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1 . 在你见到某人后,我们常用类似于Good Morning,How are you? 和Hello等标准问候语。

2 . The birthday girl guy, I wish you can get all hope, all dreams come true, all waiting can appear, all paying can cash。

3 . Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life&#;s way May your birthday be happy in more ways than one

4 . Once you have met someone, it&#;s common to use standard greetings such as &#;Good Morning&#;, &#;How are you?&#; and &#;Hello&#;

5 . 主 谓宾 宾补

6 . Yes, I am / No, I&#;m not 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

7 . 生日快乐,亲爱的朋友,愿你天天快乐,年年好运,一生幸福!

8 . The question &#;How do you do&#; is only a formality In other words, the question does not need to be answered Rather, it is a standard phrase used when meeting some for the first time

9 . Carnations are not so leisure as peony, not so fragrant as lily, but they give out delicate fragrance, just like your love to me

10 . Later (very informal


1 . This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children

2 . I may not often say it, but I do love you

3 . Warm wishes on your birthday I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift Take care!

4 . You should work hard

5 . 我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

6 . No, it isn&#;t / Yes, it is 不,它不是。/是的,它是。

7 . 五.S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构

8 . Tom: Hi Anna Nothing much I&#;m just hanging out What&#;s up with you?

9 . 愿你的生日是对生命的歌颂,祝健康快乐,事业蒸蒸日上。

10 . Anna: Tom, what&#;s up?


1 . She’s my mother 她是我的妈妈。

2 . Many happy returns of this special day All our best wishes go to you on your birthday

3 . 非正式对话中的问候语

4 . 早上好/中午好/晚上好

5 . 【讲透考点】

6 . To mother on Mother’s Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me

7 . 在打招呼或者告别的时候,我们使用的问候语也不同。

8 . Let me share with you 让我和你一同分享吧!

9 . People are used to born in the stars They just temporarily live in the star which is called the earth Therefore, everyone has a star-like heart The life is limited, but they still shine with their smiles and love

10 . What&#;s the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字?


1 . Don’t feel bad growing old I am right behind you

2 . Watch out! 小心!

3 . 早上好。最近好吗?

4 . I saw a girl

5 . The heart that once truly loves never forgets 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。

6 . 你好吗?

7 . We can never get it by working for it directly It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher It is a byproduct of great, simple living The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it

8 . 最好的愿望祝你生日快乐。

9 . 早上好/下午好/晚上好。

10 . In the toy box ? 在你的玩具箱里吗?


1 . Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply? 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

2 . 真的下雪了!不是零星小雪,而是鹅毛大雪,一落地就凝结在一起了。

3 . How have you been?

4 . 我实在记不得我要往何处去了!

5 . A mooncake is a delicious, round cake

6 . Take good care of yourself We all love you, mom

7 . Love warms more than a thousand fires 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

8 . Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you Happy Mother’s Day

9 . Maria: I can&#;t complain Life is treating me well

10 . The trees turn yellow in the autumn


1 . 找出以下的宾语成分:

2 . I saw him in I heard the glass broken just now

3 . On the occasion of arrival of your birthday, sincerely offer my three wishes: may you healthy; Wishing you happiness; May you everything goes well。

4 . 当别人介绍你时,你可以使用的问候语

5 . Greetings in Formal Conversations

6 . I swim

7 . 变老了,不要难过。我只比你年轻一点点而已。

8 . The black one is a bird 那个黑色的是一只鸟。

9 . Good morning / afternoon / evening

10 . 回头见。



