1 . - How are you feeling today?
2 . - Of course With pleasure
3 . - Good idea Thats much better than watching a bad TV Programme
4 . - Go straight along this road Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop Youll find it
5 . - Hello, Ham Mei Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?
6 . - Good morning, sir May I help you?
7 . - We send you our best wishes
8 . - Its Wednesday
9 . LH:嗯,你朋友以前也借钱给你,帮过你,所以现在你帮他。这也是应该的。对了,Larry,这个hardup除了指缺钱,还可以用在什么地方?
10 . 十六语言困难(XXIX Language difficulties)
1 . 小涛慢腾腾地走到妈妈面前,支支吾吾地说出一句话:“妈妈,我今天不小心摁死了一只蚂蚁。”
2 . (点评:老师的一番话,既是对自己喜欢的广告的介绍,也是一种评价,而这段评价的语言,说的非常深刻,在一定程度上可以让学生模仿。这样一来对于学生接下来的点评就能稍微降低点难度了,也能保证学生的点评是言之有物的。而不只是略于表面。)
3 . “你们知道吗?我们下个星期一要去春游……”
4 . B广告词精练概括,突出优点,图文并茂更好,如有故事情节的可以表演出来。C独立思考与合作设计相结合。
5 . That’s not a problem 那没问题。
6 . Mr Smith:The minister is doing a good job I’m not sure if they’ll be as happy as we are。
7 . That sounds like a good idea 那听上去是个好主意。
8 . 据说,古时候,在希腊半岛北部的马其顿帝国,拥有强大的军队。国王菲利普想向希腊南部进军,妄图征服整个希腊半岛。他向拉科尼亚的斯巴达人送去了一封信,信中写道:“如果我们来到你们的国家,将把你们的城市夷为平地。”几天以后,勇敢的斯巴达人,反唇相讥,给马其顿国王菲利普回了一封信。信的内容非常简短,全信只有一个词:“如果。”
9 . - When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?
10 . LH:嗯,那种需要工作却找不到工作的滋味一定很不好受。希望我毕业后不会经历hardupforwork
1 . - Must I clean the classroom now?
2 . - I think I shall read a book instead
3 . - Oh, Im really very sorry
4 . LH:我也是,只要到了期中考,期末考的季节,我就觉得时间不够用,书都念不完。那hardupforwork不能说工作不够,只能说找不到工作喽?
5 . 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!
6 . 谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding?
7 . - No Middle School
8 . - The park isnt far from here Shall we walk there?
9 . That’s disgusting 真讨厌。
10 . 我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。
1 . Mr Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world What is the bridesmaid’s name?
2 . - No, thanks I can carry it
3 . - When will he be back?
4 . “灯盘上有一只很美的灯蛾死在那里。”
5 . - Yes, the air is nice and clean
6 . There’s a possibility 有这个可能。
7 . Mary: Hi, Tom, this is Mary Im a friend of Jims汤姆,我是玛丽,吉姆的朋友。Tom: Hi, Mary Jim has told me about you Whats up你好,玛丽。吉姆提起过你,有什么事吗?Mary: Today is Jims birthday and were having a party for him tonight Do you think you could come今天是吉姆的生日,今晚我们想为他开个生日聚会,你能不能来?
8 . 久仰! Ive heard so much about you
9 . 朱迪,你怎么对她那么感兴趣?
10 . - Whats the time? My watch has stopped