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1 . (普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如:

2 . )You won’t pass the final exam ___________(除非you work hard

3 . B where No Middle School is C No Middle School is where D No Middle School where is

4 . 尊严这个东西,其实是和***成反比的,你想得到一个东西,就会变得低三下四,死皮赖脸,而当你对眼前这个人,这件事无动于衷的时候,尊严就会在你心中拔地而起。

5 . ( The pandas that we saved ____better now A are B were C is D was

6 . 再烦,也别忘微笑;再急,也要注意语气;再苦,也别忘坚持;再累,也要爱自己

7 . 承诺不是蓝天上的一片白云,逍遙飘逸。承诺不是__________________;承诺如同珍珠,它的莹润是河蚌痛苦的代价,也是河蚌的荣耀;承诺如同___________________________________________。

8 . 世界上最富有的人,是跌倒最多的人。世界上最勇敢的人,是每次跌倒都能爬起来的人。

9 . B when will my uncle leave C where my uncle will stay D where does my uncle stay

10 . )Father was watching TV ________ Mum was washing dishes Abefore B while Cafter Duntil


1 . 当你只渴望一种舒适的感情,这就是恋爱不幸的源头。真正的爱情里,或许辛苦更多于舒适。磨合体谅包容,每一样都是累活。磨难是为了让爱情长得更结实,也最容易让人半途而废。很多人在感情中疲累不已,因此开始怀疑爱错了人。不,恰恰这才是爱情的真面目。

2 . 。①sweets②the③like④I

3 . 只要我遇到生命中的那个公主,我将有永不停止的动力,我的生活天天积极向上,充满阳光,我会为她改变,为她付出,充满上进心,为她拼搏事业,从此人生焕然一新。

4 . 。①do②see③what④you

5 . A how much did he pay for B how much he paid for C he paid for how much D he paid how much for

6 . Yes, it is No, it isn&#;t It&#;s…

7 . -I like films which ____(be exciting and interesting

8 . I hope to go to France some day__there are many museums thereAthough B unless C because D where

9 . 二 ( Rosa likes music ___ is quiet and gentle A when B that C where D who

10 . Hurry up,___you will miss the early train A or Band Cif Dunless


1 . C when did the first bus arrive Dwhen will the first bus arrive

2 . 不是越长大越孤单,而是我们给别人的爱越来越少了。

3 . )与too…to…句型的转换:

4 . 当你是快乐时,悲伤便在一旁窥视;而当你是痛苦时,那随之而来的就是欢乐。到了最后,你会发觉,每一样都配得好好的,每一种痛苦与快乐,每一样你所得到的和失去的,好的与坏的,到了最后,你终会发现都是一样的。

5 . Don’t cross the street __ the traffic lights are green A after B until C while D since

6 . Thought is the key _____ opens the doors of the world A why B where C which D who

7 . )I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army

8 . ( Your T-shirt is so cool Could you tell me ________?

9 . ( -- Could you tell me___ yesterday?-- About two hours A How long it takes to fly to Guilin B How long it took to fly to Guilin CHow long does it take to fly to Guiln D How long did it take to fly to Guilin

10 . —Why did you come to school late this morning?--___I watched the Football World Cup until : last night AIf BBecause CSince DThough


1 . Is the baseball under the chair?

2 . 人生的许多寻找,不在于千山万水,而在于咫尺之间。一念起,天涯咫尺;一念灭,咫尺天涯。

3 . 形式:

4 . The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it= ___________________________________________________

5 . 天真的人,不代表没有见过世界的黑暗,恰恰因为见到过,才知道天真的好。

6 . 先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用 that,

7 . 。①a②see③I④bird

8 . —Where was your brother at this time last night?—He was writing an e-mail ___I was watching TV at home

9 . ___________句,用原句中的特殊疑问词引导:what, who, where, when, which, why, how (many/ much/ often/ long/ old如: Who are you waiting for? Can you tell me? --- Can you tell me who you are waiting for?

10 . I ________the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow Awill return Breturned Chave returned Dreturn

