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1 . Life in the first cry, first down, every time the laughter, every fold to, are inseparable from the mother&#;s care and accompany let us pious Qi Fu, wish our mother longevity and health mother festival is happy!

2 . Do not, for one repulse, forgot the purpose that you resolved to effort

3 . However long the night, the dawn will break

4 . 母亲,您的双眼是永生难忘的清泉,您的双手是无限温柔的宇宙,您的胸膛是永恒明媚的天堂,您的发丝是我永远不变的牵挂。母亲节到了,愿母亲健康长寿,快乐永久。

5 . 能在这个世界上获得成功的人是早晨起床后寻找他们想 要的机遇,如果他们找不到的话,就自己创造。

6 . 岁月使皮肤起皱,放弃使灵魂起皱。

7 . Facing the withering defoliations and imaging they will be in bud,it needs to have an immortal of spring heart, an optimism of heart

8 . i dont think so 我认为不是。

9 . There is a temple at the foot of Nanshan,and an ancient banyan is in front of it

10 . Dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired


1 . You are a tree, leaning against the spring of your imagination, summer, leaning against you lush, fall against you mature, winter musters your meditation

2 . i hope so 我希望如此。

3 . 今天是母亲节,愿您永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。送上鲜花,送上我深深的祝福!在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

4 . Motherly love is forever the mellifluous laughters, maternal love is wandering Tianya the strands of thought, love is concerned about the children sick before the anxious, maternal love is a growing Yanyinqipan children Mother&#;s Day is up, bless my dear mother, a lifetime of peace, happiness and happiness

5 . Universe, Planets, Countries, Islands, Seas, and I had the privilege to meet you

6 . Let us give mother a little love and care, it is afraid of the heat of a fan; winter in a sweater, let the mother always feel the concern of children

7 . Miss you, miss you - teachers! For your blessing and will miss the growing, Momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing Ying Man, the good life of peace!(想念您,怀念您--老师!对您的怀念与祝福将与日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉深情与祝福盈满,好人一生平安!

8 . Frustration, you look for my healing; frustrated when you use the smile to give me a strong; move along, you use waist for me carrying hope; work, you in the end of the line obsession Mother&#;s day, I wish my mother happy Ankang!

9 . 你为我坚强抵御风雨,你为我脆弱担心哭泣,你为我青春拼搏不息,你为我苍老弯了背脊。你是我一生的爱,一生的心疼,妈妈,我爱你。母亲节,祝你健康快乐,我们永远幸福的在一起。

10 . do it right 把它做对


1 . 教师节是每年的九月十号,这个节日在发展的过程中,已经逐渐演变为我国一个十分重要的节日。当然这个节日重要的不是它本身,是这个节日所承载的重要意义。教师节是提倡人们尊师重教的一个重要日子,学生们在这一天总会想尽办法让老师在这一天收获更多的感动和祝福,让他们拥有一个更为美好的回忆。就像七夕节的一枚钻戒能给对方留下一个浪漫的回忆一样,教师节英语祝福语不仅显得洋气,而且往往能比较精炼地传达出祝福。

2 . The best way to learn is to learn from the best 名师出高徒 Thanks for being such a great teacher Happy Teachers Day

3 . 她不是云彩,因为她不会随风而散;她不是浪花,因为她不会随波逐流。她是爱——母亲的爱,祝天下母亲幸福!

4 . 总有一段时间,总有一个时间点,我们想要开始新的生活,对于曾经的一切说上一句,还好:终于告一段落,还好:一切都过去了,还好:还能重新开始,还好:我还好好的。月,你好!

5 . Teachers, so when children call me, just like that…… Today, I sincerely Duinin Shui sound: the teacher, you had hard(老师,当孩子们这样称呼我时,犹如当年……今天我衷心地对您说声:老师,您辛苦了。

6 . I understand you have called content, and you don&#;t understand is th

7 . Maternal love, is told, is missing, endless Guaqian; maternal love, the soft wind, like the deep sea, Enchongrushan Flowers can wither, the sea change Kuwata, but also to mother&#;s day, wish my dear mother healthy and happy!

8 . 但生活终究要前行,我们也必须一步一步的走下去,不管多么美好的时光,在每一个明天来临之时,便已经悄悄落幕成为过往,不管多么悲伤的时光,就让它留在下一个黎明来临之前,你要远方,必须遗忘。早安,月。

9 . 妈妈,在今天的母亲节里,我想对您说:您是我母亲知己和朋友的完美结合。

10 . 很多事,不是我想,就能做到的。很多东西,不是我要,就能得到的。很多人,不是我留,就能留住的,一个人也很好。时光如水,总是无言。你若安好,便是晴天。


1 . 在早晨,我们离开家,带上我们的爱希望还有信任。当我们 在路途中遭遇了难以避免的挫折,这些就是我们的财富。

2 . 人生难免遭遇各种痛苦,生起很多烦恼,但我们不能一直执着于烦恼。如果一直盯着白墙上的几个黑点不放,黑暗就会占据你所有的视线。同样,如果总是贪恋于生命的某些片段,就会让你失去完整的人生。生活中已发生的一切,都是有因有果的,要相信因果,放过自己,不折磨自己,这也是一种放生。

3 . Never forget your smiling face, can not be forgotten memories of their youth heavy Hopefully, the moon Trinidad send Love, Hello&#;s life blessed peace(忘不了您的笑脸,遗忘不了青春厚重的记忆。但愿明月千里寄相思,祝福您好人一生平安。

4 . Your lessons are still the one that helps me Your words are still fresh and warm Youve swayed my life so deeply Youre still my best teacher Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love and peace on Teachers Day 您的教诲我至今仍受益良多,言犹在耳,深深影响了我,您是我最敬爱的老师,在教师节的今天遥寄我的祝福,祝您平安快乐

5 . i knew it我早知道了。

6 . 怀念是生命中最无能为力的事。看着满心的疮痍,你以为你老了,其实那是你空了。

7 . I was born, you suffer; feed me, you bear hardships; fertility I, you bear the tired; teach me, you suffer toil; mother&#;s day, with my filial piety, wish mom happy with my sincerity, let mother liking Shun Yi, I wish my mother happy holidays

8 . Tian Dixia the teachers, you are not responsible for the dazzling stars, with your bright star that lit up each student&#;s soul, and bless you, thank you!(天底下的老师们,您们是天上耀眼的星星,用您们那明亮的星光照亮每一位学生的心灵,祝福您们,感谢您们!

9 . ive had it 我受够了。

10 . i speak english well 我英语说得很好。


1 . And then find a favorite person, so at eight in the evening to six points is happy, this is life

2 . im bored 我很无聊。

3 . 又是一年母亲节,妈妈,今天是属于你的节日,你辛苦劳累了一整年,真的太累了,无论如何今天一定要好好休息。在这里特别送上节日祝福:母亲节快乐!

4 . You are a GREat teacher, like others lit a candle burning themselves I wish you a happy holiday, take care of themselves!(老师您是伟大的,像一支蜡烛照亮别人燃烧自己。祝您节日快乐,保重身体!

5 . You dare not in the morning, to TA a commitment: I will love you for life

6 . 学而真用,是真学;知而能行,是真知;真学真知,是智慧。

7 . are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?

8 . 有人说老师就像天上的星星,虽然只是繁星中的一颗,并不是光芒四射的,但是就是以这种微弱却美丽的光始终照射在每个学子的身上,让他们能够拥有一个明媚的未来。他们就这样默默地用自己的青春付出着,相信自己的学子总有一天会有一个大好的前程。"You are like a third parent,We all love you and respect you"。您就像我们的家长,我们都敬爱您!俗话说“一日为师,终身为父”。老师永远都是学生在学校的父母。

9 . 人的主罪有二,其余皆由此而来:急躁和懒散。由于急躁,他们被逐出了天堂;由于懒散,他们再也回不去。

10 . 虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈!


1 . 无论闲忙,莫要把孝心传递;无论远近,莫要把心意表达。回家看看,尽尽孝心;打个电话,报声平安。母亲节就要到了,愿妈妈幸福健康!

2 . 我们身边总是太多让人陶醉的情话,太少可以依靠的肩膀。

3 . Return when the teacher is not tomorrow, not yesterday but is now - today "Happy holidays, my teacher!"(回报老师的时候不是昨天也不是明天而是正在此时--今天。"节日快乐,我的老师!"

4 . The ends of the earth have made, only Shien infinite period Bless you, teachers!(天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。祝福您,老师!

5 . There are always some miseries you will meet in your whole and strike you when you are unprepared, but we don&#;t need to worry day after day for the arrival of this day, and feel sorry to yourself

6 . "Indomitable willpower can conquer the world on any one peak," when you teach Lietu Pingci Today, I manage to life Teachers, your hard!("顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰",当年您凭此教导劣徒,今天我以此驾驭人生。老师,您辛苦啦!

7 . My child spaks highly ofyou,Thank you very much

8 . A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher 献上一份甜蜜又可爱的礼物给我最敬爱的老师

9 . have you finished? 你做完了吗?

10 . Stay in your forehead wrinkles, leave white hair on your head, years in your shoulders stay, smile to stay in your mouth, firm in your chest left Mother happy mother&#;s day, my mother I love you in my heart to stay!


1 . 想送您康乃馨,您总说太浪费;想请您吃大餐,您说外面没家里吃的香;想送您礼物,您总说家里什么都有。但有个礼物我一定要送:妈妈,我永远爱你!

2 . 当初一不小心,把你下载到我心里,而如今,它却告诉我"此文件已无法删除"。

3 . 母爱,是世界上最无私,最伟大不求回报的情感!母爱,也是世界上最平凡,最琐碎朴实无华的情感!母亲节,祝福敬爱的母亲开开心心,健健康康,平平安安,快快乐乐!

4 . Through so many years, I just know, I love you, my mother

5 . 在这样的季节,把我的真挚的祝福捎给您,愿幸福常在您身边。“满目清山夕照明”愿您老晚年幸福,健康长寿!妈妈,不论您在哪儿,那里就是我们最快乐和向往的地方。

6 . We all like having you as our teacher You have our respect and gratefulness 我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您感激您。

7 . Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。

8 . Night lights, illuminate your white hair, September your holidays, rest breaks!(深夜的灯光,照亮了您的白发,月日您放假,休息休息吧!

9 . 总有些事,管你愿不愿意,它都要发生,你只能接受;总有些东西,管你躲不躲避,它都要来临,你只能面对。

10 . 爱情,并非寻找旗鼓相当的对手。精英男人见惯了城府,见惯了廝***,反而更期待一个简简单单的另一半。能在那个人面前卸下防备,呈现自己最放松的一面。


1 . I never wanted to be your whole life Just your favorite part

2 . thats right 对了。

3 . its about time 是时候了。

4 . 管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

5 . The sun does not come out still sunny, stars in the blink of an eye still lantern Museum, rain without spilling still moist heart, flowers bud still spring beauties, life is not easy still sunny mood Happy mother&#;s day!

6 . This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness We all want to thank you 这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。我们大家都很感谢您。

7 . For his sorrow is on the toppest,he throws down the broom and rushes to his master&#;s room ,then he knocks on the door to plea for interview

8 . how are you doing? 你好吗?

9 . Dear gardener: Hello! Under the hard work you have made GREat achievements,桃李满天下 Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher&#;s Day!(尊敬的园丁:您好!在辛勤耕耘下您已是硕果累累,桃李满天下。衷心祝您教师节快乐!

10 . i would like a cup of coffeeplease 请给我一杯咖啡。

