华罗庚

6 . - I don&#;&#;t quite follow you, Mr Green Will you please say it again?

7 . Study never too late - Golgi

8 . - When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?

9 . - It&#;&#;s very hot

10 . “You know—one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…”


1 . Youth is the time to learn wisdom, middle age is the time to put into practice -- Rousseau

2 . 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!

3 . 青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。——高尔基

4 . - Could I buy half a kilo oranges?

5 . - You mustn&#;&#;t play on the street It&#;&#;s dangerous

6 . 让恶习先你死去。

7 . 读和写是学生最必要的两种学习方法,也是通向周围世界的两扇窗口。——苏霍姆林斯基

8 . - Excuse me May I use your dictionary?

9 . 重复是学习之母。——狄更斯

10 . Two heads are better than one 人多智广。


1 . Germany can be divided into two kinds: one is the wisdom of Germany, the other is the behavior of Germany, the former is from the study, the latter is from the practice of the -- Aristotle

2 . - Don&#;&#;t think in Chinese when you&#;&#;re speaking English

3 . Reading is to learn, to use is to learn, and is more important to learn -- Mao Zedong

4 . Mrs Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one tells worse jokes than you。

5 . - What&#;&#;s the time? My watch has stopped

6 . 敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。

7 . 学习这件事不在乎有没有人教你,最重要的是在于你自己有没有觉悟和恒心。——法布尔

8 . 勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。

9 . If students study in school, the result is that they will not create anything, then his life is always copied and copied -- Lev Tolstoy

10 . - Mr Green, please


1 . Do me the favour to deny me at once

2 . 好好学习,天天向上。——毛泽东

3 . 真的吗?我都没见你在我们婚礼上流泪,却在杰夫和玛丽的婚礼上看到了。

4 . 我不明白为什么他被选来做伴郎。既然他更有魅力,为什么玛丽不和他结婚。

5 . To live is to learn, to learn is not to live -- Bacon

6 . - Oh dear! It&#;&#;s very cold today

7 . At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way

8 . The nail has two advantages: one is squeezing and a drill We should advocate this kind of "nail" spirit, be good at squeezing and drilling -- Lei Feng

9 . Maintaining and cultivating the self esteem of each student depends on how the teacher treats the students individual learning achievement -- Sue Home Linsky

10 . 对于攀登者来说,失掉往昔的足迹并不可惜,迷失了继续前时的方向却 很危险。

