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1 . The problem of international tourism has caused wide public concern over the recent years

2 . "Your time is limited, so don&#;t waste it living someone else&#;s life 人生有限,不要为别人而活。"

3 . The progress of the society is based on harmony

4 . - How far is the po

5 . Never forget the things that once make you smile 不要忘记那些曾让你开心过的事情。

6 . Tomorrow is another day明天又是新的一天。

7 . - Will you please show me that radio?

8 . - What day is it today?

9 . 你必须习惯于独处, get used to being alone 你会自己孤单一生。 you’ll be alone your whole life

10 . 你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。


1 . Don&#;t let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life

2 . Students attend a boarding school would cultivate their independence as apart from their parents

3 . That’s not a problem 那没问题。

4 . 说的再多 也已然成为了废话。

5 . mooncakes

6 . There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse

7 . - Excuse me Where is the washroom, please?

8 . 我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏。

9 . - You must look after yourself and keep healthy

10 . - No, I think it&#;&#;s open


1 . You can’t change the past过去的事是不可以改变的。

2 . - Certainly Here you are

3 . That sounds like a good idea 那听上去是个好主意。

4 . The most common and harmful addiction in the world is the draw of comfort世界上最普通最具危害的“瘾头”就是向他人寻求安慰。

5 . We’ll see 再说吧。

6 . - Are you able to come tomorrow morning?

7 . - Where can I buy some stationery?

8 . - Could I buy half a kilo oranges?

9 . - Thank you

10 . There’s a possibility 有这个可能。


1 . - Maybe But I prefer art

2 . "#Ralph Waldo Emerson# be yourself, no base imitator of another, but your best self There is something which you can do better than another Listen to the inward voice and bravel" y obey t hatDo t he "tings at which you are great, not what you were never made for ——Ralph Waldo Emerson"

3 . - Sorry! It&#;&#;s not a very good line Could you speak more loudly?

4 . 花花世界 不必当真。

5 . A negative mind will never give you a positive life 悲观的态度永远不会有美好的人生。

6 . 十四 禁止和警告 (Prohibition and warnings)

7 . - I don&#;&#;t quite follow you, Mr Green Will you please say it again?

8 . 玛丽穿着婚纱真漂亮。让我想起我当新娘的那一刻。

9 . "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,or you will never grow up 你不尝试着做些能力之外的事情,就永远无法成长。"

10 . 他们在演奏婚礼进行曲了。你的眼里都是泪水。


1 . Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

2 . 只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来。

3 . Let the warmth of my love Dry away all your tears ——Ben Harper 《There Will Be a Light》

4 . We can work it out 我们可以解决这个问题。

5 . 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!

6 . Stupid is as stupid does蠢人做蠢事。

7 . - What&#;&#;s the weather like today?

8 . Mrs Smith:Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown, and I recall the moment that I was a bride。

9 . Your destiny can be your doom命运也许会成为厄运。

10 . 八提供… 和应答 (Offers and responses)

