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1 . Everything that is good is sure to be praised and everything bad is sure to be exposed

2 . The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room

3 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

4 . (addAtoB

5 . B 当宾语为反身代词时,不能变,如: (错 Himself was absented by him

6 . 克·吐温youknowsomebirdsarenotmeanttobecaged,theirfeathersarejusttoobright你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。

7 . Heraiseshiseyebrowsatthenews

8 . It was arranged that all the boys should go by bike and all the girls on foot

9 . 我变成了风走追逐着黑夜在疯狂的追着街想要在快速追逐的过程中刮走一切虚妄幻看着沿途贪婪的人们我愤怒的打在他们脸上但他们好似没有直觉一一如既往

10 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal


1 . Followone’snose(凭直觉,一直走,直着走

2 . Iworkthreejobsandfinallycanmakeendsmeet

3 . Whatisthis?

4 . You’regoingtoofar!Howcanyousaythattoyourboss

5 . 由于宾语的性质不用被动句:

6 . Forgiveandforget(不计前嫌,冰释前嫌,不记仇

7 . afriendwithoutfaultswillneverbefound没有十全十美的朋友。

8 . I’msorryIwon’tstandyouupagainYouhavemyword

9 . 不可说:The work was attempted to be done quickly 应当说:An attempt was made to do the work quickly

10 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite?


1 . haveceasedtolive(marktwain,americanwriter不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。((美国作家马

2 . YoursushilooksgoodCanIhaveabite?

3 . A:It’ssoniceofyoutohelpmewithallthemoving

4 . A:How’syourexam?

5 . YourparentsgiveyoulifeYoushouldn’ttakeitforgranted

6 . wonagain时光流逝,不可复得。timepastcannotbecalledbackagain时间不能倒流dontpartwithyourillusionswhentheyaregoneyoumaystillexist,butyou

7 . AlthoughIoftendon’tseeeyetoeyewithhimIstillrespecthim

8 . 一个具备平常心态,能够坦然面对挫折和失败的人,往往是因为他们对事物有一个正确的看法。他们豁达的性格,正是一种乐观的心态。无论遇到任何困难,都坚信能很快过去,保持一种乐观的心态来对待我们的工作和生活,我们会发现其实没有过不去的坎,工作是积极的,生活是快乐的。我还曾看过这样一篇文章,作者讲述了自已买车前后的心态变化过程。买车前他对开车的横冲直撞,乱按喇叭没有礼貌的行为颇有怨言和不满,自已买车后上路经常被堵,被别人夹塞,心情开始不好,脾气也大了,动不动就鸣喇叭,骂挡道的行人,过红绿灯别人起步慢了他也会大动肝火。后来一次交通事故后,他把车卖掉了,卖车后他感到轻松了很多,就象摔掉了一个包袱。他说有车的时候,有种莫名的优越感,总想别人让他,对挡道的人特别不能容忍,没想到一辆车居然改变了自已的脾气,连他妻子都说他像变了一个人。从上述事例我悟出一个道理:人要有一颗平常心态,我们不要过于看重那些身外之物带给你的光环,它会让你迷失自我,看不清别人也无法认清自已。所以,我们对人对事要有一种平和心态,善待别人,也就是善待自已,还能赢得别人的尊敬,这也是低调做人的要义所在。用韩琦的话说天下之事,没有完全尽如人意的,一定要以平和的心态对待,否则,连一天也过不下去。用平和的心态来对待生活中的缺憾与苦难。正如于丹所说,每个人的一生中都难免有缺憾和不如意,也许我们无力改变这个事实,而我们可以改变的是看待这些事情的态度。因而这里的平和首先是勇敢面对现实。承认现实生活中的不足之处,而不是把遗憾无限放大,如果你放大这种缺憾和不如意,那你将永远生活在阴影之中,长期困扰在遗憾中不能自拔,从而损害生命的质量。其次是通过自己的努力去弥补这种不足。放大遗憾的后果是什么呢?那就将如印度诗哲泰戈尔所说:如果你因为错过太阳而哭泣,那么你也将错过星星了。于丹说做一个勇敢的人,用生命的力量去化解那些遗憾,就是最明智的做法。

9 . The story will be continued in our next month&#;s issue

10 . Yougiveanexcellentspeech,Imeanit


1 . Addfueltothefire

2 . )基本转换公式:省略。

3 . amanisknownbyhisfriends什么人交什么朋友。awordspokenispastrecalling一言既出,驷马难追。dontputofftilltomorrowwhatshouldbedonetoday今日事,今日毕。experience

4 . 人活在这个世上,别随随便便对别人掏心掏肺,即便与我们关系再好,我们也要适当保留,因为我们永远不知道,对方会不会利用我们。

5 . He was killed with a bullet I was struck with an idea

6 . The Rosembergs were denied a fair and open trial Mr Smith was given a prize

7 . Aroundtheclock(日以继夜

8 . 请给爱的人发晚安,给不爱的人发好梦。

9 . 当某些动宾关系十分紧密不可分割时不能变被动句。这种组合中的宾语大多表示工具方式或结果,如:She leaned her elbows on the table He kept silence He took (made a flight The boy did not lose heart Nydia bowed her gratitude

10 . The task is reported to have been completed yesterday


1 . YouwillcomeandeatatmyplaceIt’sadeal

2 . It was deemed sheer waste of time arguing about it It was proved wrong to say things like that

3 . We have been greatly encouraged by Lei Feng&#;s example

4 . Morgan‘sAchilles’heelisthatheisnotbrave

5 . Ijusttwistedmyankle,Nobigdeal,don’tworry

6 . Youshouldforgiveagreenhandlikehim

7 . He got killed in the war The boy got hurt on his way home from work

8 . This story eventually got translated into English He got dismissed He got plucked He got drowned last year I don&#;t want to get mixed up with the police again

9 . 将来进行时 现在完成进行时 将来完成进行时 过去完成进行时

10 . 这类保留宾语的被动句中常用动词有:allow, afford, bring, deny, ensure, give, hand, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, return, tell, show, teach等。


1 . Turnbacktheclock

2 . CanIhaveabite?

3 . We are brought freedom and happiness by the Party

4 . Sheisagreenhandindriving

5 . Makeendsmeet(收支相抵)

6 . 人生是如此短暂,我只想对身边每个人好一点,人品以正直为贵,心地以善良为贵,都要真诚相待。一次两次,我不在意,恬不知耻,那就做陌路人。

7 . Ihaveheardsomuchaboutyou(久仰大名

8 . Youoweme(abigone

9 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire

10 . The gate was ordered to be closed at nine o&#;clock


1 . Ionlygotaticketforstandingroom,butit’sstillbetterthannothing

2 . 说明︰此句型意为“这(那)是什麽?这(那)是书(钢笔?)”。theenemylastyfriendwon’tevensayhellotomeTheyoftenbad-mouthedeachotherinpublic

3 . 你说你喜欢我,可我还在你的“我的好友”分组里面,你说你在乎我,可你从来没有给我打过名字以外的备注,甚至,我不主动便从来收不到来自你的任何消息。

4 . Raiseone’seyebrows(吃惊,震惊

5 . [附注] 表示被动行为的`施动者主要用by,但也有用with, 不过with已近于表示行为的工具,后面不能接人的名词,如:I was much impressed with the beauty of the music He is deeply impressed with your generous donation

6 . Allright!IwillfinishthereportforyouYouowemeone

7 . ——一切成功者共同的性格

8 . Don’tmentionitLet’sforgiveandforget

9 . It’ssuchagreathonortomeetyouIhaveheardsomuchaboutyou

10 . onthepresentatthesametimeheshouldbethinkingofthefuture一个领导者应


1 . Ohshoot!(糟糕,糟了

2 . aheroisknowninthetimeofmisfortune时势造英雄。

3 . Wecan’tturnbacktheclock,butwecancreatethefuture

4 . I’magreenhandIdon’tknowhowtooperatethismachine

5 . 结构︰问句:What+be动词+this(that?)?

6 . 被动语态的`言语或名人名句

7 . I’mgoingtoEuropenextweekKeepintouch

8 . All the roads were cleared of snow Education must be combined with production labor

9 . GoDutch(AA

10 . 不可说:He has been decided to be helped 应当说:It has been decided to help him It has been decided that he should be helped


1 . You’regoingtoofar!

2 . Ifyoudon’thaveenoughmoneyonyou,wecangoDutch

3 . E 当宾语是不定式时,很少转用于被动句。不宜说:To go is wanted by me或It is wanted by me to go

4 . Don’tbeupsetJustfollowyournose

5 . 如果你不想睡,还有我陪你

6 . Seeeyetoeyewithsomeone(和某人观点一样

7 . Imeanit

8 . B:ThinknothingofitForgiveandforget

9 . B:OhIblewit

10 . 有种自恋,是爱着自己的灵魂

