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1 . Wishing you many future successes请多保重!

2 . 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

3 . It shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly

4 . "I don&#;t go to the doctor because my health is not a priority"

5 . When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

6 . 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。

7 . 当阳光敲开你的眼眶,你是否还记得这一夜的惆怅,是疲惫还是发光,那要看你是不是有那精准的目光,看到我的短信闪着光,祝你好人好梦。

8 . 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

9 . 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

10 . 我们的照片展示了植物的生长状况。


1 . 生命是一种奇迹,睡眠是奇迹的三分之一,如果想让生命其余的三分之二变成不朽传奇,千万别慢待睡眠胡乱作息,祝愿你的生命开心,顺心健康身心如意,友情提醒你注意,朋友真心莫要不理!亲,一定要注意哦!

2 . I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

3 . 请相信,我们的爱算数!

4 . 上周,巴黎的时装设计师们展示了他们的冬季时装作品。

5 . 不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。

6 . May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。

7 . 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

8 . 我需要你,正如我需要呼吸空气。

9 . Word can say so little when someone cares so much Mother, Im wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that Id so like to say &&How thankful I am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you

10 . I can&#;t help but think about the world we live in too often we quickly blame other people, other things, anything else but ourselves "You&#;re racist" "You&#;re intolerant" "You&#;re the problem" the world isn&#;t perfect, I know, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves some tough questions


1 . The cushions, shown left, measure × inches and cost $

2 . Once upon a time a psychology professor walked around on a stage while teaching stress management principles to an auditorium filled with students

3 . look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

4 . 提供展示空间给艺术家展示其作品。

5 . Wishing you a wonderful birthday You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too

6 . 她回答道:“在我看来,这杯水的绝对重量不重要。在各种情况里,这杯水的重量都没变,但是我举得越久,我就觉得越重。”

7 . 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。

8 . 你是那用一个眼神就可以点燃我心火的灵魂伴侣!

9 . A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!

10 . A happy New Year to you祝节日快乐,新年幸福。


1 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

2 . “我不会去看医生的,因为我的健康不是什么要紧的事情。”

3 . 您对我的爱是这样深,言语的表叙显得实在无力。母亲,我希望这句话能告诉您我最想说的事&&我多么感谢您,又多么自豪,因为我有像您这样慈爱的母亲。

4 . The road to a lover&#;s house is never long

5 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

6 . Don&#;t wait for pain, to believe in prayer

7 . Don&#;t wait for the fall, to remember the advice

8 . 针纺织品展示区为商户提供了展示产品形象的平台。

9 . 收到这条短信的时候将是你美梦的开始,伴着字里行间我对你的祝福你会美梦成真,轻轻入睡,睡去那一身的疲惫,睡去那尘世间的烦恼,愿你健康睡眠每一天。

10 . When I met you I knew I would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love


1 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

2 . 祝您圣诞快乐,您的全体学生敬上。

3 . The only present love demands is love

4 . 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

5 . But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。

6 . I love you Not only for what you are but also what you have made of me

7 . 整个展示中最吸引我的`地方,是展示末的造景。

8 . Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things传统佳节之际,献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!

9 . Thank you for loving me no way any one has ever tried

10 . 当全班晃头表示同意时,她继续说道:“你们在生活中的压力和担忧就非常像这杯水。”

