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1 . 老师,你哪亲切的话语,一直在我的心头回荡;老师,你给予我的关怀,心中想着甜蜜幸福;老师,听闻你住院的消息,我真的很伤心,很难过,愿你早日康复,平平安安。

2 . 你就是我的上帝,让我学到了不少知识;你就是我的依靠,给了我灵魂的教导;老师,听说你病倒了,我有万般的思念,千般的牵挂;老师,祝愿你早日康复。

3 . Eighteen,burninglikefire,senttothemostsinceregreetings;seewarmpatches,affectingthelifeofthesoul;mydearteacher,thankyouDirectcareandattention;thankyou,teacher,wishyouaspeedyrecovery

4 . B: Thank you!

5 . natural consequence

6 . 北京是一个非常美丽的城市!

7 . 她力量是指女性群体在社会各个领域产生的不可忽视的力量,包括女性本身的力量女性和男性融合的`力量女性对男性激励的力量。

8 . to solve disputes by peaceful means

9 . A: Nice to meet you

10 . 他年轻时,开过零售店,当过邮政所所长。She&#;s a good student generally, but sports are where she really shines


1 . [U,C]【化】酸

2 . Six,becauseoflife,health,lifewillbecomebeautiful;life,becausethereareworriedabout,lifewillbecomemorehappiness;theteacher,tohearaboutyourdiseaseFell,Iverycare,wishyourecoveratanearlydate,happinessoflifeandbeautiful

3 . 风力:利用风的能量来产生动力。Power plant is a power of hp piston engine

4 . n 头,头部;头痛;理解力;首脑,首长

5 . 十四Of the world&#;s most precious and are not eligible and lost世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

6 . 你计划待多久?

7 . The somewhat acid flavour is caused by the presence of lactic acid

8 . 碳酸作用是碳酸根离子或重碳酸根离子与矿物的化合作用。editmetallized carbon filament

9 . 谢谢你,我相信我会的。

10 . 她在各方面都是好学生,但运动才是她的真正所长。They were comparing notes of admiration at the workhouse-master’s humility


1 . This book synthesised the strong points of different schools and incorporated things of diverse nature

2 . 十九The wind is too with the pain you give is blown away风太带大你给的痛却吹不散。

3 . a head of a gang; a ringleader; a chieftain; the head of a group; a cock

4 . B: I&#;m from America

5 . 五A person quiet a person cry movie clips, the whole world is sad一个人安静一个人哭泣散场电影,全世界伤心。

6 . 二十Don&#;t take yourself too reluctantly, because no one will care about不用对自己太勉强,因为没人会在意。

7 . 好的,谢谢,体育口语《第一课:问候和欢迎 Greetings and Welcoming Conversations》。

8 . a 碳的,由碳得到的

9 . n 力量;动力;能力;权力;大国;机能;体力

10 . 不,我已经来过两次了。


1 . 六Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求。

2 . Thirteen,longroadoflife,theworldofinfinitehappiness;wonderfullifewithyouismyteacher,youaremylifedependon;today,IheardthatyouInthehospital,Ireallygoodsad;nowIwishyouaspeedyrecovery,happyflowers

3 . B: Thank you

4 . becauseoflife,health,lifewillbecomebeautiful;life,becausethereareworriedabout,lifewillbecomemorehappiness;theteacher,tohearaboutyourdiseasefell,iverycare,wishyourecoveratanearlydate,happinessoflifeandbeautiful

5 . 我来自美国。

6 . Three,mybeautifulteacher,youalwaysaresobeautiful,touchingwhat;lookatyouisillinbed,studentsfeelreallysad,goodsad;teacher,Iwishyouaspeedyrecovery,youarealwaysonmymind

7 . 碳酸滴定中点和等量点也高得多。Each fatty acid consists of a hydrocarbon chain with a carboxyl group at one end

8 . 你就是我的上帝,让我学到了不少知识;你就是我的依靠,给了我灵魂的教导;老师,听说你病倒了,我有万般的思念,千般的牵挂;老师,祝愿你早日康复。

9 . 老师,感恩你这些年来的关照与厚爱;听闻你生病住院的消息,我真的替你难过,也为你祝福,愿你健健康康,一辈子快快乐乐!一生病魔不粘。

10 . 久仰大名。

