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1 . 游人渐渐离开了红塔,

2 . Only ten students attended the class because all the rest were off sick

3 . ()由and或both……and连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。例如:

4 . C No, I would

5 . 凄艳迷人。

6 . Please take the umbrella with you It’s going to rain要下雨了,请把伞带上。

7 . 可能很多同学认为面对听力,总有一种无从下手的感觉。其实尽管中考的听力很难靠猜题和压题来复习,但是中考中的听力测试部分不是随意设计的,它遵循《英语课程标准》的规定和要求,因此同学们只要注意方法,多听多练,就会发现听力部分并没有想象中的那么难。那么我们如何利用好这一年的时间,争取在听力水平上有所提高呢?

8 . II 听对话,选答案

9 . The bucket is filled with water水桶里装满了水。

10 . 二D B D A B B C A D A


1 . 在泛听的基础上,必须安排一定的时间进行专项综合和强化性听力训练。选择难易适度的材料,先易后难,先慢后快地进行。

2 . A have been B have gone C has been D has gone

3 . Mr Black and Mrs Black have a son called Tom

4 . It’s nothing serious

5 . 听力理解题的要求主要是:

6 . C Are you at home, Bruce

7 . 泉潭密布,温泉热汤疗百疾;

8 . 不是像企鹅那样静静地站在海边期盼机会,而是如苍鹰一般不停地翻飞盘旋寻求机会;不是像寒号鸟那样恐惧地钻进崖缝躲避风雨,__________________________

9 . 劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions

10 . cDon’t rush/crowd


1 . I still remember the night when I first came to the village?

2 . A nor I am B nor I are

3 . The factory where his father works is in the east of the city

4 . 不因前误后:有时一个词或一个句子没有听懂,不必着急。将没听清楚的词或句子放过去,不要影响了下一道题。

5 . ( be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。

6 . 【参考答案】示例:硕大——漫长的等待中,他把心硕大成一个个肥皂泡,希望就这样轻飘飘消逝了。

7 . ()有些集合名词,如family, team等作主语时,如作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数;如指其中每个成员,则用复数。例如:

8 . ( none既能指人,又能指物,意思是"没有一个,无一",常用作代词,与of连用。

9 . A whose B whom C which D who

10 . 改句:我国第一艘航母将主要用于科研实验和训练,这是不可否认的事实。


1 . 靠冰雪融化草木萌发“几处早莺争暖树”来感知早春白雪皑皑滴水成冰

2 . 至如车水捕鱼,青鱼结阵,

3 . Do you enjoy listening to music or reading books?

4 . A你的寿命世界最长

5 . whole在句中的位置是放在所有格,冠词和指示代词的之后。

6 . This is the house where we lived last year

7 . (·中山小榄一中模拟根据语境,续写两个分句,使之构成一个语意相关的排比句。

8 . He/She isn’t here right now

9 . 只能用which,不用that 的情况:

10 . .友情这东西玩好了是小时代,玩掰了就是甄嬛传。


1 . bYes, that’s all right

2 . 一场考试,才散了多少爱情跟友情。

3 . 老师说:“书声琅琅专注凝神的课堂就是美,一种渴求知识的美。”

4 . Shall we meet at : at…?

5 . 九龙池,水入城来,

6 . None of us has heard of him before我们没有一个人以前听说过他。

7 . I’m glad/pleased/happy to…

8 . The letter _______ I received from him yesterday is very important

9 . 恋爱——转题

10 . What /How about…?


1 . A is B are C has D have

2 . (·广东仿照画波浪线的句子,在横线上续写一句话,使之构成排比。

3 . Will she not like it?

4 . The number of people invited _____ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons

5 . 是的——转题

6 . 但并列主语如果指的是同一人,同一事物或同一概念,谓语动词用单数。例如:

7 . How’s the weather in…?

8 . ---Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please??

9 . D Thank you all the same?

10 . Ten dollars is too dear


1 . A there B when C where D which


3 . Neither my father ________ going to see the patient

4 . ---When are you going to Kumming for your holidays?

5 . 一般疑问句一般是指以助动词情态动词be动词或have(有)开始,通常要求以yes,或no来回答的疑问句,一般疑问句读时通常用升调。

6 . Would you like some…?

7 . Question: What are they talking about??

8 . D外星人登陆地球

9 . The police are looking for lost boy

10 . (一个主体既是前一个动作的接受者,又是后一个动词的发出者


1 . A He was ill in bed all day?B He had toothache yesterday?

2 . .你确信吗?友情世界里也存在着吃醋,那滋味不亚于爱情。

3 . Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself

4 . 此乃玉溪生态立市之所由也!

5 . (年江西省中考试题

6 . Nice/Glad to see/meet you

7 . 陈表称,铁面御史,

8 . I hate the people ________ don’t help others when they are in trouble

9 . What colour/size/kind do you want?

10 . 感谢和应答 Thanks and responses


1 . 仿佛只隔着薄薄的一层纱,

2 . C He was hurt in a traffic accident?

3 . 二 解题技巧

4 . Now, you want to know about life in the past, right? I can tell you When I was a boy, things were different I had to get up at six every morning That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold And we didn&#;t have any hot water in the house We had to wash in cold water We didn&#;t have a bath-room My dad had some chickens I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening And we had to go to bed at seven o&#;clock every night We couldn&#;t watch TV because there wasn&#;t any On Sundays we had to go to church three times-morning, afternoon and evening And we couldn&#;t play outside on Sundays But it wasn&#;t too bad We had some good times We could go out and our parents didn&#;t have to worry about us There weren&#;t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days We had to work hard and we weren&#;t able to buy all those things in the shops today Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier

5 . (·预测仿照下面的示例续写一句话,要求内容贴切,句式与示例相同,书写正确工整。什么是包容?

6 . 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

7 . ( 在非限制性定语从中。例如:

8 . dDo you have any other kind/size/colour,etc?

9 . C Jack was an honest man

10 . 改句:江西省哪有土特产在全国的名优特产品评选中胜出?

