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1 . I have a runny nose我流鼻涕。

2 . Frank:To be honest, I don’t really like doing either one I can’t cook and I hate cleaning。

3 . 汤姆总是裹足不前。

4 . Have you ever been to Japan? 你去过日本吗?

5 . turnoff关上,turnup旋大(灯火等,开大(煤气等调高(声音等,

6 . Have him return my call让他给我回电话。

7 . 这些都很畅销。

8 . Give my best to your family 代我向你们全家问好。

9 . R: all right How about this black shirt? It can be worn for anything---a party, a job interview and even a funeral!

10 . I&#;m on the WAGON(马车,车)。


1 . G: yeah,there&#;re so many excellent candidates out there Who knows which one will make it to the final?

2 . 对你有用吗?

3 . The price makes my hair stand on end

4 . 不错。

5 . God works

6 . 在我看来,洗碗很无聊。The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

7 . 我很高兴一直都这么幸运。

8 . 措辞得当,态度诚恳是问候的基本要求。

9 . Howmuchcinnamon?多少肉桂?

10 . I&#;m not going


1 . 友好的微笑会帮助你赢得面试官的青睐。

2 . 我也会快速回复那些需要回复的邮件,短语里的动词dash off在这里指的是快速的发送或者写。

3 . Kind greetings with a smile help shorten the distance between each other

4 . It’s out of the question这是不可能的。

5 . Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?

6 . A ton of/tons of指的就是很大量,很多。那么来看一下面的句子吧:

7 . Still up?

8 . Could I have the bill,please? 请把账单给我好吗?

9 . 你太客气了。

10 . turnontheblender打开搅拌器电源


1 . S: well, I&#;ll come up with a detailed business plan to attract the investors

2 . mixitallup将它们混合在一起

3 . Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?

4 . You?re laying it on thick

5 . 无与伦比。

6 . Hope so

7 . Merry Christmas to you all!祝你们都耶诞快乐!

8 . 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。

9 . 我得赶紧走了。I have to rush。

10 . Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?


1 . Carter:You look great Your make-up is perfect。

2 . Dont get me wrong 别误会我。

3 . He is in conference 他正在开会。

4 . 不可能!

5 . Don&#;t flatter me

6 . 玩得很高兴。

7 . J: sounds perfect I think with all that you have in mind, you&#;ll become a successful businessman By then,perhaps, I&#;ll join in as a partner of your company

8 . Have you got anything larger? 有大一点儿的吗?

9 . 随大流。

10 . E: what kind of services do they offer?

